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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Good morning ODAT'rs

    Thought I would start this thread. It's become part of my routine to check in every morning. A good dose of MWO sets me up for the day. Today I WILL STAY SOBER. I read on one of the threads you should not use negatives like I will not drink. Something about how the brain processes it.

    I loved what Overit said yesterday about striving for progress not perfection. That has been a problem for me. I wanted perfection and constantly bet myself up when I did not achieve it. I have been making so much progress since joining MWO and I intend it to continue ODAT.

    Have a great week-end everyone.


    ODAT - Friday

    Good morning

    Hey, Ruststop, happy day to you.

    Yep, the first thing I do every morning is come here for a kick-start and to check in. wish I could log on during the day at work, but our creepy administrator spends his days spying on people and reading our mail. What is his job description anyway?
    One more reason to get to the mall and buy a new laptop with satellite capabilities...

    Let's all have a good Friday and talk to you later.


      ODAT - Friday

      Hi Rustop.

      Still sober here. There are some light beers in the fridge that are very tempting, only 2.4%AL content, not enough to get drunk on. I do try to focus on the positives, like how good it feels adding up my days, how well I sleep, how great it feels to wake up without a hangover. Those beers are still tempting but they may be there a long time. My husband won't drink them, thinks they are a waste of time.

      Hope everyone has a great Friday. I really look forward to catching up with everyone's news first thing in the morning.


        ODAT - Friday

        Hi Upnorth. Another cross post, I seem to specialise in them these days.


          ODAT - Friday

          Good day, Ezz, Rusty, Up North and all to come! It's Friday! Extra vigilance required. We ought to make a t-shirt with that for a slogan! Hey, what slogan would you put on a t-shirt or coffee mug to inspire continued sobriety?
          UpNorth, that is creepy that your boss monitors your emails and internet activity. Big Brother seems to be everywhere these days!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            ODAT - Friday


            The weekend has come!! This week was not one of my favorites. Started with a root canal but other than that it just wasn't that great. Hey, I did get some emu boots off an e-bay auction though. Cost less than I would have spent on booze at past time. I think I'll wear them today.

            Everybody sounds nice and determined today. One thing that I have gained being AF and it helps me stay that way is respect for myself. It's very important to me and I nourish it and don't feed it crap like AL. My mug would say "I make good choices". Or maybe "I am in harmony with myself"

            Rustop, many factions (spiritual or whatnot) talk about the use of negatives and point out that focusing on what you do NOT want is STILL focusing on it. Very good point you make. I betcha it works!

            Have a peaceful, harmonious weekend
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Friday

              G'morning, ODATers.

              And on the 15th day, she caved... I think I've only had one AF day since.

              Today will be AF. My goal for the day.
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                ODAT - Friday

                Good Morning everyone!
                Rus...That is a great thought to use possative talk. I will stay sober today!
                upnorth....That is creepy! I think his job title should be 'nasty creepy guy'!
                Ezz.....way to go! Keep up the great job!
       are so right...Friday is usually the start of my binders....but not today!
                Green....Have fun in your new boots! Good for you for rewarding yourself!
                Everyone does sound determined today. Gives my a whole bunch of inspiration! Happy day!:yougo: I'm cheering for you all!


                  ODAT - Friday

                  Good morning all, have a great AF Friday!!



                    ODAT - Friday

                    Good Morning ODAT crew!

                    Yes, Friday is here and the weekend is at our door step. I'd rather scratch this week from the calendar but I don't think that's an option.

                    Rusty, I think you're right - I never thought of it that way.
                    Upnorth, I'd purposely send an email to someone telling him/her about the creepy lurker/monitor at work!
                    ezz... leave them beers where they're at... you've been doing fantastic!
                    dill... nope weekends are no worse for me than any other day... every day requires extra vigilance for me! I'd have 2 t-shirts. One for fun that says "Friends don't let friends drink... and go home with ugly men" and the other one: "Living free". Or something like that.
                    Greenie... EMU boots???? I want pics!
                    Savie... sorry you had such a hard time... glad you're back on the wagon as well. Hugs.
                    Blanchie... you are very inspirational yourself, my dear! You're doing great!
                    Morning Twosox!

                    Hopefully, I'll get a lot done today as it seems my weekend will be consumed with horses again! Not that I'm complaining 2 local girls are having a mammoth trail riding weekend planned and asked me to come along.... oh, my poor legs :H But I will waddle in here from time to time to see how everyone is. Happy Friday, for now!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      ODAT - Friday

                      Good Morning

                      Hi dear friends old and new. I am glad that I am back into posting on MWO and glad to see old friends. As some of you know I had a rocky road trying to get off the beast AL. Still just one day at a time and I pray I can stay off it. Savon, Good For You. It's a new day and a great one to start sober. Go for it. Warm Regards to all, Matt


                        ODAT - Friday

                        Hi guys,

                        Glad to hear everyone is doing so well - I too really like the "Progress not Perfection" slogan - I think that should be the ODAT motto from now on - lets face it - we are all doing much better than we were before we got to MWO and we need to hang onto that.

                        I had a rough night last night but I think today will be okay - I'm really busy at work and have a busy schedule tonight as well so I should be okay. Looking forward to a good, peaceful weekend.

                        Take care and have a great Friday!
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          ODAT - Friday

                          Here here, Uni.I keep telling myself that - doing much better than I was in the olden days.

                          The fact that so far, 19 days this month I DID NOT DRINK is such a achievement for me. I am really, really pleased. Kinda tired as I don't sleep well, but I think while drinking daily, I was carrying around an extra 10lb!!!! I am almost 10lb lighter now than my usual "preMWO" weight. Feels good. I never wanted perfection, I never wanted to be completely AF, just wanted to control and reduce the amount I was drinking. And this last couple of days, it has definitely been ODAT. I think yesterday was 1 hour at a time!!!! I'll see how today goes.

                          Glad it's friday actually - working too hard.
                          The best to everybody this weekend - I hope you all attain your goals for AF or Mod!
                          xoxo peanut


                            ODAT - Friday

                            Well Friday is over here and social circumstances dictated I should have 4 beers today to go along with the 5 I had yesterday. Not even a drop in the ocean compared to my normal drinking, actually since I made myself pretty sick last week I don't think I could even stomach my usual dozen or more beers. Starting to think maybe I've done myself some real damage, so I'm gonna try and get to a doctor in a few days (and be AF until then).


                              ODAT - Friday

                              Hi all, Day 28 for me AF. Can not believe it!

                              But I am running scared. I have a surf trip planned and I am really thinking, well a glass of wine on the plane won't be so bad. Oh then maybe a glass with dinner. But this does not work for me, I always fall into my trap, before you know it I have a bottle of vodca in my room and in the am before surfing, oh, a little splash in my OJ. God, how sick is that. One thing about surfing, I never think of drinking when I am on my board. That's GREAT

                              And in the evenings, it's kind of party, party. I do not know what I will do with myself. Can not bring my computer, only maybe check in at a cyber cafe. Maybe at the resort there will be a computer for use, I hope so, so I can stay in touch with you all.

                              I can read at night, but that's a lot of reading! I am not into journals so need some evening activities to pass the time till I sleep. The days are fine, filled with surfing and yoga. If anyone has any ideas......?

                              Well good going everyone for another AF day I wish you all:heart::heart::heart: THE VERY BEST.

