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I'm an alcoholic Mum

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    I'm an alcoholic Mum

    hi mrs donovan, reading your post is very similar to my drink pattern, identical in fact. i will have one bottle of wine and a couple of beers on a good night and on a bad night two bottles of wine and some. i hope you find the support you need (i dont have a lot of people around me either) maybe through medication? i am about to start on naltrexone (had campral last year but that didnt work for me). havent had a drink for four days and feeling much better but its through willpower alone and dont know how long that will last. i wish you all the best and there is tons of support on this site as i have found. best wishes, sharon


      I'm an alcoholic Mum

      Hiya Mrs D!

      :welcome: Well, you sound like a TYPICAL full-time mum of 2 little-uns! Don't beat yourself up about it. Now you've found this site (and I've only found it very recently), have a good old read through the posts - it's amazing the comfort you'll get just to realise YOU ARE NOT ALONE! My girls are now older (9&7) but my god, have I been where you are and to be honest, as they get older you tend to get a bit more complacent because ..... they can feed themselves .... they can bath themselves .... they can entertain themselves .... they can put themselves to bed ..... BUT - THEY ARE AWARE OF THEIR MUM DRINKING. And - that's what made me start doing something about it (along with those ads which are now on the TV (I see you're also UK based!) - Women - know your limits - know the ones?!?!?!). I stumbled on this site when googling for some Kudzo but instead got into this - which is great - and have also ordered some TOPA via the River Pharmacy (far to embarrassed to go to the GP am afraid to say (says it all really?!), which I have found (now I've got the correct dose sorted!) really does work for me. As a fellow SMOT (stressed mum of two!) to another:
      1. Log on and read posts every day to keep strong and realise you're not alone, 2. Look into getting some supps (but really do your homework as to what you think may work for you and if you're not embarrassed like me - go to your GP!) and, last but not least, 3. When that glass of wine is calling - get your gym-jams on and slippers and have a bowl of cornflakes! My friends think I'm odd but I just CAN'T drink a glass of wine in my jim-jams & slippers on!
      Anyhow, Mrs D, hope you're still around and look forward to hearing how you're going - :goodjob: on that A/F Saturday by the way!!!!!!!!! :l


        I'm an alcoholic Mum

        Hi everyone - thank you all so much for all your kind replies and messages. I haven't been back for a while as things have been been a bit hit and miss since I first posted. Have had some enjoyable AL free nights and some not so enjoyable ones. Have also had a few drinking nights too. Although interestingly I haven't been blind drunk when alone since finding this site. I think I really freaked myself out at my behaviour especially as my 8 month old is being quite demanding during the night at the mo.

        But, we've had family staying for a bit and I just CANNOT not drink when everyone else is. It's such a huge part of our culture that I would look like a leper and ruin everyone elses night!

        One thing that I have found really successful in getting me through my AL free nights is to keep telling myself 'A drink is NOT a treat or a reward - it will only make you feel worse' whenever I get an urge.

        I had reached a stage where I wasn't getting a high off being drunk. Like through the drunkeness I still felt empty and lonely and I knew that I was making things worse by adding drink to the mix. It's just beating the cravings.

        This might sound terrible to say but there's a celebrity in the UK called Jade Goody who is a young mother to 2 small children and she is dying from cancer. She's not the most popular of celebrities but nobody deserves that. It's given me a bit of a wake up call actually. You have nothing if you don't have your health.

        Good luck everybody - you are all fantastic people and this site is a godsend
        AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
        One Day At A Time

        Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


          I'm an alcoholic Mum

          Mrs D, stick around. I can hear that it's really hard at the moment. Small children, as much as we love them, demand a lot.
          Allow this site to hold you up in times of discomfort. I would advise you to get some of the supplements suggested. This is not a battle that you can fight alone.


            I'm an alcoholic Mum

            The thing is you are a fat drunk and probably very selfish. Your poor children let us pray you get better. You fat drunk! Get a grip


              I'm an alcoholic Mum

              rebekka...just so you know, I have reported your post to the moderators here.

              If you need help, say so....that's what I am seeking on this site.
              RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

              "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                I'm an alcoholic Mum

                Hi Mrs D

                Just checking you're OK. Not sure what's gone on recently with a couple of posts ... thanks for your PM - as I say, just checking you're OK. Are you and your little ones feeling better now? Hope so! Any luck with the Topa? Ignore any horrible posts that may have been posted. Keep smiling:l x


                  I'm an alcoholic Mum

                  Hey Mrs. D, How are you doing?

                  It seems that the other day I got to involved with a poster who was being mean to even post to you. Thanks for the pm.

                  I am a grandmother and have no children....let me explain. I married my husband who had almost grown boys. I now have 5 grandbabies ranging from age 2 to age 9. They are getting to the age that they know when I've been drinking. Most times, since I have no maternal bone in my body, I would puposely drink when they were around to aid in having fun with them.

                  You mothers have the hardest job in the world and I admire you. It's a 24/7 job. I know I could not do it.
                  RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                  "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                    I'm an alcoholic Mum

                    hi mrs D,i read your thread,from the beginning,theres an old saying,you've come a long way baby,your 1st post was struggling,then change,you realise theres more to life then a life style of drinking, wonderful accomplishment you've made,by the way it is very hard to not drink when everyone around you does,gyco your doing great


                      I'm an alcoholic Mum

                      Hi Guys

                      Things going really well thanks. How are you all?

                      I'm on day 6 and feeling really positive. Have started baking! Made fairy cakes with my daughter on Sunday and have baked muffins today! about turn around! Still can't face starting a diet yet but I think one more week AF and then I might just dust off an old exercise DVD! :H

                      I missed Rebekkas posts.....probably a good thing. Sounds like she's got real issues!
                      AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
                      One Day At A Time

                      Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


                        I'm an alcoholic Mum

                        good for you Mrs. Donovan! :goodjob:
                        "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
                        March 13, 2012

                        Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
                        Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
                        Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
                        Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
                        Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
                        Goal #6: 6 months
                        Goal #7: 1 year


                          I'm an alcoholic Mum

                          Hi Mrs D

                          :thumbs: Well - what a complete turn around! You sound like you've turned a corner and, if I'm not mistaken, are turning into a "yummy mummy"!!!!! Like you say, s*d the diet for the moment - get your priorities right - that's what you're here for first and foremost. Are you finding it easy now (or is that a daft question?!) .... keep at it and keep strong
                          roud: :l x

