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reasons to stop

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    reasons to stop


    for some reason i feel like this will help me and maybe others.. i'm going to write down all the reasons why i want to stop binge drinking. so here goes....

    1) waking up in the morning feeling physically and mentally drained.
    2) waking up in the morning and realising i'm sleeping alone because i've pissed of my bf so much he is sleeping on the couch.
    3) worrying about what i might have said or done whilst drunk and i cant remember. have i lost friends? have i damaged things in the house? have my neighbours heard me shouting and screaming again?
    4) losing things whilst drunk e.g phone, keys, purse
    5) spending all my money on alcohol
    6) wasting days off from work just moping around with a hangover
    7) putting on weight
    8) having to hear embarrassing stories about my drunken behaviour - no, me falling flat on my face (again) is actually not very funny its really quite ridiculous
    9) ringing in sick at work due to being hungover
    10) the guilty feeling
    11) the things i put my boyfriend through when i've had too much - shouting and swearing at him - its not fair.

    there. i feel a bit better now!

    reasons to stop

    Yes, all of the above and then some. I hear you. Ditto. :elk:
    Starting over again


      reasons to stop

      check out the thread 'what i hate loath can't stand about alcohol' in the monthly abstainers section. it is totally awesome and my gawd you will recognize yourself in it!! i certainly did and added a few myself
      no time like the present


        reasons to stop

        Being more productive during the day and enjoying what I'm doing.
        Getting my sense of humor back.
        Being kind to my poor body that I am lucky to have.
        Becoming me at last.
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          reasons to stop

          oh, and i spent most of my holiday asleep in the daytime due to hangovers. not this year i'm gonna get me a tan and get out in the lovely sunshine:beach:


            reasons to stop

            Lots of good reasons, thanks. I hate the shame, being sick, the anxieties, the depression. I hope that I can remember to hate AL, forever.


              reasons to stop

              top this

              How about.......being so drunk that as a "tip" to a generously pouring bartender" I apparently gave him (okay, he was hot) my debit card number and PIN? Ummm....duh? Seriously, don't even remember it. But i do remember the bill for the iPod he bought.

