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Back Again - very sad
Back Again - very sad
I've been absent for a while and I think we all know why. I've been spiraling out of control and I am so hungover today for no apparant reason. I feel so horrible about myself and miss the person who was gaining control of herself. I let it all go over the holidays and have continued down a destructive path. I just can't believe I've let myself get this bad. I am riddled with stress and now guilt. I know I just have to get back on this site and believe in myself. I think I thought that I could moderate and the fact is I just can't. I can't have any alcohol at all without it taking control of me. It is sad and scary to admit. I've only made it about 21 days but that's better than nothing. I really feel alone, scared and angry at myself. I should have never stopped coming here.Tags: None
Back Again - very sad
Welcome back to MWO. I too, left MWO for almost a year and have spiraled downward. I also should never have left. I shared a post in the my story category. I feel a little awkward posting after not being here for almost a year, but I have to start somewhere. Keep posting whenever you need to. Keep reading. I wish you alot of sucess from this moment on.
Back Again - very sad
:l Seila & Searching
Welcome back... to both of you. Well, you know how this works - you've done it before. Dust yourself off, grab your tools and get to workDo some reading, post when you're comfortable and be kind to yourselves.
All the best to both of you.Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
Back Again - very sad
I am back today as well. I am a big wino and am drinking at night for no good reason at all as well. I have an awesome family, job and life yet I continue to do this. I am so disappointed in myself.
We just gotta try again. Every day is a second chance."All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:
Back Again - very sad
KBCE - I am doing the same for no good reason either. You are not alone and today is my second chance - yours too. We can do this. I have to admit, being sober even if it was for just under a month made me feel so good about myself. I know I don't trust myself very much right now but I am going to focus just on the positive.
Back Again - very sad
I went for weeks with no alcohol a few times - I felt better, I slept better, I was a BETTER PERSON...but then I decided to drink and the habit started again. My brain is God's private mystery. Jeez."All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:
Back Again - very sad
I did the exact same thing. I basically gave myself permission to have drinks thinking that I would be able to handle it. No way! I went back full force and it is amazing to me how quickly I spiraled back down. I think I realize now that I am not someone who can moderate, I just have to quit but I find it extremely hard to even imagine that I could do that. ODAT.
Back Again - very sad
Welcome back KBCE, Seila, and searching for peace. I ditto what Blanchi and Sunshine said. We are here for you. The fact that you guys came back and are reaching out is a success. Take are of yourself and don't be a stranger you know we'll support you!:lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
~Jennifer Beals~:huggy
Back Again - very sad
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone. Life would be so much easier if I was wired differently. I guess I just have to accept the fact that I am an alcoholic and get the hell over it! ODAT is right!"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:
Back Again - very sad
This is me ... and I too am disgusted and can't believe I do this ~ everyday!
" I am a big wino and am drinking at night for no good reason at all as well. I have an awesome family, job and life yet I continue to do this. I am so disappointed in myself. "
Hugs to all ....Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
Author Unknown :h
AF - Sept 4, 2012
10 days - Sept 13, 2012
2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!
Back Again - very sad
Hey Seila & Searching & KBCE & bouchy,
I'm a wino, too. I'm doing a 7 day AF stint with my HB who is a beer guzzler. None of us are bad people. I'm past that part and I hope you all get past that too. We're all worth being healthy and getting better and lets work on it together, ok? I'm right here with ya, buddies. :l
Take care, water today!
Be"Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad
Back Again - very sad
Welcome back. I'm new here. I'm gonna stop saying I'm new tomorrow!! LOL
I think I need this site every day to help me. You can do it!!!!!RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09
"The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy
Back Again - very sad
Welcome and welcome back to MWO. Glad you came back. I relate completely to the wild ride of not drinking, than taking one, and then steadily sliding back to where it was very bad and getting worse. Can't tell you how many times I decided to have "just one". This time I think I have proved to myself that I can't drink -- at all, ever! You sound like you are getting ahead of the game and are on to the sneaky power of AL. Good luck and God bless.Matt