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    MWO PROGRAM thread

    Great job, 1MC--it seems to me that if dancing or activity is available, it is easier to avoid AL. Even when drinking, I was always losing my glass at a wedding and dancing my hiney off. So--dancing is the cure!

    Dill--sorry you feel crappy. Everyone is sick during the winter. I am still nursing a sinus infection.

    Cuckoo--way to go with the "drive by" incident. that is always a struggle for me also--Now it seems I notice liquor stores everywhere!!!

    :goodjob: everyone


      MWO PROGRAM thread

      Good morning everyone. It is quite early here but I am normally an early riser. Well made it through another night so feeling pretty good other than a bit of a cold.

      Peanut, it sounds as if work is quite hectic right now. Do you mind if I ask what you do? I was in Banff and Jasper years ago and what lovely place to have a meeting at. I hope you have time to enjoy it. Can't believe you run in the cold. That takes a lot of stamina.

      Jamms, knowing now is a difficult time for you, I hope you are hanging in there with your moderation. With any luck the economy will stop the down slide and slowly start turning around. I hope it is soon enough.

      Cat Belle, wishing your weekend went well especially with no papers to write.

      Dill, surprisingly I have found that Pink song to be such a big help. Since I realized exactly what it was in reference to I listen to it each morning prior to heading out to work and it is on my iPod. Especially the line "till you're trying to find the you that you once had".

      Well enjoy your Sunday, everyone.


        MWO PROGRAM thread

        Good Morning everybody!!!

        Man it is beautiful here this morning! 72 outside already!! Maybe I will go out and cut back the roses today - but first I must study - Community Health - BORING!

        Hope everyone is doing well!

        Have a great Sunday!


        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
        -Alan Cohen


          MWO PROGRAM thread

          Hi Peeps!
          Thought I'd best stop and say hello before another crazy week starts. I will have to get to bed soon, and get up earlier than usual to start my work day.

          Cuckoo - I work in wheat quality with the wheat breeders at the university here. Every winter is just crazy, as we get hundreds (nay, thousands!) of breeder samples in the lab and have only until mid Feb to do all the testing. Like doing 5 months of work in 2.5 months. We are nearing the end as we approach our yearly Grain Registration meetings, so I am finishing up alot of durum wheat milling and bread baking. It is just awfully tiring work, and I'm on my feet all day and working constantly and don't get any breaks in order for me to complete it all. I have one technician and we both work like mad ladies. I actually have been working with data at home this weekend and brought a whack of wheat home for tempering for milling tomorrow - 38 samples. I will be dead by the end of the day!!!

          On a much brighter note - Cat! It went above zero here today!! Not as warm as where you are in Georgia, but lovely for February on the northern prairie. Hard to stay inside and study when it is so nice outside. I actually had a great workout at the gym this afternoon, came home and took my dog for a half hour run - he was soooooo happy!

          Greetings to everybody else here. Looking forward to a more successful week than last week, in terms of AF. I think I am too overwhelmed to even try at this AF business, but must keep at it. I will not allow any wine to be brought into my house this coming week. And I'm sticking to that resolve!! If it is not here, I can't drink it, right??

          Best go to bed and try to sleep, if I can.
          Will try drop in and check up on you all tomorrow!
          xoxo peanut


            MWO PROGRAM thread

            Quick hello to everyone before I run out to work. Made it through the weekend sober. Woohoo.


              MWO PROGRAM thread

              Good day all--- I have been busy getting ready for my trip to Australia ... I leave tomorrow, so haven't been around much.

              Glad to read you're all doing well..... Peanut, I'm still struggling too.

              I don't think I'll be able to post while away ... don't want the history of the site recorded on my friends' computer. But you'll all be in my mind and will try and have as many AF days as I can. At least, being in someone else's home, I won't be going and opening a second bottle of wine for myself, so my drinking shouldn't be at the same level as if I was home here alone.

              I'll see you all come mid-March again. Wishing you all the best in meeting your goals!


                MWO PROGRAM thread

                Upnorth- I hope you fel better soon, I know the sinus sure does suck. I thought I was never gonna get better the last time I had it a couple weeks ago. Hang in there!

                Dill and Cuckoo- I love PINK, and the song you are referring to is great. The lyrics are exactly the way I (we) feel.

                Yesterday I went to bruch with some friends and saw some people I havent' seen in almost 15 years...drank too many bellini's, they are just too sweet got home at 8pm....but still managed to have all the kids stuff ready for school and the sitter and still made it to work...feel very tired though...and have a bit of the horrors because I spent money that I don't have... besides the food bill I bought a new pocketbook from a street vendor. What an idiot I am!

