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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    How is everyone going today?

    I am on day 25, almost 4 whole weeks. After a hard weekend I have reverted back to my positive self. This coming weekend in Australia is a long one (Australia Day) and for the first time ever I have made plans without even having to think twice about where I was going to fit in my drinking. I feel so free not having to worry about making sure I get my quota of AL over the weekend. I don't think I have ever lived so much as I have during since I found you guys, certainly not since AL has been in my weekends.

    Wishing everyone a great day.

    ODAT - Thursday

    Today is a fail for me.


      ODAT - Thursday

      You will make it PV. That is what this thread is about One Day at a Time. I have failed many times in the past. Interesting name by the way.


        ODAT - Thursday

        Thanks my name is getting many comments

        5 beers, not a total blowout but a little disappointing.


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hi all ODAT'rs

          Well done Ezz, nearly a month!! Keep trying PV, that's all any of us can do and as Ezz said one day at a time.

          Beautiful sunny morning here, a bit cold but have just had a nice walk with the doggies. 21/22 days AF this month for me.



            ODAT - Thursday

            Still dark here...but I'm off to a strong start.
            Great job, ezz and rust -- love your resolve and positive attitude.
            PV, don't let a little disappointment set you back. It's done and tomorrow is right around the corner.
            Here's to an AF day!


              ODAT - Thursday

              hi everyone,congrats onthe 25 days,ezz,wonderful,no one fails,pv,its an accomplishment knowing you realize you have a problem,one thing ive lerned over the past year,is maybe the way is to slow down,or cut down ,for some is the only way,before totaly committig yourself to not drinking at all,Ive put a lot of effort and work into mine,drinking,never mind the money,i said it the other day,just look at one day,really its not that long,24 hours,and a good part your asleep or at work,i do wish you all well,by the way i stopped counting,i totally tried to stop March 7/1998,Ive ,again, many times since then,its been a roller coater ride,and again Oct,26/07, and again Jan 11/08,i lie many don't look at it as failure, growth and a new understanding,where my addiction could take me,have a wonderful day,I'm blabbing,thank goodness Ive got all of you to remind me gyco


                ODAT - Thursday

                Hi all, Thanks for the words of inspiration, Gyco. Congrats Ezz, and keep it up! PV, learn from it and move on. Just don't give up and you won't fail. Hi Ki and Rust! It's still dark here, no walking yet! But I must say, the moon is beautiful! It's a sliver of a crescent. It should give way to sunrise in the hour.
                Accomplishment: I didn't have to get up early and sneak downstairs to hide any empties in the bottom of the trash this morning. I'm looking for yet another AF day! ODAT.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  24 out of 32

                  I need to increase my number of AF days!!!!


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Well, it's nice to be back! After some crappy (literally) flu, then strep, I feel much better. We have a new family member. We got another dog as she didn't have a place to go. A beautiful 7-year-old cutie. We just love her.

                    ezzy - congrats on the new found freedom!
                    PV - it's only one day. Start again, we know the feeling.
                    rusty - awesome with the 21/22
                    hey kirova!
                    hi gyco - nice post!
                    dill - love the positive attitude.

                    I enjoyed another AF free day yesterday. I just feels so good to be over that flu, I feel like
                    myself again. And I'm the one who always brags to my family that I never get sick. Ha!

                    Take care,
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      I'm with you up north - having a rough month and I'm not sure why.......actually yeah, I guess it's probably because I had such a rough holiday and start to January.......aaaaauuuuuuugggggghhhhhh - okay, well at this point January is pretty much a write off but I'm committing to an AF February. I was thinking the other day about what I was like 4 years ago and thinking to myself - wow......I was a f@##$# mess! I've been on MWO for over a year now and while still not perfect - holy way better than I was! So I guess what I'm thinking right now is that I am learning more my triggers, learning more to control my drinking and finding it easier to have AF days - so even though this month has sucked for me in my current frame of mind, It's sure a lot better than I was a couple of years ago...........

                      Sorry for the rant, just thinking out loud!

                      Love you guys,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Good Day ODATers. I've had a few slips this month, 4 slips to be exact. Im trying real hard to finish out January strong and positive minded. I do not really count days, I try for progress, and not perfection, and that seems to work so far. I believe the way to success is about real change, changing attitudes, and being grateful everyday. Also keeping things in perspective. I know, easier said than done, and I am definately a work in progress.

                        Great job to those achieving your goals in 2009, and do not stop trying to those who feel like they are failing. You will only fail when you give up, and if you are on here, You do not want to give up!
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Hi there, ODATers!

                          Wow, ezz and rusty - you are doing absolutely wonderful! Kudos!
                          PV, hang in there... take it one hour at a time, if need be.
                          Kirova, love YOUR resolve!
                          Gyco... you make me dizzy! Do you ever breathe? LOL
                          Dill, I know what you mean about sneaking bottles in AND out of the house!
                          Upnorth - how are you today? I hope you're feeling better.
                          Be - so glad you're over the 'crappy' flu - love it, can I use that? LOL What kind of dog is your new cutie?
                          Uni... way to go... focus on your progress and plan to build on that!
                          Overit... I think you hit the nail on the thumb there (head, I mean)... I think it IS about real change... fundamental change in thinking, routines, etc.

                          Well, as for me... as mentioned in another thread, I am no longer counting AF days. I don't drink. I've really, honestly had enough. AL does not agree with me.

                          Oh... and I'm in my 3rd week without smokes now
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            Good morning all. Day 9 for me. The task ahead is for me to envision my Fri night without AL, and also Saturday. Weekends are hard for me. Lots of ingrained habits. I'll work on that today to get ready. Other than that, it's just a regular day. My mood continues to improve. It's getting hard to remember how depressed I was two weeks ago.


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Hi ODATers

                              Not doing so good with my battle with AL, but still trying. I wish my antabuse would get here already. Not giving up!!

                              Just wanted to say hi and wish you all a great day!!

                              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

