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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Good morning all! Taxes are never fun. Oddly, BML, I find business accounting to be a sort of puzzle that I like to get right. But also I'm very proactive and enter everything pretty fast, and always balance to the penny. In past years I've been behind, but now it's like my daily "bing" to have all the bookkeeping up to date. Good luck with your task.

    I'm doing good this week. I have a Dr. visit on Friday so I'm getting nervous about blood pressure medicine and cholesterol tests and stuff. But I'll probably get through ok. How did it happen that I turned 48? I'm choosing a new doctor this time, and from his picture on the web page he's like 20 years younger than me. Sigh.

    Day 19 today. On a roll.


      ODAT - Thursday


      Hmmmm.... you go doctor shopping online? Never thought of it... could potentially make visits to the doc much more pleasant! :H Oh there I go... visions of George Clooney again...

      Anyways, don't stress over the tests... they are what they are and I'm sure you are healthier for every AF day. Btw... 19 - that's awesome!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        ODAT - Thursday

        hello everyone :new:

        i found this site last night after drinking very heavily as i realised how sad i was just sitting in my front room drinking alone at three/ four in the morning - i cant even remember to be completley honest. thakyou to everyone who helped me. i have just lost another day of my life thanks to alcohol i'm shakey, cold and still hung over at 6pm. i have made a choice to try to stop - my friends have invited me to the pub and ive said NO!!! i know if i go i'll start again and not be able to stop. people around me seem to be able to control themselves and know when to stop drinking - this doesn't happen with me i seem to just drink myself into obliteration and i have no idea why. i have a good job, a wonderful boyfriend who is now prepared to give me another chance and generally a happy life - the only thing that ruins it all is the drink so i have decided i want my life back and to be in control. the first step is coming here and the second step was saying no. two small steps which will hopefully be the start of a new life. I WILL NOT WAKE UP TOMMOROW FEELING LIKE I DID TODAY. tommorow will be a good day :yay: hope everyone has a great day xx


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hi Shelly -- you describe me 5 months ago. I have been dry now for the 5 months but it is a struggle. But definitely worth all the effort. Come here every day and let us help you face this thing. It is a beast and deserves to be thrown out. God bless.


            ODAT - Thursday

            Welcome Shelley and :goodjob:

            May I make a suggestion?? (Don't matter much if you say 'no', I'm gonna say it anyways! :H)

            i have made a choice to try to stop
            Kindly rephrase that to "I have made a choice to stop"

            Best of luck, dear - stay close!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              ODAT - Thursday

              yes!!! i like your phrase much better sunshine :thanks:


                ODAT - Thursday

                Morning ODATer's,
                I had such a sucky day at work yesterday, My boss ( otherwise known as Saten) told me I should quit if I can make budget for the month, he said it twice in the conversation, its not my job to make sure we hit sales targets its the Floor Managers (i'm the Admin chick & I'm good at my job), but he's usless, so I do it, he may have been joking but in this economic climate SOOO NOT FUNNY. I was so upset, I went into my office to keep working & then I couldnt stop crying, I was so stressed.
                I went upstairs to the Admin Manager & told him, he rang HR for me who were appalled - long story short - he cant fire me for not hitting budget espically as its not in my job discription, but they are not happy as its not the 1st time it come to their attention how he bullies me, so they spoke to my General manager who will be speaking to my boss about it, funny thing while I was upstairs he rang the Admin manager & said he has emailed our General manager as "he might of said something that I took the wrong way".... whatever he knows he is in the wrong big time......, i got a glib appology from him when I got back to my office, but he tried to weasle out of it by denying what he said.
                All I wanted to do last night when I got home was get a bottle (ok two bottles) of bubbly & get on it, I couldnt even come here & vent I was to wound up, so mindfull of my descision to moderate, I had one small glass of red wine, (no temptation to binge with red) as I cooked a nice dinner for myself, then rang my best friend & cried over the phone to her, so I feel sucessfull in that I realised I wanted to drink, the trigger was being upset & angry, but I didnt give into the need to numb what i was feeling by getting trashed, I went o bed & sober - still a bit upset - but SOBER.
                any way hope all have a great day, i will check in after work,
                Progress, not perfection!!!
                A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  wow witchy. that was tough indeed. your boss sounds like a w***er (excuse the language). He also sounds like he knew pretty much right away he blew it and was trying to weasle his way out of getting himself in hot water. but yes, let us face it, in the current economic climate, it is so not fair to be going around and saysing stuff like that to other people, particualrly people who are your underlings.

