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    New Here

    Hi Everyone,

    I?m a 30 year old happily married mom of 1. I have a problem with addiction and I want help and control over my life. I haven?t had a drink in 36 hours and I can?t stop thinking about it. It is really hard not to pull out the rum and just start over.

    I?m doing this for my daughter. On Wednesday I told myself that this will be the last time I spend the day in bed hung-over and let my daughter watch TV. I?m embarrassed by what I have become and I?m not ready to talk about it with any of my family or friends yet. I just want it to go away.

    I have been apart of a forum/board when I was pregnant and found it very rewarding and made a lot of great friends. I?m hoping to find the support here I need to succeed against this addition.


    Last night out of control February 3, 2009. I'm not doing it again, I'm doing this for my daughter.

    New Here


    Hi Jamie....and welcome!!! Would like to invite you to join us on the 'Newbies Nest', supportive place for people starting out like yourself. Hope to see you there.


      New Here

      Welcome Jamie!

      Have you read the book yet? That's probably a good start... also, read and post a lot here, especially have a look through the too box thread.

      Best of luck to you and congratulations on taking control of your life!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        New Here

        Thanks Renewal for the welcome. I will be checking the different areas of the forum for the newbie.
        Last night out of control February 3, 2009. I'm not doing it again, I'm doing this for my daughter.


          New Here

          Can you point me to the book? I'm not sure where to start, and what will help me. I do know my past attempts have been terrible and I don't want to fail this time.

          Last night out of control February 3, 2009. I'm not doing it again, I'm doing this for my daughter.


            New Here

            Treatment for Alcoholism | Help for Alcoholism | Medication for Alcoholism | Alcohol Treatment Program | How to Stop Drinking - My Way Out

            Click on the Home link at the top, and My Story.... get a feel for the program. Good luck.
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              New Here

              Hi Jamie and :welcome:

              You came to the right place. The people here are great. Lots of good information and advice. Be prepared for a fight, it's a tough road. But you can do this! My son is 13 now, I wish I had found this place a long time ago. Our children deserve to have the best parent we can be.

              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                New Here

                Hi there, just wanted to wish you loads of luck - you've made a great step being free of alcohol already for 36 hrs. Hope you managed to download the book. I found also that getting the supplements helped a lot and the exercise - kind of wakes your body up and starts to put good stuff back in and repair the damage, plus L-Glut & Kudzu reduce cravings.

                There is no need at all to start telling your family & friends. Don't do it until you are ready and not at all if you don't want to. There are many excuses you can make for not drinking a) on a health kick b) on medication c) just deciding to cut it down a bit.... You have super support here and somewhere to ask all those questions you would be embarrased to ask other people.

                I too was fed up with not having time / energy for my child because I was tired from the drinking. What a great motivation to get it into control - my overriding thing is that my child deserves a mum to be around for a long time and alcohol must be doing so much damage.

                I wish you loads of luck.
                AC x x


                  New Here

                  Welcome, Jamie! I sure am happy to hear you are only 30 and starting to want to control your life. If you manage to do it, you will have such a healthy, happy life for you and your child. Best wishes!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    New Here

                    welcome jamie

                    Good for you to want to stop. :goodjob: You are in good company here.


                      New Here

                      Welcom Jamie! Man, I know the feeling. Over the past two years I have had days I couldn't get out of bed, and had to let my 2 year old lay on me and watch TV all day because that's all I could do. I can't tell you how horrible of a mother that made me feel like. In fact, I had forgotten those particular memories until you mentioned it, so thank you for helping me remember. My mind has a way of blocking out things I'd rather not remember, but probably should. She's four now. I love my daughter more than anything in the world and she is probably the biggest reason I'm "Still Fighting".

                      I was really lucky and found the book at the Half-Price Bookstore. I'm not sure if they have those where you are. Honestly, I wouldn't say its a phenomenal book, but it's definitely worth the buy as it gives you an actual six week plan you can follow and lots of great information on medications and the hypnosis CDs. I hope you stick around; I'd like to also. No matter what happens, always keep fighting. Keep coming back. We ARE good parents (the fact that we're here shows that we are).
                      "If it is to be, it is up to me" -R Stayer
                      "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -Christopher Robin


                        New Here

                        jamieaz;538985 wrote: Sunshine,
                        Can you point me to the book? I'm not sure where to start, and what will help me. I do know my past attempts have been terrible and I don't want to fail this time.

                        Even if you fail today or this week or next month, just keep coming back and trying. There are no guilt trips on this forum or with this group of people.
                        "If it is to be, it is up to me" -R Stayer
                        "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -Christopher Robin

