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    MWO PROGRAM thread

    Hello all. Great to see you 1MC. Glad you are feeling better. I agree 100% about people coming into work sick. 1MC, I broke over the weekend but I'm also looking at this as a new week and opportunity to take care of myself. I bought lots of fruits and veggies and plan on doing the healthy regimen for the next couple of weeks.

    Dill, good to see you made it through the bewitching hour.

    Cat, please let us know when you are done hitting the books or at least when you come up for air.


      MWO PROGRAM thread

      Hey Dill, Cuckoos
      nice to be back and starting a new week. I hear you Cuckoos, all we can do is pick ourselves up and keep on moving towards the goal. Hope everyone has a nice evening. I'm on my way to a play. See everyone tomorrow
      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


        MWO PROGRAM thread

        UP FOR AIR! Gotta do a teaching session tomorrow on HIV/AIDS for homeless women in Savannah - should be interesting -

        1MC- I'm just getting over that nasty stuff too - I took care of a 20 month old on the Peds Unit who had RSV - for adults its just a bad cold, but YUCK! Have fun at your play - you know, I have never been to one - they don't have many out here in the country

        Dill - how are you doing? Is it still cold up there?

        Cuckoos - I love fruits and veggies, it will soon be time to start the garden! I will send squash and zucchini TO ALL!!

        Night ya'll!


        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
        -Alan Cohen


          MWO PROGRAM thread

          Good morning all. Just a quick check in before I leave for work. Will write more tonight. Have a great day.


            MWO PROGRAM thread

            Hi all! Made another AF day yesterday and am going for another today. I had a rough time sleeping last night. I was pretty much awake all night until about 4:00 am. YUCK. I guess maybe the sleeping concoction I've been taking works, because I didn't take it last night. I wanted to see how it would go. I take a valerian, an l-tryptiphan, two calms forte, and one benedryl about an hour before bedtime, usually.
            Cat, you sound great. Good for you spending so much time with school. The weather here is cold. Not very inspiring. I am so looking forward to spring. We will probably start some plants in out green house very soon. That will help. Hb built us a small green house a few years back. He enjoys it very much.
            1MC, I seem to be getting really good at picking myself up! My arm strength is really increasing! Lol!
            Cuckoo, I'm thinking of you. Keep up the good fight with me!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              MWO PROGRAM thread

              Hello -- almost over my cold and feeling good about being AF.

              Glad to hear you made another AF day dill. I hear you about the arm strength from picking ourselves up -- should we enter a body building competition? LOL hope you can get some sleep tonight.

              Cat-- God bless you, I don't think I could ever work at a hospital. Don't they have theaters in Atlanta? never been but being a big city I would think they have plays. Last night's play was called Jellys last jam. it was a play about this man Jelly Roll Morton from new orleans that claimed he invented jazz. it was lots of fun, great music.

              This thread was very quiet today. Hope to hear from everyone tomorrow.
              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                MWO PROGRAM thread


                I feel like I've gone AWOL from this place for ages. Everyone sounds pretty darned good. I had to go away on a business trip and just got home last night. Was soooooo busy last week too, and actually had an "office" day today, no lab work, but alot got accomplished! So now I'm home and tired - I don't sleep well away from home - or at home for that matter, without my red/white sedative. I've been too overwhelmed to do much about my drinking habits lately, but it would so help if I could abstain for a while. I know March I will stop - I return from a week of meetings and hanging with some family on the 28th and the next day will be the beginning of my new life. Ha!! How many times have I said that!! But really, if I am going to succeed at my summer race, I HAVE to get myself reigned in and into training. There is a really nice pool at the Banff Centre where we will be staying next week, so I shall try to swim every day and go on some up-hill hikes if time allows.

                Hey 1more - I love the theatre too. There's not much here in that regard, but a little bit, and I try to get to a play a couple times a year anyhow. Then the Fringe Festival - love those one and two man (woman) plays!

                Cat - sounds like you are really busy with school. Learning alot, eh? I know when I was in University, the more I learned, the more I realized I didn't know!!!

                Cuckoo - keep those veggies coming. I am right now steaming a huge pot of brocolli - love that stuff.

                Dill - fixing up the green house makes me yearn for spring. I love to garden, and I've always wanted my own green house to start seedlings in. Oh I can't wait!!!! Glad you are getting some good AF days in.

                I just glanced quickly around the thread titles when I logged on here, and saw that Sunshine has 30 days? Something like that?? I must go and congratulate her!!

                Where's Becoming?? And everybody else?

                ALright - I'm too hungry, time to get that brocolli in me and get to the pool for a swim. Haven't exercised since last friday, so it's time!
                Have a great evening everybody!
                xoxo peanut


                  MWO PROGRAM thread

                  Hey Peanut,
                  I was just thinking about you the other day -- hadn't heard from you in a while. I am on Day 3 today and really wanting AL. I had a great day today, though, and looking forward to another tomorrow. But I need to take the edge off the rest of this evening! I made it thru dinner, which is my usual big hurdle.

                  Sounds like everyone here is doing pretty well. Stay warm!


                    MWO PROGRAM thread

                    1MC, Yes, I got a good night's sleep. Feeling good this morning and ready to tackle another AF day! I wish I could have seen the play Jelly's Last Jamm with you. I love music. Was there a lot of music in it? Did I ever mention my daughter lives in New Orleans? She really loves Jazz Fest weekend.

