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Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

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    Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

    Hey Gang
    Ok, so today is Day 14 AF for me. I'm doing better. My good friend came over for dinner last night. We had some non-alcoholic wine. The red wasn't horrible but the white was gross. I wish there were more AF choices of seemingly adult beverages. Tonight will be the big test. I have to attend a very large company party where everyone will be getting drunk...except me. I am the driver for the evening. If anything is gonna test my willpower it will be happening tonight. So, please keep me in your thoughts. :h
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

    ~Red :h

    Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

    Red~ I will be thinking of you tonight, as I will be challenged in the same way- a girls nite out, and I don't have to drive.
    I am feeling good this morning, so I will hang onto /craving to feel the same way tomorrow.
    I plan to drink Soda and lemon, but I agree, I wish there was some fancier, not too sweet, adult beverages that feel sexy!

    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


      Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...


      Taking on the job as designated driver seems like a good idea. All you have to do is say "no thanks, I'm driving" Good luck.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

        I don't get it!

        I guess I don't understand the fake alcohol beer and wine thing (especially if they taste like crap!). I have to admit that I have never selected a drink based on taste.

        Yes, I drink/drank/have drunk simply so I could get buzzed. Well, not purposely smashed, even if that was mostly the end result. I drank so I could let things go,
        de-stress, forget, relax, unwind, feel the fuzzy buzz, forget about the rotten day, the coming home to a messy house because hubby watched TV all day...yeah, the buzz to forget.

        But truthfully, not because of the taste. Mostly drank vodka--would mix it with lemonade or OJ, tomato juice, whatever. Wine--didn't care what kind, what color, what price.


          Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

          I am not one for the taste either. I junked out on alcohol to get drunk.

          Someone mentioned on here before that they put their AF bevies into a wine glass. This way it feels the same to the hand which gives it some elegance; yet you will remain sober.

          I like that idea.... especially if you are out.


            Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

            In choosing not to drink alcohol, I also choose not to drink the fake alcohol substitute-stuff. Like upnorthgirl, I guess I just don't "get it." For me, drinking non-alcoholic wine or beer would amount to staying just one step closer to drinking alcohol, because it is based on the idea that the norm is for grown-ups to be drinking booze... which is a form of distorted thinking that can lead to relapse. It is not juvenile, or somehow "less-than," to drink sparkling water, or iced tea, or plain water with a wedge of lemon, or even to not have a glass of something in hand, when others are drinking alcohol... and becoming comfortable with that is (for me) a significant part of getting over the idea that alcohol is an important and good part of adult life...


              Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

              I drink lots of fake wine. FRE white is pretty bad. But Ariel is ok. I like sparkling pear juice a lot (found in the juice aisle next to the martinelli's), Brand name is Kristen or Krista or something like that. I add just a tad of water to it to make taste "dry" like wine. I've even given some to the spouse, who declared that the wine tasted a bit odd, but drank it anyway.

              In our house, a wine glass on the table is part of our dinner ritual, on the nights when we do a more formal dinner. Mostly this is weekend nights, or when we are celebrating. So the AF wine helps me continue a tradition without rocking the boat.

              All of the above has sugar in it which can increase cravings. I also drink a lot of mint tea and that seems to decrease cravings. Just my opinion.


                Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

                I have been given some non-al wine which looks just like the real thing. I find I'm actually too scared to drink it and only tried some at my mother's on New Year's Day. Was quite nice but I'm afraid I don't find any drink "sexy", let's face it alcohol never made me sexy - in fact quite the opposite although at the time I often felt I was being terribly sophisticated.

                Over here Asda supermarket have a lovely range of grapespritzers, they are refreshing and aren't trying to be wine. I also like cranberry or grapefruit juice diluted with soda or plain water. Last week I had a before dinner drink at a smart restuarant of tomato juice with spices.

                Don't worry too much, you aren't missing out on anything and you should find your desire to have "drink in hand" diminishes rapidly.


                  Day 14~wishing for more AL choices...

                  I also don't get the fake stuff. To me that's like drinking decaf - what's the point?:H:H:H
                  You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha

