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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all you ODATers!

    Am here early this morning so decided to start us off on this rather grey Thursday (in the UK anyway). Any of you have warmth and sunshine please let us know cos we miss it!

    AF yesterday and the plan today is I will not drink today - hubbie has job interview tomorrow so we have made a pact for a hangover free zone so he can be as sharp as possible. He's been made redundant and finishes his notice on March 18 so needs to find something to keep us all in the abject poverty we've become used to.....:H But trust in the Lord he has a plan for all of us if we'll only let him get on with it.

    Hope you're all sticking to your plans and struggling on.

    Love to all to come


    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi Mad Mummy and all to come

    Horrible day here too but managed to do a 30 minute walk. Hope all goes well for your hubby, Mad Mummy. We are living in hard times but those of us who remember the 80's know that we will get through it.

    Am gradually working my way through a ugh list. The kind of stuff you dont like doing and keep putting it off. Lots of things crossed off this week so I guess I had better keep going at it.

    Did not drink last night either and wont today. Hope everyone reaches their goals.



      ODAT - Thursday

      Good morning!

      Happy Thursday morning, everyone. It is near freezing here this morning--again--with icy winds and more snow to come. Yesterday we got an additional 6", bringing us to about 55" so far. My poor hubby spends half his time outside snowblowing sidewalks for us and many of the neighbors (nice guy) but I fear the fumes may cause brain damage :H

      Yesterday at work was horrid--as usual--bosses skulking around spying and trying to find people who weren't "giving it 110%" which means taking a few minutes to pee or sit they can write you up. I think they have been ordered to reduce staffing for economic reasons, and rather than doing the right thing and just laying off people, so they can get unemployment, they find ways to list infractions and fire you! Have already fired 8 people this year on totally fabricated and trumped up "charges" so needless to say everyone is walking on eggshells. A-holes! We are all still trying to figure out their job description, other than training for covert CIA assignments; they have spying and stalking down pat!

      It is days like this that make me want to drink to forget it--but I will NOT let them have that power. Sometimes I hope they do fire me--I would move somewhere warm, live in a trailer and work at a shop.

      I did well, though, and had a lovely dinner with hubby and kids, then all the girls went to the cinema. Slumdog Millionaire--excellent. Also just finished a good book called Fall on you Knees, Anne Marie MacDonald. The father develops an alcohol problem which leads to horrific events. Today's count for me is: 8/30/38...will rack up one more tonight!

      Anyway--the nest looks bare so far this morning. so I will check in after work--can't do it during the day, spies, you know!

      Hugs to all and stay strong!:h


        ODAT - Thursday

        hi mad mum, rust, and upnorth girl.

        had a baaaaaad night list night :upset: bummer. so it is back to the drawing board to me and boy am i pissed off at my self. that makes it 8/2 days (that means two days drunk out of eight but hey, who's counting, besides me!!!)

        pick myself, dust myself off. the worst thing is how it effects my husband. last night he said to me how sad it makes him how he has no one to talk to about it, and this really makes me feel bad, because he is such a great guy who loves to talk about his feeling about everything else!

        anyway, going to aa tonight. hope
        no time like the present


          ODAT - Thursday

          Good Morning ODATERS.
          I think I am back to Giddy! Things are great here. It seems like everyone around me is brighter when I am sober. My husband and kids are Giddy too!
          Upnorth...that place sounds horrid. I really hope you have the chance to get out of there and find a peaceful place to work. I know what it is like to work in a negative invironment. It really affects your moralle badly. Good for you for not giving to the alcohol!
          Skinny Cow, Sorry you had a bad night. You have a great attitude about it and that is what will get you thru. You are doing great! Lucky for you to have a husband who is so sensative to you. Maybe he can log on to the forum here under the category for family members? Keep your chin up and have a GREAT day!
          Everyone else to come.....Happy Day to you too!


            ODAT - Thursday

            Good morning ODATER's

            Mad-I actually had to quit my job 2 mnths ago due to health reasons. I had planned to work at least 8 more yrs. befor early retiment although hubby is retiring in April. That has mad for scary times for me. But like you, I have to trust the Lord has a plan for me.

            Rust-good for you on the walk. I'm not sure I would be so dedicated if I had to go outside in the cold and all the snow. But I do have a treadmill and this week I have started 2 -20 minute sessions a day on it. Looking forward to the day when I look forward to my exercise time. (make it soon PLEASE!!) lol.

            Upnorth-Good for you. Not letting those CIA agents have any power over you and your decesions. You rock girl. Stay strong.

            Skinny-Sorry you're having a hard time right now. This is a process and it really is ODAT, sometimes one minute at a time for me. But you can do this. I know you can.

            Well time to get out of here. Hoping all my fellow ODATER;s a good and AF day.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              ODAT - Thursday

