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Hey, all you Aussies
Hey, all you Aussies
hiya upnorthgirl
its terrible. up her in qld its flooding, and down south fires. i really hope both these terrible life taking things end soon.
hope all is ok at mwo too.
an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do
Hey, all you Aussies
Hiya Up north. I'm near the fires down south. Ok myself, but many people dead, over 100 so far, and rising. Many people missing, and/or yet to be identified. 30 odd fires still burning throughout Victoria (a southern state). Cooler weather at the moment around Melbourne, though wind also a problem, but preparing for more fires, if weather heats up again, which it could easily do. The fires came through some towns and properties 'fast as a bullet', without much warning. Going in to help clean up when safe to do so.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Hey, all you Aussies
Guitarista ---- my heart goes out to your fellow countrymen who have lost so much in the fires. Just be careful when helping with the clean-up..... have also heard there is a lot of looting going on..... you don't want to cross paths with the wrong people.
I'm heading to Australia tomorrow, but the Brisbane area. Other than the heat and humidity, it seems to be out of the danger of fires and floods.
Praying for cooler temperatures for all of you.
Hey, all you Aussies
Hi Upnorthgirl. AOK here in Qld. Family and friends escaped any damage in Victoria. Thanks for thinking of us. The situation is terrible. Fires still burning in many parts of the State.Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
AF May 23 09 to July 09
AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.
Hey, all you Aussies
Hi i Upnorthgirl, thanks for concern I'm fine in Queensland too. My heart is broken for family's down southGot to love the Aussie spirit though more than $15 million donated so far (not including government or corporate!!!)
xx Summer09
Hey, all you Aussies
I've been thinking about you all too! Sounds just awful what is happening! Keep safe.
Reminds me of that Cat Empire song - "in summer, the bush fires rage and rage, and rage on such beautiful days". Ha! Amazing that my favourite song of theirs is The Wine Song!!!!
Best to you all!
xo peanut
Hey, all you Aussies
To Australia
My students read an article in today's paper about the fires in Australia. They will have to report on the article on Wed. If anyone has anything to offer, as far as the situation, please let me know by tomorrow.
I hope you all, my friends, are OK.
Hey, all you Aussies
Hi CS04.... its 6pm here down under on a Tues far 173 people are confirmed gone and many thousands homeless.... many are missing, Many fires continue to burn mainly due to the high winds. However the Aussie spirit of "helping ones mate " lives on.... for a relatively small population compared to some countries the people here have made a phenomenal contribution to the well being of the people and helpers/services personnel in all bushfire areas. The police commissioner here has declared all bushfire areas as crime scenes , as our countries's leader stated it is akin to "masss murder" due to arson. The people within Australia have donated millions out of their own pockets and to this will be added millions from the govt and corporate sector.. Fund raising is underway and there are a multitude of volunteers helping to assist all levels of support. Shops are giving people in affected regions whatever they want to help.Clothes ,bedding , shelter,foodstuffs/ personal items, trauma counsellors , medical /emergency personell are on the scene and still coming.Gratefulness is felt for other countires who are providng much support too.
Thats it so far in a nut shell. The whole country has united as one...... all ages , creeds, classes are in this together whether on the scene or not.
I for one would like to say I am dam proud to be an Australian and send great love to those in such trying conditions to recover restore and regain
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi indeed x
Hey, all you Aussies
Type in this address [bushfires victoria feb 09] and you will get all the information available, including the very latest. So far 181 lives lost. 5000 people living in tents and caravans. Last night $29 million had been raised in donations to the Red Cross, with about $1 million being donated every hour. The premier of Victoria, John Brumby is considering it mandatory to build fire bunkers when the homes are rebuilt.Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
AF May 23 09 to July 09
AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.