Does it get easier?
I quit drinking wine at around the same time you did it sounds like. My last drink was on Christmas Eve except for one glass two days later. I know what you mean about the psychological cravings; they can be a torment. They seem to some become much stronger when I think of drinking as something I might possibly do, rather than as something I definately will not do. They seem to go away when they "know" that you won't give in to them, much like some people

What has helped me is to keep my desire to be sober very clear in my mind and pushing away all thoughts of "maybe I could handle just a little bit." It seems to be more motivating to think in terms of the small positive consequences that are a sure thing, e.g. I'll feel more alert if I stay sober, than the ones that are only possibilities, e.g. My husband might leave me if I drink, I could drive drunk and have a wreck, etc.