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Februar = Moderating phase

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    Februar = Moderating phase

    I have posted ths in the ODAT threat as well, am looking for thought s & opinions please

    Ok, so I'm in my "February = Moderating phase" - (BTW I'm only doing this so I can fail & know for certain that I have to be AF, one of my rules was no drinking on a school (work) night, well I have just finished a bottle of bubbly, after thinking I could just just have one or two glasses, I have committed to February as Mod, but will pull out if it becomes to difficult & obstructive to my recovery, my objective here is to be completly honest about my progress, I had done 60 day's before I decided to Mod, so I know I can be AF if I need to be, I just need to know if thats what I need to be, I hope that makes sense, I need to get the idea 'that I could possibly moderate" out of my system as soon as possible, which is why I am doing this , I know its sounds like an excuse to drink, but I need the certainty of knowing I have to be completly AF, in order to move forward.
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!

    Februar = Moderating phase

    Hi Witchy,

    Tough one that. I have not done as much AF as you, 3 weeks Dec and 2 weeks Jan, I came to the decision that I did not want to give up completely. I am making huge changes to my life, figuring out why I did drink as much as I did. I also realised that i wasnt enjoying it. These are the following rules I have set you i dont know if it will work for me, but am here any time.

    1st thing 1st, I will never be drunk again
    2nd. alcohol can only be drunk if in a positive setting....not as result of a "long day" "shitty day" "im alone" etc. For me, to celebrate something with friends, it was my brithday last weekend so had a couple, going out to dinner with friends etc. But I need to enjoy it (before it never had any time on my tastebuds). I have noticed that I am savouring it now, tasting it and when I drink always much slower than before. All that said, I have to be in control...never was before.
    3. Some of my other rules, no drinking at home alone (this is a serious one for me) also like you I need school nights off, and this is best done in the company of others even if they want a glass. It is not mod for me if i always say yes. So I need to put myself (comfortably) in positions wher I do say no. Otherwise it is not worth it. I need to remember those wonderful days in a row, when I had no fuzzy head, my skin looked good and I felt great.
    Well, it feels good to see some of my rules on paper, hope they are of some help. PM me anyt ime if you want, Im in Singapore so not a millions miles away from your timezone.

    Put your mind to this, I believe it can be done by some people if they are both lucky and excercise control. In my case, I need to break bad habits. I just found an ounce of will power that was burried deep in my persona, so Im trying to put it to good use.
    Live your life in such a way that
    when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
    Satan shudders & says...

    'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


      Februar = Moderating phase

      Hey Witchy,

      I hope that works out for you. It sounds dangerous to me to be honest. If you are able to pull the brake that's fine but the danger that you might just think you are coping and continue drinking?

      Look it's your decision in the end but you already said that you know you cannot moderate. So why try?
      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        Februar = Moderating phase

        Neuro....., thanks for your support & kind words, I really just want to get the idea of being able to Mod out of my head,
        Johhny....., I know what you are getting at, I know it sounds like an excuse, but the idea that I could possibly moderate is starting to drive me crazy bog time, I want to be able to say "I tried but its doesnt work for me", so I can be completly AF & have that as a certainty in my life, the thing is I want to be completly AF, so that is why i am doing this now, to get it out of the way, I hope that makes sense, I have so many more things i want to do in my life, than be thinking about Al, Thank you so much for you support & opinion, I value that as someone who is pretty much at the same point as me, you must be close to your 60 days now, yay for you.
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          Februar = Moderating phase

          Hey Witchy. I really do understand what you are saying. Just keep strong and like you said, rather pull the brake sooner that later once you start realising it doesn't really work. Rather not wait for the whole month to end. (even though it is the shortest month of the year )

          Keep up the good work witchy. You'll beat this thing, one way or another
          AF since 15th March 2010

          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


            Februar = Moderating phase

            Good luck with that...we will be here for yu.


              Februar = Moderating phase

              Witchy, I say it's your personal journey, so you need to do what you need to do and learn from it. We'll be there for you. Keep us posted as to how it goes. Best wishes.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Februar = Moderating phase


                I'm not here to judge, just to give you my personal reason for not modding. I can do well without AL. I know for me moderation is not an option. I don't just want one drink or 2 drinks. I see no reason for 1 or 2. I binge......I have to get drunk. Knowing that.....I know me and how I can't do moderation.