              Hey ODATers, 18 degrees F here and schools are closed again because the roads are pretty bad. I'm really feeling the cabin fever. Haven't been out in two full days, now going on 3. Might have to get the 4 wheel drive engaged today.
              B-boo, I am really happy you're doing so great! I am on day 4 and although I have some tough moments, overall, it's a great feeling. I've been able to do things I would not if drinking, like sewing projects, crochet. Oh, you guys will get a kick out of this: I'm putting together a quilt top. The pattern is called "the drunkard's path"! LOL It's actually pretty difficult, so you can't be drunk when sewing! I tried it a few nights ago and had to take all the stitches out the next day.
              Skinny, sorry you are feeling poorly, but you do have the right attitude. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and MOOOVE on! I have 19/28 days AF this year. Unbelievable progress for me! Love that chardonnay, too much.
              UNG, I feel for you with your work situation. I feel SO lucky in mine. I work hard, but also have fun. Lots of good colleagues to interact with at the various places I go. Big Brother is not watching me. Thanks for mentioning the book. I like to read those types of books, too. I'll see if I can find it at the library.
              Rusty, Good for you on your AF night and your 30 min. walk. Isn't there any snow where you are? What's the weather like? I remember the 80's and you are right, we'll survive! (Was that an 80's song?) But, I have great fear that with this current leadership, we're in for a bumpy ride. They seem to be wanting to spend like drunken sailors. No offense to sailors!!!
              Mad, I like your plan. I think it's great that you and hubb are into teamwork on this! Thanks for starting the thread today.
              Happy AF all.

              Oh, found this perfect link, Rusty. Listen to the news played in the background, if you can.
    [/video]]YouTube - I will survive - Gloria Gaynor

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                ODAT - Thursday

                Lil! Cross posted, I guess. Hi to you and hope you have an AF day. The weather is helping with that, eh? I guess it's the one good thing about all this snow: can't get to the wine store! Nothing in the house. It's all good. I'll be thinking of you at the witching hour!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  Good Morning ODATimers, sorry that folks are struggling with jobs and health. I hope it all gets better soon and that we find that we are AF and better able to cope. You have my best wishes and God bless.


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Morning gang!

                    Mad, Rusty, Upnorth... good to hear you guys are keeping strong! Mad, I'm so sorry about hubbie's job... and you're right - the 80s were a b*tch, but we got through it, right?

                    Upnorth... want me to come kick some butt at your work? Just say the word! *pushing up sleeves*

                    Rusty... ohhhh, the 'ugh' list I got one, too... hidden. I've been really terrible about filing, etc. I should follow your example. Tell me how it really isn't so bad and makes you feel good and is just the highlight of your day. Lie, dammit! :H

                    Skinny, so sorry you're struggling But your count 2/8 means that you had 6 AF days... hey, that's something to hold on to and build on! Let's make today AF, ok!?

                    Blanchie lilmea, an dill.... you guys are so determined and positive... love it! It rubs off on everyone else - thank you! Dill.. hehehe... we want pics when that drunkard's quilt is done!

                    And now, I shall deliver good news to my pooch... we're heading outside Just a half hour or so walk... perhaps that'll make me feel better (I know it'll do wonders for him! :H). Since giving up drinking and smoking, I'm eating ALL THE TIME. I usually put on a few pounds in the winter... but I'm past a few pounds now.. like over 10lbs. I HATE IT. I feel SO uncomfortable. Mr. Wonderful is away next week and I'm thinking of attacking my weight really aggressively next week. I don't care if I take pills or meal replacements - I just need to take a few pounds off. And yes, we go to the gym 3x a week, plus I spend Sundays at the barn and riding - so a fair amount of exercise there, too.

                    Anyways.. happy day to all and all to come - stay warm and dry and AF!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Me too, cross post... Good morning Matt! All is well with you?
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Mad mummy, it?s pretty sunny here but cold. That?s ok, I?ll take the sun any day! Congrats on the AF day yesterday and good luck!

                        Rusty, I remember the 80s well?yuck. My ugh list is so long I?ll have to micro list it into managable pieces.

                        Upnorth, my HB?s out plowing as we speak. Not a lot of $$ in it but better than nothing. Work sounds like a nightmare for you right now. I feel bad for you, what an environment to be in. I can?t wait to see Slumdog!

                        Hang in there, skinny. Make it 9/2, ok? I?m rooting for ya.

                        Blanchie, your enthusiasm is addictive, LOL!

                        Lilmea, you put me to shame with the treadmill. Today is my day, 20 minutes or I get no chocolate!

                        Dill, good luck on day 4, my hardest day. I crochet too! Same with the damn chardonnay.

                        Hey matty!

                        Eggy, goo for you for getting outside. I?m just too much of a whimp with over a foot of snow and wind and cold. I loved it when I was 12?wish I could recapture THAT zest!

                        I?m caught up with work so am tackling taxes for two businesses again. I hate it but I?m going to put on some good music and get in the mood and feel good about progress. I?ll also be on here for needed breaks.

                        Take care,
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Good Day all ODATer's ---- I seem to be last to check in ---- love my coffee and newspaper before turning on the computer! Our winter storm finally ended last evening.... but I think there may be more snow coming over the next few days. After doing the last shovelling last night I was tempted to sit with a glass of AL to relax, but instead poured a pomegrant/blueberry/club soda ..... and it was delicious! Had 2 of those and felt so good that I resisted AL.

                          MadMummy --- holding good thoughts for you and hubby .... these certainly are scary times. Even for us in a not so bad situation (except for investments ... hubby had planned to retire soon, but not now with the losses we've had) ..... you just never know what the near future is going to bring.

                          Upnorth ---- I feel for you working under those circumstances .... I'll bet the spies are also being watched closely by their superiors too .... everything trickles down. Stay strong and know that we're all here for you to vent to.

                          Getting my butt to the gym now .... trying to lose some it there! LOL!

                          Will check in later on in the day. :l


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            Ughhhh, Be.. did you say TAXES??? *** shudder ***
                            New day... have a nice new day! LOL.... Enjoy the gym!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Yup, taxes for 2 businesses. I just finished March 2008. I'm on a roll, ya hooey!
                              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

