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    MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

    Well, group, shall we wrap up the month of January together? I know I'd like to hear from you all. I'm still plugging away. Many successes and some failures, but still moving forward. I'm at 17/26 days, which isn't great compared to others, but it is fantastic for me considering the number of years I've been a daily drinker.

    I'm hoping to finish the month on a strong note.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

    Hi Dill
    Thanks for starting the thread. I was wondering where everyone went. I did see your post on ODAT. Thanks for your support. It's been difficult but I'm not giving up. I almost lost my partner this past weekend but we're ok now -- getting tons of support.

    Physically and emotianally I'm feeling drained. Damn AL -- No drinking today.
    :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
    ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


      MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

      Hi All ---- Just back from holidays and I thought this thread had died. Glad to see it start up again. Now I have to! Back to another day 1 after having been at an all-inclusive. Drank far too much for someone trying to mod on vacation, but it was still probably less than I would have normally because I didn't want to have any embarrassing moments on this trip. A few family members did and I'm glad I wasn't one of them!

      However .... a new start. I will be AF for at least the rest of this week and then I'll take it from there one day at a time.

      Hope everyone has been well since I've been away!


        MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

        Hey Dill! The successes far outway the failures - so don't beliitle them. You're doing great. It's hard to go from drinking daily to not drinking at all, especially if like me. Drinking was my coping mechanism. I still crave AL when I get stressed, tired, or pissed off. These days I am STRESSED and tired from 5am to 10 pm. It just comes over like a wave, - my mouth will actually water...Thankfully I can cook now w/o even thinking about drinking, which is huge for me.

        Hey 1MC! Good to see you! Sorry you are feeling down today, I hope everything will workout. DO NOT give up!

        Hey New Day! You lucky devil, VACATION!!!! Hope you had a good time - sure sounds like it! I'm really jealous. However, that being said, vacation would likely mean a there would be an em-BARE-ASS-ing moment, but I'm working on it!

        I read alot of the posts everyday, just not much time to write. Always time to study, BLAAAHHHHHH! Today is day 27 - tomorrow is 4 wks. I just hope I can keep up this good fortune...

        Dill, can we talk you into keeping this thread going?

        Have a great day guys!!


        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
        -Alan Cohen


          MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

          Hey Cat and New Day
          Nice to hear from you. I haven't been around much so I really needed to be here today. I will not give up Cat. Today will be over soon and I'm hoping my spirits are better tomorrow. I second that Dill. I really enjoy this thread.
          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


            MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

            Hi 1more, Cat and Dill ---- yes, I had a great vacation .... little too much of everything ... food, wine, sun..... but it was terrific. Didn't have major hangovers, was able to not go overboard ... and only one day did I (as did all 15 of us) feel a little draggy and foggy-headed. That was after our first full day there .... so no more of that for me. Even got a day of golf in that I hadn't planned on.

            It's nice to be home though and made myself a lovely chicken/spinach/mandarin orange salad/red pepper/mushrooms/sliced almond salad with a big glass of milk. Gotta lose some weight .... I used to be very slim and hate this extra 20 pounds (10 kilos).

            More snow coming tonight to welcome me home!

            Glad this thread is continuing .... will see you all around!


              MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

              1MC, New and Cat, Good to hear from you all. I hope we hear from a few others. Has anyone heard from JAMMS?

              Hey, CB, tomorrow is 28 days for you! You make me proud! Great Job!
              ND, Glad you had such a great holiday. Sounds wonderful!
              1MC, I am glad you are here today. I know the feeling of needing to be close to the forums.
              Good night all!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

                Hi guys!! Kinda late here on tuesday night - just back from a swim and glad to see this thread. I worked 9 hours straight today and was pooped when I got home, but needed to get in the water just to clear all the flour dust out of me face!!!

                4 weeks Cat - that is brilliant. You must be so proud of yourself.
                Dill - me too, still pluggin' along here.
                New Day - I was thinking about you yesterday. I was wondering if you were missing in action because of your holiday. Glad you had a good time. But it is always nice to get back home and into some sort of eating routine, right?
                1more - happy to hear things worked out with your partner. Hope you feel better and have a wonderful day tomorrow - you deserve it!
                Jamms Jamms, oh where is Jamms!!??

                Hey - it warmed up tonight. It's only -7C out there right now - fabulous change from yesterday. Supposed to maybe go above zero by the end of the week. Oh hallelujah!!!!!!! I'm just not handling this cold very well this year! What a whoosie!!

                Best get ready for bed, put some extra-emolliants on my poor dry face.
                Talk to you all tomorrow!
                xoxo peanut


                  MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

                  Hi Pnut! Good to "see" you! How's the preparation for the race going? Maybe if you tell me, I'll get motivatied to get out and get some exercise too! My toe is good enough that I can wear regular shoes now, but can't walk fast or run yet. But I can find some way to move, even if it is just a stroll!
                  Hi everyone! Aside from this tiresome winter storm, today should be a good day! Let's all make it AF.
                  Today I will use my extra time (sober time) reading a book I've been wanting to finish, and working on a sewing project. I'm making a hand bag. I'll let you know how it turns out. I haven't used my sewing machine in quite some time!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

                    Hi Dill, hey Peanut nice to hear from you hope you're prep for the race is going well. A big hello to all those that will follow today. Well, after an awful sunday and monday, yesterday I was AF. I feel good about it today; physically and emotionally. I was hoping to to get my book yesterday when I got home but hopefully today. I want to be able to be well informed about baclofen before I see my dr.