                    Peanut, you sound so super busy! I can understand having a hard time with AF when you are so busy with work. It takes energy to be AF, and sometimes we just have to do what we can. You have a great attitude and I know you'll get back at it. Especially when you are in serious training! I am so envious about your week in Banff. I have never been, but my hb was there for a week a few years ago and took lots of pictures. It looks awesome!

                    CS, I think of you lots! I am on day 4 today, just like you. It's so strange that this is so hard. I mean, I feel great when AF; there are a million reasons to be AF, and yet the internal battle continues. I just have to believe that that goes away. Or at least lessens. Have you ever read: Sober for Life? It was helpful to me.

                    Cuckoo! How are ya? You know I'm thinking of you!

                    Have a good day, all!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      MWO PROGRAM thread

                      1MC - HA! I live about 3.5-4 hrs from Atlanta, so I don't get there ever - not that I miss it...I don't work in the hospital, yet, just do clinicals there - well...I work, just don't get paid - You know, I say the same thing about teachers....I COULD NEVER WORK IN A SCHOOL! They just do not pay enough to raise someone else's kids - ugh, the thought makes me shudder....

                      Hey to everybody else, check back later!

                      Have a GGGRRRREAT day!


                      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                      -Alan Cohen


                        MWO PROGRAM thread

                        Good morning, all. Another quick check in before work. Glad to see everyone here. Miss upnorthgirl. Haven't heard from her in a while. 1MC glad you are feeling better. Peanut and Cat, you two wear me out. Dill thank you for thinking of me. I'm hanging in there. CSO4, glad you stopped by.


                          MWO PROGRAM thread

                          Hi, Cuckoo, good to see you checking in! It is 15 degrees F here! Geesh! I WANT SPRING! How's the weather there? I miss upnorth girl, too. I miss usmgirl, too. She hasn't posted in weeks. I wonder if she'll come back. Have a great day!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            MWO PROGRAM thread

                            Hi Dill, it is freezing here too. More the wind than anything. I want spring too or at least a little balmy weather. I rode by our local nursery and they are advertising seeds are in so at least spring is on the horizon. I figure 4 more weeks of cold and hopefully that will be interspersed with some mild temps. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


                              MWO PROGRAM thread

                              Hi gang!
                              Well - I did it. Totally pooped, but I got ALL the work done. Everything ready for my meeting next week, lap top loaded with data, pages of printed stuff - so I won't have to go into work at all on monday, just head to the airport for noon and that's that. But I am so very tired. And I want spring really badly too. I am just such a whoosie this year.

                              So a terrible thing happened. We realized at the end of the day yesterday that none of us had seen the cat. I was so unsure, thought maybe he was at the neighbor's, but got home today and still no cat. So my BF called the SPCA and tried to describe him. He is very old, over 19 years old, and finally they described a cat that had been picked up and taken directly to the vet - no teeth, tattoo in ear, frost-bitten ears, an old leg injury, same colouring, etc. Sure enough, it was him, and he had been picked up on the other side of the city. The guy never goes out in the winter, so we figured maybe one of the zillion kids at our house took him or maybe he got out somehow and got picked up by some a-hole and taken across town and left there. He was about 4C too cold but actually survived sub -20C temps at night and not much warmer during the day. He couldn't walk, had an abrasion (BF thought maybe he had been thown out of a moving vehicle, but I don't know). He was very dehydrated and has been drinking alot since he came home. It was so pitiful, I cried. He is very sore and very tired. Hasn't eaten yet, but is resting under the bed where he feels safe. Poor thing. This is so upsetting, not to mention EXPENSIVE!!!!! $150 for the vet. 50 to get him out of the pound, and the city fines us like $250 for an unlicenced cat on the lose = another 50. Plus we are supposed to take him to be checked by a vet within another 24 hr. Ya right - on the weekend, it costs $150 just to walk through the door. Grrr..... What a money grab....

                              Sorry - I should be happy just to have the old dude back!! And I don't think he is really hurt, but they assumed so, because they don't know how old he is, or about his neurological ticks (they almost knock him down - actually quite comical!) My daughter in Calgary has been crying about it since she called a little while ago.

                              Anyway, nice to see everyone is doing well. Let's think positive - spring will be upon us soon!!
                              Hi to Dill, Cuckoo, Cat - hi CS04, it's been a long time. Becoming and 1more - and where the heck is Jamms???

                              Best get - try to get some good sleep tonight!
                              xoxo peanut
                              Have a great weekend everybody


                                MWO PROGRAM thread

                                Hello everyone
                                This week has been rough to say the least but I'm hanging in there. I'm going to see my dr on monday to talk about getting on anti-depressents. I've bee struggling with depression for awhile now and thought that if I just stop drinking excercise, and eat right it would go away. I should know better, I have a masters in pyschology:bang. I just hate being on meds but I have to do this for me. I did fall of the wagon on thursday but I'm back on two days AF today. This is so difficult:upset:, but I can do this. We can all do this.

                                Peanut sorry to hear about your cat. I don't own pets but I know how attached we become to them. Hope he feels better -

                                I know, we all want spring to get here; I've had it with all this snow and cold weather. Let's hang in there it will be here before we know it. Well, wish me luck with my dr's visit and I hope to be on the road to recover from this soon.
                                :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                                ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

