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Discussing AL with your loved ones

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    Discussing AL with your loved ones

    who, me?

    My stubborness has gotten me through some hard times. It has also CAUSED some hard times.
    I have been called a rebel all my life--travel to the beat of a different drum, I guess. In trouble a lot for "defying authority" so much.

    Thanks, Glad to know the poet's name. I love that poem of his.

    Sunshine and the rest--I am doing alright. Still battling sinuses. A little moody--gotta love menopause and AF at the same time. For the life of me, could not sleep last night so going on 36 hours awake. A million glasses of water and ten million calories :upset:
    I read somewhere that you can buy a tapeworn on the Internet. Maybe I should chew on that!:H

    Have a one day out of town trip coming up--leaving Tuesday and coming back Wednesday night. There will be NO drinking--have to prepare for Wednesday morning and then the drive home.

    I am off track here, better switch to a different thread!


      Discussing AL with your loved ones

      Hey stubborn girlie
      Where did you say you could buy that tape worm?? :H I want one, too!!!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Discussing AL with your loved ones

        You are not alone, I too keep my problems in the closest, no wonder I was a closet drinker. Admitting there is a problem means I am not a strong person, and my husband although can be a nice guy, would dangle that over my head is times of a battle. He can social drink and thinks everyone else should be able to be like him. My kids also know I have a problem, but again, I don't want them part of it. This is my battle.
        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

        • Yesterday is History
          Today is a Mystery
          Tomorrow is a GIFT


          Discussing AL with your loved ones

          sunshine_gg;535690 wrote: No, not obsessing.

          Example: Quiet time at the end of the day... he asks.. "so how are you doing.. how are you coping?" .. I literally choke up. "ok, fine". Even when I'm not.

          Example: He said quite some time ago: "I don't know when you're having a hard time, I have to trust that you'll let me know. That you'll tell me when you want to go buy a big bottle of wine and need someone to stop you..." - I haven't done that once. I have occasionally come here and asked for help, for someone to talk me out of drinking... and I feel kinda bad about that...

          You know??
          of all the times i have struggled to quit, i have only called my husband 2 times to help stop me from going and buying wine. yesterday i called to tell him how much i was craving and to be accountable...i think he really knows i am being honest now, and is glad i have let him into the struggle with me. like he says, he's in this for better or for worse, and it is getting better everyday.


            Discussing AL with your loved ones

            Thanks peace... yes, mine said the same thing... it's OUR problem... not just mine. Well, I will try to get over myself and whatever ego is keeping me from being open with him.

            Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and opinions!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013

