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    MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

    Happy Saturday, All!
    PEANUT, sorry you had a bad week. I did great all week until last night. Once again, disappointing myself. But, I'll be AF today. I can totally understand how remodelling a bathroom could set you off! We've got an old farmhouse and have renovated extensively. I think the summer of the kitchen was the hardest!
    Hope all have a great day and reach your goals.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

      Hey everyone
      Peanut sorry about your week. Hope you can get back on track this weekend. Dill, just get back on track and take care today. The past week shows that you can do this. Do you know what triggered your drinking last night? it's always good to look at those triggers and nip them in the butt. I know it is easier said then done but that's one of the things we have to look out for if we're going to reach our goal.

      I did pretty well after last sunday and monday so I'm feeling good!

      I got the book "the end of my addiction" so I have a lot of reading to do this weekend and then make a decision about the baclofen.

      I'm just listening to news and some 42 year woman was drinking and driving and killed a pedestrian last night DAMN AL. I just thank God I was never in the situation when I was young, stupid, and driving drunk. The thought of it just scares the s**t

      Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


        MWO PROGRAM START wk 5 -Jan. 26

        Renovations! --- I still shudder at the stress of doing the kitchen (about 4 years ago) and then followed up with the 2 bathrooms (but did them a year apart, had to have 1 functioning bathroom). So finished the major stuff and will not do that again!

        Day 4 yesterday, and did end up having one drink (a cosmo before dinner) ..... I'm on my own for 5 days while hubby is on a golf trip.... so normally I would have a private drunkfest. Totally surprised myself at stopping at that one drink and didn't open a bottle of wine. Could be because I was so sleepy after having been up since 3:30 am to drive hubby to the airport. Ended up going to bed at 8:30 pm. So nice clear head this morning.

        1more ---- I'm with you .. took huge chances when young (there wasn't the same education about drunk driving back then, but then that's not a good reason to have done it either) ... a colleague of my husbands did hit a pedestrian a number of years ago ... putting the man in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Was a horrible, horrible situation .... and he never took another drink ... but life for either was never the same .. so sad and so totally preventative.

        Sunshine --- hope you're bruises are feeling better.

