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    After posting earlier on ODAT thread that I was going to be AF (at least today...!), I didn't realize I had bought one of those tall beers yesterday - and there it was in frig.

    And I'm drinking it. Even tho' one beer (tho Large) will not make me feel anything (or barely), it's just stupid that I cave this easily.

    It's a rainy, dreary day and I'm unemployed and... just feeling so blah and uninspired. I definitely have things I Could and Should do, so no real excuse to just sit here.

    UGH. :blush:
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


    Savon, I know exactly what you mean. Yesterday (superbowl party) I meant to be AF. Unfortunately, there was an open bottle of wine in the fridge. I kept obsessing about it. Finally, I compromised. I poured myself a glass and the rest down the sink! Can't have the stuff in the house.

    Stay AF the rest of the day! You can do it.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



      Yes, Dill - no more after this!!!

      Actually, it's just making me tired. I'm not much of a beer drinker for that reason. Maybe if I take a little nap soon, I'll start the day fresh. I've been up since about 5 a.m. Typical for me!

      Zzzzzzzz. If I can!!
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



        I agree, get all of it out of the house, it's the only way for me!

        Good luck, savy.
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



          Been there, done that. I got a bottle of wine today and had a sip and thought what the hell, why, so i've just poured it down the drain. Even if you have them it doesn't mean you have to drink them. I crave easily too. It's hell! Brush yourself off and start again tomorrow!



            I went to a superbowl party with my girlfriend at her sister & brother in law's house worried that everyone was going to be drinking and that I was going to be uncomfortable and either cave or leave. to my surprise no one was drinking and I was fine. On the way home I told her I expected everyone to have a beer in their hands at all times. She said they weren't drinking because everyone had to work today. My response was "That never stopped me from drinking on sundays"......her response was....."they're not alcoholics". It was another little reminder that like a lot of people when it comes to alcohol I can't be reasonable and say "I'm not going to drink tonight because I have to work tomorrow" or "I can moderate my drinking and keep it under control" because I can't. So instead I chose to do away with it all together. I don't have it in my house and if someone offers it to me all I have to do is remind myself to say "No thanks".
            AF since January 1, 2009



              I know what you mean, Bored. When some people can so matter-of-factly refer to me as an alcoholic it is definitely a wake up call. We live in a different world than everyone else...for them AF or Mod is a casual decision. for me/us, it is a daily battle.

              But it is a battle we are winning!

