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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Sorry guys that I haven't been around - have had a busy week.

    Trying to figure out my love life sit - maybe you guys can help?

    He is soooooo damn sensitive - not in a good way - I swear I could blow up his house and that wouldn't be an issue but park behind his car?????? look out....

    It's all little things - 3 years later I am sick of fucking arguing over little stupid piss ant things.......sorry for the language.....very frustrated.......we are planning on buying a house together and honestly, I am second guessing that right now. I love him and he is wonderful to my daughter but I just can't handle these weekly arguments over stupid things........they are killing me.....

    Help......advice, your thoughts......I do love him - do any of you relate?
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Saturday

    hiya odaters

    universl. that is a tough one. three years is long enough to know what a person is like, and if they are the sensitive type. certainly buying a house together is a very big step to take, particularly in these crazy times. have you tried talking to him about his short triggers? cousneling? am i insulting you with suggesting the usual suspects here? All i would say is think carefully before taking such a big step as buying a house because it can be so dang messy if things don't go well. I don't know how difficutl your situaiton is, but i really hope it works out for you, truly sending you good thoughts!:l

    hope all you other odaters are doing well. going for a run today. it'l be day three today and 11/3 for me but............

    i'm going over to a friends for a sex and the city night tonight which means drink booze drink booze! sooooo what i am thinkig to avoid all the awkardness is making myself a baily's with lots and lots of ice and topping it off with some milke and trying to nurse that for the night cause i figure baily's doesn't have that much al in it,mostly just sugar and cream. what do you guys and dolls think? really don't want to wreck my roll?

    anhoo hope all is well in abland! toodles. good lukc univeral!
    no time like the present


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hi everyone.

      Uni - I have no real answers. Will ye both drive each other mad in the future, or is it just a phase.

      SC - for me AL is just that AL. I thought last week that I could get away with having light beer with only 2.7% al in it, however, once my body got the AL it craved more and more and more until I couldn't take anymore.

      anyway, wishing everyone a great saturday. Sober here, and planning to stay that way. Day in almost over. I am back into my sober mode and I know I can make it longer than Day 28 this time.


        ODAT - Saturday

        Hi all ODAT'rs

        I have not much advice Uni except to say all men have their quirks, you just have to decide if you can live with them or not. Hard one I know. How about living together before you buy?

        Skinny, how about bringing some AF beer with you. As Ezz says once you get the taste of Al in your system you crave more. I find the AF Becks quite good. You sound good Ezz, once you get on a roll of AF days it does get easier.

        Everyone else big hello and have a great week-end.



          ODAT - Saturday

          AF Becks. Where do I get my hands on it? Does it take the edge off or does it make you want the real thing? Bet they don't have something like this in Australia.

          And I have just realised that I only drunk twice in January, and only binge one of those times. A big improvement on previous years.


            ODAT - Saturday

            hay ODATer's,
            I wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support & wonderful words about my situation with my boss, it helped keep my on the path.
            Uni, men really are from Mars, & we are from Venus, we speak the same language but interpret it very differently, are you arguing about the same things every week, or it is something new??? if it is the same thing then maybe you could have a conversation & come to a compromise about stuff???
            Ezzy you are sounding very positive. its is always good to sit back & look at our acheivements, & be proud of how far you have come, that is what keeps me going, how far i have come from were I was.
            anyway to all ODATers to follow, hope everyone is staying strong & meeting their goals.
            Progress, not perfection!!!
            A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


              ODAT - Saturday

              hi uni.skinny said it, a house is a big youngest daughter has gone thro the same of recents,7 years with guy,split up over communication, he lied to her once to many tmes,wise old man,no ,33 years ive been married, and yes my wife is the quiet one,mostly,ivelearned over the years it takes 2 to tango,thats what relationship is about,as far as his temperment my oldest boy has some issues he has to address,anger management, short fuse,like Al if you dont nip it in the a s s now,it wil cause hell later, we no that rite,wishing you well, gyco


                ODAT - Saturday

                Good Morning ODATimers -- I think there is lots of good advice on the thread this morning. Uni, sounds right to me that you had better work some things out before thinking of buying a house together. Good luck, I hope you find peace. Skinny, like others, if I get any AL in my system, all I want is another drink. Too hard to fight the feeling of wanting more. Do you react that way or can you mod?

