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Day 7
Day 7
1 week. I can't believe it! I still have tonight, but I'm sure I'll make it thru it. How's everyone else coping with the weekend? I find myself a little depressed today. I don't know why. I think I'm just lonely. My vodka always cured that feeling. I need to go out and interact with some people. When I was drinking I isolated myself from the human race, and that's been quite some time. I really have no friends left. What a shame, and it's all because I didn't want anyone to know how bad I was. Sounds like I need to go to another AA meeting tonight. They always help. I joined the Elks and am waiting for them to call me to get sworn in. I noticed that most of them congregate around the bar every night. I joined when I was still drinking and said to myself, "Oh great a place to drink cheaply!" In essence I'm kind of leary of the place now, but it's about the only place I can go and socialize with people within walking distance. I haven't had a license in three years, had to move in with my sister, and still don't know anyone in this town. I hate it. In the past 3 years I met one man and he was a drunk. We dated and that turned out to be an abusive relationship. Made me drink even more. Anyway if I don't join the Elks I'm going to go stir crazy. I need some companionship. I'm going to just have to stay out of their bar. Maybe it's not a good idea, but I can't just sit in this house night after night having no one to talk to. Sorry I'm rambling on, just had to get that out. :thanks: for listening. :elk:Starting over again
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Day 7
ONE WEEK!!!! :wd: Hah! Bet you thought you'd never do it, huh??? YOU WAS WRONG SISTA!
Ok, how about joining a gym? Going to the library? (Mind you, I don't know how long they're open?) Perhaps swimming? (Public pool kinda thing?)... In ANY of those places you'll start talking to someone sooner or later, hun. And there's no bar involved
I'm really proud of you - so you better be proud, too!Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
Day 7
CONGRATS TO YOU. THere is nothing like this group of friends that take us through the Good Times and the Bad times. I can personally vouch for that!DLW
Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!
Yesterday is History
Today is a Mystery
Tomorrow is a GIFT
Day 7
Mary Ann,
On day 7 myself. I haven't been out of the house for a week either. Let's face it, it's cold and snowy out there so makes it harder to want to leave. But I am going to a movie tomorrow. It will be a treat to see a movie and remember what it was about.
I've also been trying to do some execises. Something to get the old blood flowing.
I also spend alot of time here., lots of good people.
Hang in there. Looking forward to day 8.AF since 7/26/2009
"There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.
"Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous
Day 7
Good job Mary Ann--7 days is awesome. I can understand the lonliness and isolation part (and I am married with kids!). I think everyone is right, keep busy, busy, busy. Take a class (I signed up for three grad level classes) exercise, write in a jounal. Also, I am volunteering at a soup kitchen--makes me realize how bad other people have it. There must be someplace by you that needs volunteers--schools, churches, shelters, senior citizen homes...doing a good deed lifts the spirit and keeps us busy.
And remember that we are always here..come talk.
Day 7
It's great your are on day seven :goodjob:
What a great mile stone ! I know loneliness and boredom for me are a real trigger to drink ugh! I think volunteering is a great idea. I don't know how big the town you live in is, but there might be a volunteering centre in the university or church (even if you don't belong, they don't really care) or the st. vincent de paul. otherwise, you could maybe try a gym or yoga class or maybe a book group? the elk club is great too cause i know they do alot of activities but i know socialising is tricky when it invovles a bar.
Be strong! if you need to chat, there is always someone around here at mwo. Good luck mary annno time like the present
Day 7
Hooray! A week! Mary Ann you still have friends. I rekindled mine and told them why I dropped out of sight. Welcomed back with open arms. Church? People would probably be happy to come pick you up. I've seen people here talking about walking in their neighborhood and thus meeting people. Look in the newspaper for meetings of clubs (hobbies). Keep up the good work!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Day 7
Hi Mary Ann -- isolation and loneliness are just a part of being a drunk. Funny, drinking seems to start out in the early years as a great social thing and ends up being alone and sad. I too lost lots of friends and contacts. We have to remember that it took us years to dig into that hole and it takes time to crawl out. In my case, I find myself opening up very slowly and risking being friendly to people is sort of know. In the back of my mind is the thought, "I am alone and I need a friend". Give yourself some time and don't panic back to the vodka. It gets better step by step. Lots of love!Matt