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    Hi, I am glad you posted here. Your messages are always so supportive. I hope that you are feeling a bit better. I have aquired some of meds but not all. I posted a thread this morning similar to this but for some reason it has disappeared so I apologise if you have already read this. I am thinking of you. I know you must be feeling that it is taking for ever to get all the things you need to start. Will keep in touch.
    Enough is enough


    Waves thank you so much for your support. Still waiting for stuff to arrive, forever hopeful! Not been good this week, think I've had a hangover every morning, blinking into the sunshine a dreadful feeling. Hope your doing okies - keep me posted.

    Luv Moll xx




      Sorry it's not been a good week for you but hey, we've not started yet! Hopefully everything will arrive soon. The first day of a new month would be a good day to start. I have been for a walk this morning and a swim this afternoon so am feeling positive on the exercise front for once. Can I stay off wine tonight? I will try but might have to have some beer. I want to be not dependant on wine by September and lose a stone in weight by the time I am 50 in Feb. Is this too ambitious????
      Enough is enough



        Hi Waves, good to hear from you. Good for you for getting the exercise in, I will have to start doing some very soon. My supps and CD's arrived yesterday, started on them immediately and I had one and a half glasses of wine last night - which is a first for me, especially on a Thurs as I have no work on Fridays and it has always been a good excuse to knock a couple of bottles back for me, but being positive for once, I didn't got to the shop as usual but I popped to my mates for a chat (she was having a crisis and needed an ear) and she immediately poured me a glass of wine - I felt 'oh know' but I supped it slowely and deliberately and didn't really enjoy it! Think it must be all in my head at this stage - although did the cd's last night, felt totally relaxed and feel so much better today for not having a skinful last night! Great sat in the sun without a blinding hangover feeling so bad - want more of feeling this way. Hopefully I will try and get through the weekend successfully.

        Glad your feeling positive Waves, if you can stick with just a couple of beers thats good. I think we're maybe on our way bud. Here's to us both and all on here, thanks for the wonderful support also. Have a good weekend and keep posting, am here for you xxx




          I'm new here. I've lurked a bit in the past but not recently.
          Anyway, I'm planning to not drink at all in August. And I want to lose a stone!
          My dad lost 15 pounds in 9 months by not drinking. He upped his ice cream intake too.
          Just thought I'd say hello.
          Diane M.



            Hiya Dieann,have you had a look at the monthly abs boards...might be worth a try.....Wayne:w
            LOOK AT IT THIS WAY.........
            IT CANT GET ANY WORSE.............



              Hi all,

              Moll that is fantastic. Well done!!!!!I'm so proud of you and so glad you have had such a brilliant start. It is so encouraging. I too only had 200mls of beer last night with no work today. It is so hard when friends assume that you will want a glass and you can't say why you don't want any. I will have that problem on Saturday as I am going round to my friend's house for a meal. I think I will use the weight loss aim as an excuse. No swim today but I did do another walk. Hoping to stay off wine tonight too. Didn't buy any wine and only have a few beers in. Well done again and Good luck to both of us.

              Dieann, it is encouraging that your dad lost a stone. I am sure we can too but not over ONE month of not drinking!!!!!!!! Not possible for me! I am sure my weight won't drop so quickly even though the book does say to avoid sugar.
              Waves 2
              Enough is enough




                Last night I told my friend I didn't want more than two glasses of wine and bless her she didn't ask any questions and after two promptly made coffee. Still managing to do the daily walk. Only 3 small glasses of beer on Friday. Feel quite hopeful. Hope you are still feeling positive Moll.
                Daren't get on the scales yet!!!
                Waves 2
                Enough is enough



                  Hi Moll,

                  Is the programme still going well for you? I hope so. I am taking supplements but not topa and still haven't told the doc. I am going to try one last time without medication. In the book it says that some people have managed it and I know there is at least one more person on here doing the same. I am drinking lots of water and I am trying the " the third drink tastes awful " hypnotic suggestion and so far it seems to be working. The third glass does taste awful. But I still drank it last night- but still only beer. Today I tried 20 steps in a jogging pace during my walk. I bet I was redder than any beetroot!!!!! It was lucky no-one was around to hear the heavy breathing!

                  I'm looking at the 27th as my first day the same as you. Day 5
                  Let meknow how you are getting on.
                  Love Waves 2
                  Enough is enough



                    Hi Waves - doing great! On the supps, doing the cd's and the topa arrived yesterday - took it with great anticipation waiting for side effects, but none thank god, only not wanting to drink to the same extent by any means!!! Had two glasses of wine last night and so pleasantly sleepy and looks to be the same tonight, bought a bottle, habit more than anything, opened it and just on my second glass and honestly struggling! I'm amazed!!!!

                    Glad your doing okies, wish I could incorporate the exercise thingy in it like you are, I'm ust not that way inclined!!! Although I so desperatly want to lose weight - I don't know if it's just my imagination though but I don't look as bloated - maybe just wishful thinking - long way to go me thinks, but just going steady but surely.

                    thanks for you support and you stick with it too bud, you sould like your doing tops. We can do it!!

                    Moll xx



                      Thanks for the reply. I'm glad that it's still going so well for you. That's great. The topa is supposed to help with weight loss so fingers crossed. I am still going okay but am a bit worried because I am going on holiday soon and don't know how I will cope when all around me are enjoying getting drunk. If you don't hear from me it's because I am away for a fortnight from Monday. I sincerely hope everything keeps going well for you. I will post on my return for an update.

                      Love Waves 2
                      Enough is enough



                        I have returned from hols as you can see. I'm afraid that I probably drank more than normal as I had a few beers most dinner times but I did keep the wine drinking down considerably and only had too much on two occasions which is not too bad. However, having sat around sunbathing and drinking more beer I have actually gained 5lbs rather than losing weight! Now I have to target 1 stone 5lbs by Feb!! I returned to my run twenty paces then walk twenty paces routine this morning.
                        Is the programme still helping you? I would think that recently it may have been hard. Let me know how you are now please. I have been thinking about you lots since returning to the forum.

                        Love Sea 2 x
                        Enough is enough



                          I have returned from hols as you can see. I'm afraid that I probably drank more than normal as I had a few beers most dinner times but I did keep the wine drinking down considerably and only had too much on two occasions which is not too bad. However, having sat around sunbathing and drinking more beer I have actually gained 5lbs rather than losing weight! Now I have to target 1 stone 5lbs by Feb!! I returned to my run twenty paces then walk twenty paces routine this morning.
                          Is the programme still helping you? I would think that recently it may have been hard. Let me know how you are now please. I have been thinking about you lots since returning to the forum.

                          Love Sea 2 x
                          Enough is enough