                Cool morning here in Florida. Yesterday a bunch of friends came over and they drank wine and fortunately I stuck to coke. ODAT for me. Have a great day.


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Good morning, ODATers. Uughh. Well, I blew it last night. So, back on day one. I really thought I could just drink a couple or three and stop. I don't know why I thought that. I've been thinking that for a long time and it hasn't worked that way. I think that's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing, expecting a different result? Well, back in the saddle today. Will be AF.
                  I have no advice for you UNI, my head is full of cotton. Sorry. I think others have said what I would have said, anyway.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Good morning ODATER's
                    Eveyone is up bright and early.

                    Uni-all my relationships were tinted with AL so I made some very bad choses. There is an old saying about not making any major life changes until you have a year of sobriety. I don't know hon. As witchy said men really do think differently than women. good luck.

                    Skinny-You know I wish only good things for you. I just couldn't mod. my drinking. Have a good week=end.

                    ezz-there is both AL free beer and wine. Gives you the tast without the cravings.

                    rust-you sound positive as always. Are u ready for the superbowl?

                    witchy-Just stay on your path and fight the good fight. grrrr mean ole boss spy man! Seriously work is such a large part of our lives and when things are bad there it really can seep over into the rest of our live. good luck.

                    gyco-You must be the wise old man of the group. right? I like your avater. you very relaxed.

                    Well anyway, to all ODATER's to follow I hope you all meet your goals and have a good day.
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Uni...I think the others have given you great advice. My advice is what Dr. Phil says on his show...."Past Behavior is the best predictor of future performance". While I hope he is wrong in our situations about drinking....we can change if we want to and get help. You and your boyfriend need to sit down and talk about your relationship and what will and will not be tolerated.

                      Dill, I've had alot of "back to day one days"! It happens, but just do all in your power to not all the monster back in.

                      Lilmia, you were my first contact on this site. I am happy to see you are doing well. Day 4 AF here...thanks to you and the chat's we have had.

                      Good Morning All. I woke up 2 hours before my husband. He just got up and he can't believe I am up and attum (southern term) way before him. He is impressed....:wave::wave:
                      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        I am back

                        Skipped a day or two--guess I thought drinking (yeah, the old "I can have 1-2 and stop" routine. :upset: So I know what you mean, Dill. We know how that is. Anyway, another Day One but I am prepared and ready. Working now to get over my shame for being weak and my anger at myself. Hubby at work--he is rather quiet this morning so I am guessing that I did not hide it as well as I thought I had. We will have to talk about it. I will have to bring it up--he never says anything.

                        Have a great day, all....
                        Uni--tough choice there...think about should not be all highs and all lows...the middle ground is best


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          Good for you Up North -- the only way to beat AL is to get right back up again. AL is the enemy and you have a good fix on the beast. Hope you achieve your goal today. We are happy to be your friends.


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            Good Morning everyone. Sitting here with my girls and Winnie the cat having a nice cup of coffee.
                            Uni, Sorry about your frustration with your guy. Only you know if these are things that you can live with. If you are having second thoughts then I would say to hold off on the house until you are sure. I always say ' whenever in doubt, dont do it'.
                            For all of you peeps struggling Deep breath and be happy for a new day. One of these days it will stick for us and we are all stronger and wiser with each obstacle that we overcome.
                            Happy day!


                              ODAT - Saturday

                              Yes, follow your instincts...if you are apprehensive it may be for a good reason. Sounds like it might be a controlling he really concerned about the petty issues or is there something more to it. Aprilmoon had good advise about sitting down and setting the boundaries. What will be tolerated and what won't. Remember you have a child involved too. Take care and good luck.

                              Everything I need is within me!