                I hope your journey leads you to where you want to be in your life. Best Wishes.
                RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                  Februar = Moderating phase

                  I would like to get some data on moderation I know I failed big time before just admitting I was an alcoholic. Seems to me that moderation eventually lead back to old habits. For those people who can do it-- I HATE YOU As I told my wife I wish I could drink four times a year-- superbowl, my birthday, nfl draft party and halloween. I know sounds stupid. I am on day 11, even though I can't wait for the day where I stop counting. I wish all of you well


                    Februar = Moderating phase

                    Hey WW-
                    Seriously--I say to each their own...whatever works best for you...maybe people are right, maybe moderating doesn't work (for them)...I think if you want to try and see for yourself, you need to do it. I know I'm the same way...once I see it and I know it, something seems to stick or change in my mind. I have decided to mod as well. It has been a week and I have not had more than two beers on any one night...which is a HUGE HUGE difference for me...did I mention HUGE!?!?! I feel great...but the thought is creeping in my head...why the one or two??? What's it doing for ya?? But it's me coming to that one telling me (yeah I have control issues)...but that's the way I work I guess. I really have set "rules" for myself and am sticking to them...and so far it has been just great...better then great!! Good luck!!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      Februar = Moderating phase

                      For those people who are serious about moderating or trying to moderate their alcohol intake I'd like to suggest spending some time reviewing the Monthly Moderation and Long Term Moderation threads on this board. You will likely glean some good insights there from people who have tried and succeeded, and people who have tried and failed. For some people moderation is much more difficult that abstention and not worth it; others are successful and enjoy it.

                      Best wishes Witchy Woman. If you have questions or concerns I'll bet one of the active modders can help you out.
                      vegan zombies want your grains


                        Februar = Moderating phase

                        Hey Witchy
                        Know where u are coming from. I think I am somewhere in the same space. Day 34 AF for me and big time argument with myself perhaps should try and mod and see if I can do it. But the reality is I dont think I will be able to do it and then what back to square one and maybe much more difficult this time. Like when I gave up cigarettes for seven years then when I went back on them took me another 4 before I could contemplate giving up again. Dont think I can or ought to take that risk but that is just me speaking out loud trying to make sense of what I want. Good Luck with whatever u decide.
                        Luv :l


                          Februar = Moderating phase

                          Hey Witchy and others -- I went through years of debate with myself trying to prove that I could or could not moderate. In fact throughout most of those years the evidence all pointed to the fact that I could not moderate. I understand that we each have to figure this out for ourselves. Just don't waste as much time as I did doing it. Good luck.


                            Februar = Moderating phase

                            Hi Witchy,
                            I 100% now where you are coming from this is my inner battle too. I also feel that I need to know for sure that I cannot mod and then I will be able to fully commit myself to a AF life ( maybe even with a smile ? ). I have though, if I look back have been trying to moderate for over ten years and Hmmmm well lets just say that I have woken up feeling ashamed and depressed far more often than got away with those 2-3 good girl drinks. I guess what I am trying to saying is that will another ten years pass us by before it really clicks and we can get on with the full glorious potential our lives have to offer!? I bloody hope not.
                            Why not just take 1 year out of our lives ( not long when put into perspective ) and take the challenge to say ' Yes' to all postitive opportunities that come our way instead of hiding behind the bottle. Then at the end of this time if our life is truly no better than welcome the poison back into our lives. What have we got to lose.
                            Feel the it anyway.
                            Sober since Jan 17th 09
                            Smoke free since 20th Nov 08 :H


                              Februar = Moderating phase

                              Progress not perfection - Yep

                              :new: I am 7 days old with MWO. I totally relate to your thread because I'm trying to determine the same thing.

                              Recently, I started a log for each day I have wine. I started the Log on Jan. 28 '09 and to date, I have noticed a decrease of intake which really suprised me. I keep busy with various things including being in here MWO.

                              My personal Log is in a spreadsheet form (that I created in Excel), so it can calculate for me. It includes things like 'date, amount, total for each evening (day if applicable but not so far Yippee), time frame I drink, and any comments necessary.

                              I was drinking wine while making supper up until Jan. 26 '09.
                              Now then, this may sound crazy but at 5:00pm instead of wine, I mix diet Pepsi with Cranberry juice (better than diet coke). Also, thru the day if I crave AL, I substituted Ice Tea with Apple juice or just Ice T. keeping myself busy reading threads while sipping my Ice T. And in this one short week I do Not crave AL near as much as I had.

                              I guess it's about substitution in some cases. We'll know more later. Oh yes, and I find learning new things really keeps the mind occuppied.