                Anyway, I feel myself falling into a depression and I am trying to stop it before it gets bad....I stopped taking my supps a week ago but I'm thinking I need to get to Walgreens and re-stock. I took them this morning.... I do not like the way I'm feeling right now....

                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                  MWO PROGRAM thread


                  I wanted to pop in and tell you I'm thinking about you. Get those supps in, drink water. Don't let the depression get to you. That's my gig, aarrrgghh. Can you get out in the sun?

                  Take care of yourself, buddy,
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    MWO PROGRAM thread

                    Thank you Becoming, it's great to hear from you....I'll be back opn track soon....what other choice is there?

                    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                      MWO PROGRAM thread

                      I know it's gotten to the point with me that the depression afterward is becoming the worst of it all. Worse than any hangover because it can last days. A few others on another thread said the same thing. I hate it.
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        MWO PROGRAM thread

                        New Day, enjoy your trip to Australia. Look forward to hearing from you in mid-March.

                        Peanut, it sounds as if your job is very stressful, at least this time of the year. I'm sure running helps relieve some of the stress. Finding the energy to run after your work day is another matter.

                        Cat Belle, it was beautiful here yesterday and today is also very pleasant. Nice to get out and enjoy the day.

                        Jamms, I love Pink too and this song really hit home. I can't quit listening to it. Jamms, I've also had issues with depression. Restock on you supps. Take care and just know we are here for you.

                        Today was rough for me but I made it home without stopping at the liquor store. It is almost 5:00 pm and I am going to cook dinner and then put my pj's on so I won't be tempted to run out later. I'll make a cup of tea and curl up with a book. I find some cravings are such much harder to ignore than others and I don't know why. Good luck to everyone and have a good night. Wishing you all success.


                          MWO PROGRAM thread

                          Pnut and Jamms, What's is important is that we never give up! It's a process.
                          BE, I think the depression is awful, too. And of course it makes the quitting all the more difficult, but yet all the more important.
                          New Day, Have a good visit in Australia. I hope you'll be nowhere near the fires!
                          Cuckoo, I had the same struggle on the way home from work. I managed to pass by the wine store without stopping. It's 5:00 here and I've got my chores done. Dinner will be light, if anything at all because Hubby caught my virus and has no energy or appetite, so after I have bite, I'll get a bath and jammies and settle in for the evening. Will probably get to bed early, too. Hey, It's a good thing I'm doing this in the winter. Imagine trying to go to bed at 9:00 in the summer!
                          Cat, glad you had fair weather to enjoy. I am having the same here in Ohio, except that the ground is mushy. I guess that wouldn't matter to most, but I live on a small farm and have to slog around outside sometimes.

                          Anyhow, tonight is the full moon. I hope the sky is clear as the moon rises. I shall be able to enjoy its beauty. Normally I'd be on my 2nd or 3rd glass and wouldn't really appreciate it. Do you know what I mean?
                          Good luck to all on your goals.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            MWO PROGRAM thread

                            Hang in there, Jamms

                            We love you. Winter is depressing at best--don't let it get to you!
                            What makes you happy? Let us know.


                              MWO PROGRAM thread

                              Howdy Y'all,

                              Must be a goofy Texan. Anyway, day two since starting MWO. Learning at a slow pace for for these forums, but you can teach old dogs if they are sober. Day two and no scotch. Thanks. I asked my wife to hide it and she did before she went to work. I used to look for it but no searching tonight. Early dinner (i actually had an appetite) and am feeling better. My latest binge set off another gout attack and I know the cause. I take meds for it but for some reason (I can guess the cause) I did not even care to take them. Gout is very painful and it is sending me a clear message. I am feeling better.

                              ND have a great time in OZ. Stay out of the fire. Beautiful country and great mates.

                              BMe@L and others...When I am not hungover or suffering a gout attack I find exercise (endorphines) really help me with my anxiety and depression.

                              Dill, another way to look at it is what goes around comes around. Thanks for the quote. Enjoy the moon.


                                MWO PROGRAM thread

                                Go MWO team!

                                Hi all-

                                just dropped in to wish everyone the strength they need to meet their goals. You have some great things going on in your thread and the energy gives me strength. Thanks for that.

                                Best wishes All,

                                PS special shout out to Cuckoosnest 83 who has more strength and wisdom than any other ten people I know. Keep her on your team and you'll overcome whatever obstacles you face.

