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Back Again - very sad

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    Back Again - very sad

    i too thought i could moderate and found out the hard way (100's of times) that i absolutely cannot. so i am here to tell you that you can be af and we are here to support you in that endeavor.



      Back Again - very sad

      Hi there everyone from a fellow wino

      I have been around for a long time. Started off wanting to be completely AF and then when I slipped would stay away from MWO and continue drinking but still reading. In the last year I decided to just stick around, it keeps me focussed and I am getting more and more AF days. As one member said strive for progress not perfection. I'm a perfectionist and beat myself up if I dont achieve what I set out to achieve. I still post on the ODAT thread that I started many moons ago and plan to stay with MWO as long as I need to. So all of you who have slipped and stayed away you are not alone. Stay with us, it will get better.



        Back Again - very sad

        Welcome Back Guys!

        Hey Guys, you've done AF days/weeks. You've come back. Ok, you had a wobble but in the words of infamous Meatloaf .... "2 out of 3 aint bad". Don't be hard on yourselves. You're here and keep here. Look at your friends around you and there is a lot of support and hugs for you:l
        Depending on what is your "witching hour" change your habits around that time. I've found that my witching hour/s are between 5.30 pm and 7.30pm. If I can change my habits for those 2 hours then I'm over the worse. Mind you, yesterday I was gagging for a drink as had 2 kids & hubbie at home with the snow (God, us Brits are cr*p at dealing with the white stuff!):H So, felt that my day wasn't my own and by the end of it had to have just a couple glasses of red wine. Mind you, impressed with myself as only did have 2. Had it been a normal day, them at school & work, I would not have felt like that. A little tip I use is if hubbie is out and usually I'd look to that as an excuse for a bottle of wine, I'll have cups of tea till 6.00 pm then when I've put the girls to bed, put on my jim-jams and have a bowl of cereal. Don't want wine then! Keep up the good work!:goodjob: lol,:h


          Back Again - very sad

          Hey Seila,

          Don't feel sad at all. Well done for coming back and getting back on track. That alone is an achievement. We all make mistakes but what makes you different is how you deal with them. I wish you well. We are all in this together
          AF since 15th March 2010

          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


            Back Again - very sad

            Welcome back to each of you
            Strap on your Toolbelts and let's beat this thing.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Back Again - very sad

              Welcome back! Glad your back to fight the good fight!
              "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                Back Again - very sad

                back and trying

                Hi- well, I know how you feel.My comp. froze up most of the weekend, as I was desperatly trying to get on here. I am a wine drinker, and was trying to moderate....then decided to go cold T. - Alot of will power and supps.I did slip up this weekend and had 3 glasses of wine....which is almost nothing compared to what I could have done. I didn't give up though....I am getting back on track ....have the supps. and the willpower(now).....just have to go one day at a time. Rome wasn't built in a day,so we have to keep trying the best we can,and this is the place to be for great support.Write sometime.....I hope we can all get to a good place , and I always have everyone here in mind. Much Luv-Fallin:h


                  Back Again - very sad

                  Fallin you sound wonderful.. do you go to a support group of sorts? There is NA ... and AA.. does your drinking affect your employment? or do you not work?

                  Getting to know you..

                  I am Ripple, nice to meet you!


                    Back Again - very sad


                    :new: Message says from October '08, but thread says Today, I am rather confused abt. how all this stuff works technically challenged perhaps.

                    Have you tried writing, you know like in a diary, or daily Journal. Passed, present and future. Just to get it out there in the void instead of inside of you.

                    I'm only 7 days old in MWO but since I started visiting with all of you, I am feeling more positive abt. well just about everything. Not yet AF but I recently started a Log. Got the idea from my husband 1st. In passing he just suggested it. Then in MWO I found a page called the Tracker where various aka's log how many drinks they had that day.
                    But the 2nd time I went to log, I couldn't find the page. I even tried typing Search engine 'tracker'. So, I started my own log for Tracking on January 28, 2009, I'm curious to see the variance over time.

                    Good on you for the 21 days that is a major stride you should be extremely proud about. Cuz ppl. in here at MWO are proud of you.:goodjob:


                      Back Again - very sad

                      Welcome back...I joined in DEC 07 and wasn't ready to admit defeat then...I gave myself permission to drink thru that holiday season but couldn't regain any kind of control for months afterwards...It takes alot to get things thru my thick Swedish head....I have learned alot since then and am living a much happier life because of it.
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

