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13 days AF and I drank last night

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    13 days AF and I drank last night

    This was my first attempt at being AF in my life. I had 13 days under me.
    I wanted to go line dancing last night at this country bar. I knew it would be tempting and I gave myself permission to drink 1 glass of wine if I wanted. I sort of wanted to test myself to see. It was actually really hard to order that glass of wine. I couldn't spit the words out of my mouth. The bartender actually walked away while I thought about what I wanted to order. I know you all must think what a dumb ass I am forcing myself to drink huh? Dumb is right! But I am not going to be hard on myself. I am going to think positive.

    I did learn a lesson. I learned that the little quirk in my brain is still there that nags me to drink more once I've had one, but the Topamax I am taking has taken all pleasure out of the buzz. I ended up having 5 small glasses of wine over the course of 4 hours. I had a great time and yes I do regret spoiling my 13 day run being AF. But I am looking at it like I got a flat tire. I'm going to fix it and move along on my journey. I'm not going to get out and slash the other 3 tires.

    13 days AF and I drank last night

    Great Attitude!! This is a journey, not a destination (unless, of course, we give up) then we know the destination. Never stop fighting and revel in your AF days. Progress, not perfection.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      13 days AF and I drank last night

      Great words of advice. Thank you. I will remember that.


        13 days AF and I drank last night

        It's good you feel the topamax spoiled the pleasure of the buzz, and also that you didn't go tototally overboard either. Just consider it a minor blip, count your blessings that it wasn't worse, but don't tempt fate agian and just focus on the success you have had.
        no time like the present


          13 days AF and I drank last night

          Dido great attitude !!

          I like to think of it as a learning process. You didn't lose your 13 days AF. You tested the water.

          Good job on your 13 days AF!!

          AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
          Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


            13 days AF and I drank last night

            Hi, I did the same last night. I've had something like 13 days AF since 6th Jan and 3 days non AF (but only drinking 1 to 3 units on those evenings). Overall aim being to moderate. I went to a BBQ, I had planned it to be a non AF night which is fine. Had 4 glasses of wine there but what let me down is then when we came home I had another small glass of red and a small Grand Marnier!

            When I woke up this morning, I knew I'd been drinking the night before and amazing how I resent feeling a bit groggy these days. I just don't want to feel like that anymore and waste mornings or days feeling a bit crap.

            I feel a few more days AF coming up now.

            AC x x x


              13 days AF and I drank last night

              congrats who ,been there done it,your theory is good, as long as you keep a grip,you don't have to make excuses ,as long as you feel OK,and it seems you do, gyco excellent thread