                    Well, I'm not sure if my office is open today because of the snow and ice we're getting today. Hope everyone acccomplishes their goal. AF today for me.
                    :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                    ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                      MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

                      Good Day all ---- Nice that you're back Peanut! Yes, I had a great vacation, but now back to shovelling snow ... booo. I won't complain too loudly though because in 2 weeks I'll be on a plane to Australia for 4 weeks to visit a friend and her family like I did last year .... I'm sooo lucky! But this will probably be my last trip there for a few years ... I've run out of air mile points.

                      Cat --- I hear you about the cooking without AL ..... that was a huge trigger for me ... and now I do find it easier to prepare dinner with it ... I pour a diet tonic and lime now.

                      1more --- isn't it nice to be able to read a book and then not have to re-read the pages because you couldn't remember what you read while drinking! .... Or not even bother to start because you couldn't focus.

                      Here's to another AF day today!


                        MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

                        Good afternoon everyone...

                        Thanks for starting the thread Dill...

                        I have been extremely overwhelmed these days. Work has been crazy...we are working on grant deadlines like a bunch of crazy people....our center has submitted 4 grants to NIH and we are working on 3 more... plus... mid-terms...and hubby and I still can't kick this head it is hard for me to get here everyday lately...

                        I'm glad you've kept the thread going....

                        I will be back when life settle down.....

                        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                          MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

                          Hey everybody! Good to see everyone again!!!!
                          Dill, thanks for starting this up and YES! Let's finish out this first month together!! Everybody!
                          Cat, you are awesome! What an accomplishment! I am so proud for you.
                          Peanut, good to see you! Tell us about your training! I just KNOW that will get us all motivated!
                          New Day! So good to have you back!!!! I've been longing for a nice long vacate somewhere! I just want to be somewhere in the a bikini.........15lbs lighter!!!!!!
                          IMC, good luck with your Dr. appt.! I hope you feel better soon! Just keep hanging around here! YOu'll start to feel better, I promise!
                          Jamms!!!!! Good to see you! Take it easy and get well! Good luck with all you have to do work and with grants!
                          Ok yall! I've got 22 sober days so far this month!!!! I'm a little discouraged because I really feel like I'm accomplishing alot, but my weight is not moving and I am so sore from working my legs and butt yesterday, that today I can't do the cardio that I need to do!!!!!
                          BUT!!!!! I am trying to remind myself that I hardly EVER WENT 22 HOURS between drinking times before!!! For years!!! and to think of all the calories I've NOT had and the damage I haven't done to my liver this month......
                          I'm so thankful for all of that......I just want to lose this damn weight........(sorry for the vent....)
                          Love to you all!!!!


                            MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

                            USM, I hear you about the weight. I have not lost any, but, I am sure I am eating more junk, especially at night. Oh, and today for fun I made a blueberry pie. That sort of thing doesn't help! I whish you luck with the weight loss. Keep at it. Also, proud of you for getting those 22 days. I have 19, and like you, feel very accomplished. I was a daily drinker and was up to 1 1/2 to 2 bottles a day! So, I guess going 19 days AF is a huge improvement for me!
                            1mc, I'll be interested to hear about the baclofen, if you go that route. I'm glad you got an AF day in yesterday.
                            JAMMS, sorry you are dealing with so much stress. If I were doing all that, well, I wouldn't probably be able to be doing as well with the AF...
                            NewDay, I can't count the times I've had to re-read chapters in books because I couldn't remember a word of it!
                            I think we should have a party for Cat. Cat, do you want to celebrate 4 weeks, or the 31st of January? Or BOTH!
                            Congrats on 28 DAYS! :wow:

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

                              Yes New Day, it's great to be able to read and remember it. I actually have never tried to read when I over do it with the AL. I went back to look at my calendar where I keep my drinking track and I've actually been able to stay AF for 17/27 days (not consecutively of course) but that's a good start, at least for me. I didn't want to concentrate on counting days but when I look back it helps me realize I can do this. I've been trying since march of 08 when I joined MWO (with my ups and downs). It's been a journey that I will continue and pray that the journey doesn't involve the abuse of AL.

                              I agree we need to have a party for Cat, that's great Cat congrats. You're an inspiration. Jamms nice to hear from you. Sorry about all the work, stress and not feeling well. I know about federal grants, they're not pretty to say the least -- 3 of them? IMG good luck.

                              Well, it's almost time for me to go home and struggle with the ice. Hope everyone has a nice evening and accomplishes their goals.
                              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