                  but it sounds like you handled it in the entirely right way on several fronts. first of all, you didn't blow up at him but went the appropriate routes in your place of work. and you didn't go out and get hammered, which would have made things WAY WAY worse, as all of us here know only too well.

                  so, sorry about the jerk for the boss, but well done you for how you handled yourself and for not going out and getting toasted. I am sure it was very hard to resist. Stress and anger are such HUGE triggers. So right on witchy!
                  no time like the present


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    I am still at work..letting my car warm up b4 I go get my son...just wanted to report the craziest thing..SWEAR it really happened. So I got a six pack of beer last night, not because I really wanted one...seriously the "craving" wasn't there..don't know if it's all in my head...but I'm goin with it. ANyway...opened one...drank it...took an HOUR!!!! I can usually polish off 4 or 5 in an hour "if I have to"--I swear I'm not bragging I think about busy with my son, totally forgot about it..walked by it on the table (wasn't carrying it around with me AS USUAL!!!) took a couple ready for bed and ended up dumping the 2nd one out.....WTH!!!!!! That has NEVER happened!!!! I went to bed WITH beer in the fridge!!! I am not trying to go AF...yet...maybe in the future, I want to go with moderation...just so I don't beat myself up when I do have A beer, but instead and be happy for an accomplishment that hasn't honestly happened in probably a year and a usually is anywhere from 8-12 beers a night...disgusting, I know!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      ODAT - Thursday

                      That's awesome, SD!!!!

                      What do you think brought on this change? I forget, are you taking the Topa?
                      Do you think it's the CDs.. did you try them again?
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Honestly I have no idea...I just feel soooo different...and I can't even explain it. Today was my first day of it wasn't that last night...I seriously don't know??? It has to be the supps and CDs...been doing those since Monday night. I do feel more drowsy during the day...not like hungover drowsy more just feeling very tired...around noon?? Dunno. Don't care...better than get freakin wasted every night
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          ODAT - Thursday

                          I was like that the first week on supplements... very VERY tired. By about 2pm I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore! That's kinda when I stopped taking the supps and I haven't really got back into it yet. I may wait until I stop the Chantix (another 3 weeks or so)

                          So, you like the CDs then? I remember you saying the first time didn't do diddley for you?
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            WOW! Can you tell i want to drink now?

                            Very busy night tonight on the MWO line. Craving bad--so here i am..
                            DILL--I know that quilt pattern but never related it to me/us. How funny. I think quiliting-or any activity that occupies us--is a good idea. Could you post a picture of the finished product later? I would love to see your work.

                            Sunshine--Oh, yeah, I would seriously pay your airfare to come and kick some Administrative butt. Bring a coule of those enormouse horses--we have lots of horses asses where I work so they should feel at home. And--what's with the walking--isn't it like 100 below or something there??? I don't think weight loss is THAT important, really. Anything below 70 is horrid to me.

                            Shelly--STOP! You can do this. Log on as often as possible.
                            BMe--my husband does not plow for $--just a nice guy. tThough some of the neighbors have given us tickets to sporting events (yawn) and such..

                            Witchy--sorry to hear your boss sucks also. What's up with that? Do you have to have a Masters is Asshole to get ahead?

                            Skinny---what is a w***er? Is that like a fu**er in America?

                            SD--One hour for a beer is an improvbment, yes? m As soon as you know will be one day, one week, one month.

                            OKAY! In case no one figures it out--I SERIOUSLY am craving a drink right now. It is Thursday night, hubby gone, my best drinking night. Keeping busy.


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Hi everyone and welcome Shelley.

                              After binging on Sunday I had a drink on Wednesday night. I had 4 bottles of beer and felt very delicate all day yesterday. I was feeling very weak with regards to AL but I think now I am back in the right frame of mind. Hubby brought home some beer yesterday, which is still in the fridge, and I have no desire to drink it again. I think I said before that I don't drink in times of difficulty, only in times of calm and happiness (which being a happy person is most of the time), and right now we have just removed our biggest financial headache and I was afraid that I would start drinking again now that all the worry has gone away. Right now I am chanting in my head, I will not drink this weekend, over and over again.


                                ODAT - Thursday

                                UNG, I don't think the drunkards path was ever meant to be a project to keep someone from drinking. I may have to research it and see why it was named such, if I can. I just know that when I saw it and learned what it was called, I knew I had to make it!

                                I scraped through yet another day AF. Well almost there and I should be able to close out the evening without caving.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

