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:upset: In need of some encouragement

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    :upset: In need of some encouragement

    Thanks so much.

    Guess I gotta switch into working mode again from the relaxing mode.

    I guess I let it slack a bit. I also forgot to mention that I pulled a muscle (ribs) playing golf about a week and a half ago. Golf kind of became my replacement drug and really enjoyed it. Have not been able too. Physio said I can try again on saturday play an easy round. hopefully that'll put me in the right mode again. spending some time outdoors with friends.

    Sorry for not responding individually but each of the posts mean the world to me. I try to make more time for popping in here again.
    AF since 15th March 2010

    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


      :upset: In need of some encouragement

      dont no where you get the honeymoon stage from,i found a lot of people here say thAT,others feel like there going thro hell, if there is one,net has a point,i watched an intervention last nt partly, the guy was 22 years old, half a gallon of hard Al a day.manic depressive,maybe im not a doctor, just a drinker,note i did not say alchoholic, he found when he didnt drink, life had no meaning,i think a lot of heavy drinkers feel the same, are lifes are surrounded by drinkers,i do beleive sometimes there should be a place we can go,not a treatment center,kinda like a never never land,where there is no sedatives,i no im dreaming but even in long term sobriety,the thot remains,a freind of mine stopped for 22 years, went back and almost killed to guys,nows he s stopped for four, beleive me ,sobriety is like drink, you will for the rest of your lives, think about it,is it a curse or a releif only you can figure it out im ramblin again to much time to reflect good luck J


        :upset: In need of some encouragement

        shit im probably scaring ya half to death hahaha


          :upset: In need of some encouragement

          haha. No I understand Gyco.

          The honeymoon period.... well I guess it's different for different people. For me, the first 2 weeks or so were hell. The first week combined withdrawel, unknown of cravings, thinking about AL every spare second. (for example even when I was drinking i handled myself well untill about 4pm and than the thirst kicked in. first two weeks of AL cravings would start from getting out of bed.), Not knowing what to do with myself, etc. Than after about 2 weeks I started to get into the routine of not drinking. Still battling with cravings but starting to well alround better. No hangovers in the morning and start copyin better at work, frinds and family noticing a difference in me. That was the start of what I described of the "honeymoon period". the advantages of not drinking were all of a sudden so clear that I felt like on a high. I started getting more sleep in, drinking more non alcoholic liquids, hence being well hydrated as opposed to running around dehydrated 24/7 (as we all know that's what al does). all leading to an allround good feeling. Lots of encouragement from friends and family liking the fact that I don't drink.

          Now I am coming to a stage where everyone seems to be getting used to me not drinking. Instead of the overwhelming differences in me not drinking, people start noticing again (or maybe it is me mostly) that even though there has been a change in me, some of the things they might have disliked in me or annyoing behaviour, etc. is infact not due to the fact that i am drunk or hangover most of the time but rather a trait of me and not just gone.

          Well that's the end of the above mentioned "honeymoon" period.

          I do understand what you mean though GYCO. I am sure that a lot of you might not have gone through the stage as they more realistic from the start, overwhelmed by their new life without al, not knowing what to do, etc. Maybe I did lack that realism but at the same time I kept myself well busy and distracted from some of these points.

          I think I know what to do. Starting mentioned this quite well. I need to know what I want to achieve now and work on it withoug expecting it to happen by purely not drinking. I need to get back on teh golf range, gym and start working toward that - feeling healty and well, get back on track and stop whining!!
          AF since 15th March 2010

          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


            :upset: In need of some encouragement

            You said people are noticing the bad things (well mostly me really).
            I think that's your issue right there. 48 days is a great achievement. You aren't perfect but nobody is. Try to be a better friend to yourself. Give yourself a break! Your sobriety may depend on it.


              :upset: In need of some encouragement

              Hi Johnny, just wanted to say sorry your feeling so crappy :upset: Wish I had something to write to make you smile. You cracked me up with your cheaky cricket comment the otherday !! :H Hang in there.

              xx Summer09


                :upset: In need of some encouragement

                Hi Johnny. I have also not been around a lot lately. Last week I was really like you, but I gave in. We both came here for help around the same time, but you have gotton to day 48, I am back on day 3 and I have drunk 3 times since I joined. That is a big achievement on your behalf. I drank on Sunday, it is now Wednesday afternoon and I still don't feel as good as I did last Wednesday. For me it was learning to live with the things about myself that I didn't like but without AL to numb the feelings. And these weren't even big things, but stupid things like wishing I would smile more, wishing I wouldn't worry about things, silly little things.


                  :upset: In need of some encouragement

                  johnny- first off let me say how much I always look forward to hearing from you.
                  Yes, the honeymoon may be over and the reality of life, who we are with our faults and insecurities and our scars may surface and be more than we think we can face. But remember that God made you-and knows what you can deal with. Remember that he will never give us more than we can handle. Who knows us more than our heavenly maker? Don't cloud your realities with Satan's lies of not being a good husband or father. You are the BOMB so go live like it, buddy!
                  Toughen up!


                    :upset: In need of some encouragement

                    Thank you all so much.

                    I am feeling more motivated today. I spent most of the day yesterday with wife and child and worked from home. I am not just saying it but all your comments really helped getting my motivation right again. I am switching back to working mode. I guess I got a bit lazy and forgot that change requires great sacrifice and work.

                    Ezz. Sorry I haven't been there! You did make it so far and managed beyond the dreaded weekends you were so afraid off. You proved to yourself that you can do it and I have no doubt you will.

                    BTW. I am just taking my morningly Antabuse again and will continue for a while. I think I am aiming for the 6 month mark before I even consider going off. Temptation just lurks everywhere.
                    AF since 15th March 2010

                    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                      :upset: In need of some encouragement

                      That is SO good to hear Johnny! Well done!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        :upset: In need of some encouragement

                        Hey Johnny -- so glad you are on track and taking your antabuse. I took it for 6 months or so and it helps a lot. Go for it.

