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    Free health club!!!! Take advantage of that. Good job on the 13.

    Thanks Green



      Hiya All,
      Ezzmae, I am originally from Oz where light beer is common, Here In Scotland you would be hard pressed to find any! it is seen as being rather ' soft ' to drink light beer here which I think says something incredibly sad about their drinking culture ( I love the rest of Bonnie Scotland! ). I am glad that you are not being hard on yourself for your slip as that was/is always the hardest thing for me when I am hungover..the guilt and shame. It's all in our mind , the guilt and shame do not exist in reality, you can't touch it and it is not written on our foreheads for all to see. I always find it hard to articulate myself here, hope it makes sense.
      Sober since Jan 17th 09
      Smoke free since 20th Nov 08 :H



        Made it through my third night. Doing okay.

        Good for you, Paw. That is a big, brave thing to do. I can't even make myself tell my husband. Good going.


          ODAT MONDAY

          Keep it up "time" day 4 often sucks. I consider myself lucky that hitting "bottom" didn't involve me killing, hurting or losing my wife/ kids. My wife is the brave one- SHe is supporting me through this. I think it will be harder on her, not really knowing if I truly am staying sober.


            ODAT MONDAY

            Hey ODATers!

            Sounds like it's a good day, Ezzy, you have such an amazing attitude. Paw, I'm so happy you told your family. It's fantastic. Yeah, day 4 is the worst. I hope it goes by fast. AF yesterday again, feel good today but don't want to face work. At least I have work so I shouldn't complain.

            Have a great day, everyone!
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              ODAT MONDAY

              Hi ODATers!
              Good start to the week eveybody?? Weekends are always a loss for me, not that I drink during the day, only late in the night once I am done everything, but i am succeeding on not drinking on work nights, so that's not bad. Tired today - dentist appt at 7:30am. And who said something about cold??? I am soooo sick of it - windchill warning today, only -32C but -44C windchill. I had to run to my building from my parking spot and I neglected to plug my van in - hope it starts later!

              Gonna try make the rest of the month of January AF!
              Best to everybody on this thread!
              xoxo peanut


                ODAT MONDAY

                Pnut, I am having the same pattern. Still have a hard time on weekends, but AF through the week. It's a process. Even though it is not perfect, I am happy that I am moving in the right direction for now. It's certainly an improvement over seven days a week! I'll keep at it! At least Monday am was HO-free for me!

                Everyone sounds like they are making good progress. I gain a lot reading your posts.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  ODAT MONDAY

                  Hi all

                  ezzmae; you have been doing very well so don't beat yourself up about it. like you said, it's best to focus on the postives and you've had a very good run at it and i think you've got the right attitude

                  healthy paw; wow, that is a big step. i really admire you! i haven't gotten to that point, not yet anyway!

                  sunshine; keep going strong! seems like that last episode really did shift something for you allrgihgt

                  good job everbody! i am just through day one again after stumbling on day five. but, hopefull will make it 5/1 and counting. see you later odaters
                  no time like the present

