Usually I drink wine which I can't seem to control at all. Easily I'll drink 2 bottles within a very short time. If I don't have a second bottle and can't go out for one I will consume any other alcohol in the house (which there always is some as hubby is retired and drinks very heavily) until I'm ready to pass out.
I have had a problem with alcohol for as long as I can remember. My father was a heavy drinker who drank daily. I left home at 13 and shortly afterwards started drinking alcohol. I remember having to wean myself off of it in high school ..having mickeys in my locker... otherwise being the model student despite that I hid the fact that I was living on my own and working at a grocery store after school each night to pay my rent etc..
I seem to go through AF periods or times when I have no problem with it (quit totally each time I was pregnant and nursing my kids and when they were small and very dependent on me). Also when I need to step up and care for someone terminal or needy but can fall off and have a hard time getting back on track which is what is happening right now.
I work full time and have a good diet as well as play a lot of tennis. People generally don't suspect I have a problem but I do have a fatty liver and boderline BP problems that go away when I stop drinking.
This last round of excesses began about a year and a half ago when my MIL died and I'm having a nasty time trying to get it under control.
Went and bought the L-Glutamine last night as well as some Bach Floral Rescue Remedy (for anxiety) which helps. Also some essential sandlewood oil to try some aromatherapy.
So far so good today.
Tomorrow there is a party I am going to with some friends that involves wine so I'm going to have to try and decide whether to drink there as I am definetly going to go.
Anyway-I'm glad to be here and looking forward to getting to know some other nice people that share the same battle and goal.
