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    Wow, can't believe no one has started the Monday thread yet! Well, here I am and happy day to you all. Made it through the weekend and yesterday, Sunday, had a few thoughts about a glass of wine at lunch with an old friend. Had lemon water instead, then left the restaurant and walked several blocks to a coffee shop for more visiting.

    Thought on the way home I could stop and buy a little bottle, talked to myself all the way home (must have looked odd to the other drivers) and drove a different route. Got home, exercised, made dinner, talked to a friend. This stuff is WORKING!

    So, darlings, another day of sobriety is coming up for us all. Take care and keep smiling.


    Yes, we cross threaded! I put a suggestion in mine for all to use the one you started. Sorry for the confusion. Have a great day!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



      Good Morning Upnorth and Dill and those to come -- Good for you Upnorth, it feels so very good to beat the beast at his own game! Nice day in SW Florida where I am visiting to get away from the cold up north. Had lots of family visiting my condo yesterday and there was lots of wine flowing but I stuck to coke. Glad to feel fresh this morning. Hope you all get what you want today. lots of love,



        Good morning everyone, Had a great weekend. Woke up Sunday and today without a hangover! It feels so great! I pledge to remain AF today and I know it is going to be a great week....for all of us!
        Upnorth....You are doing so amazingly great! Be Proud!
        Matt, That is one of the hardest things about not drinking....being around a lot of people who are! Kudos to you!
        Dill, stay strong, you can do it!
        Happy day everyone!


          ODAT MONDAY


          MONDAY!! A brand new week to rack up success stories!! Seize it with both hands and hold tight!

          Way to go north, isn't it great when you do things like that and at the end of the day you smile and say "I really can do this!" Love it!

          Dill, blanchie & matt seem happy. Matt, at Thanksgiving I sat around playing games after dinner with my family who were drinking wine and had a blast. sometimes when I wonder if I can mod, I think "Why? I have just as much fun without it."

          Love your ending matt. I hope the same thing, so be careful what you wish for. And remember, "thoughts become things... choose the good ones."
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT MONDAY

            Hi everyone

            Thanks for starting us off Upnorth and what a wonderful post. You should be very proud of yourself. What a great way to start the week. Last week of January folks and it has been a good one.

            Have to go as I have a million and one things to do, will catch up later.



              ODAT MONDAY

              Good morning ODATers!

              Did someone say this is the last week of January?? HOLY COW! Where did this month go?

              Upnorth, proud of you girl, dill, matt, blanchie, greenie, rusty... you all sound strong and positive - way to start a new week!

              I know I said I wasn't going to count AF days anymore... but it's become somewhat second nature now. So, it's been 7 days since the mother of all slips and I noticed that it wasn't difficult at all. I really think something has changed since last week. Perhaps it finally clicked. Whatever it is, I welcome it, if it helps me stay AF.

              Have a great day all - may you realize your dreams and goals today!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                ODAT MONDAY

                Hi guys. I am so tired that I just posted this in the other thread. Sounds like everyone is going well.

                I messed up on my 28th day. Got drunk. Thought that I would be ok drinking light beer, you can't really get drunk on it but just having the AL in my system made me crave more. Didn't have anything today. Just got back from the fireworks for Australia Day. Amazing night with 2 very tired little kids. I am not going to beat myself up over it. In 6 weeks I have drunk only 3 times, which is a major improvement. I don't want another drink, it wasn't that enjoyable. Hopefully this time I can last even longer AF.


                  ODAT MONDAY

                  Thanks for starting the thread upnorth. Coming here first thing is such a good way to start the day.
                  Dill,mat,blanchie,eyes susto, you all sound so strong and positive and happy. What a great way to start out the week. Sunshine I think it's amazing that you are doing NF/AF at the same time.

                  Hoping all the ODATERS a great day.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    ODAT MONDAY

                    ezz-cross post sorry

                    Sorry you have to go through all the cravings again. I hope this is a strong positive day for you. You know er're all here for you
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      ODAT MONDAY

                      Sorry you slipped up ezz... but like you said... you've made huge strides and you are getting better and better at staying AF. I'm so proud of you!

                      Morning lilmea - hope you're having a fabulous Monday Ohhhh.. and btw... tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I quit smoking
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        ODAT MONDAY

                        Sunshine -- 3 weeks NF, you are on a roll. Good luck.


                          ODAT MONDAY

                          For the most part sounds like a good monday for most. ezzmae keep building on the positives because if you focused on the negatives they will eat you up.

                          On day 4 here of my new life. Called entire family last night to tell them I was an alcoholic, all were very surprised about it. All very supportive. This week its to outpatient care(Insurance covers it )
                          Hoping to find a good AA group or something like it.

                          Everyone here is great, I look forward to continued support, and giving support.


                            ODAT MONDAY

                            WOW PAW!!!! HUGE step! Congratulations! That rocks!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              ODAT MONDAY

                              Happy Monday all! Great news Sunshine, and sounds like a good launch Paw.

                              Day 13 for me and a very rough night last night. Bad dreams. Oh well. I got my hot tea this morning and ready to launch into the day. My sleep book says I need to exercise so I packed a gym bag today. We'll see if I get motivated to go to the health club in my office building, it's free. Good luck to all, and let's keep going!

