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Why do 30 days?

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    Why do 30 days?

    Morning all,

    I had a bit of an 'aha' moment, so I thought I'd share.

    I started out wanting to moderate, and drink within the UK recommended weekly units. So I did 5 days AF, not too bad, then had a huge binge which resulted in a 2 day hangover. Then I did 7 days, and again drank much more than I planned to, more than I usually would. So, have decided to take advice and do 30 days AF. It's Friday today which is one of my big triggers, BUT because I'm committed to 30 days there is no choice to drink, which has made it easier. I sat with a friend who had 3 beers in an hour yesterday (after a yoga class!), drank my mineral water, and felt great, had it been a 'mod' day, I would have had a drink.

    Another thing that pointed me in the 30 day direction was putting up with the same pattern of withdrawals after each time I drank. Whilst my symptoms are not major, they're enough to be annoying.

    I know that different plans work for different people, and am in awe of anyone who is committed to moderation or abstinence, and am not advocating either method. but I need my 30 days.

    Do whatever works for you. x

    Happy Friday 13th!

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


    Why do 30 days?

    Nice post, Betty, and good for you! 30 days AF is a really great way to clarify our relationship with alcohol.


      Why do 30 days?


      Not sure what to say to that.... well, way to go, and you go girl, and I'm so glad you had an 'Aha! moment'...:l that's obvious.

      I'm less than a week away from 30 days. And these last few days, the 'thoughts' were stronger and more frequent than in the last 3 weeks. Freaky. Granted, I had a whole lot of shit fall in my lap this past week - but I'm not sure that's really a factor.

      So, I really haven't got a clue if 30 days is going to clarify ANYTHING for me - other than that I'm 'not normal'. No normal person thinks about a bottle of wine at 2pm.

      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Why do 30 days?

        Sunny, some people end up deciding that, because their urges were so strong when they went AF, that they really SHOULD drink, because the "forbidden fruit" phenomenon is what really causes the urges. Maybe so. For some. But... like you, I'd suggest that strong urges for a bottle of wine at 2pm are not going to happen to non-alcohol-dependent people who have gone a couple of weeks, or 30 days, without a drink! For people who are not alcohol-dependent, alcohol is (guess what!) just not that big a deal!


          Why do 30 days?

          BIG (former) day drinker here. Can totally relate to thoughts of wine at 7AM - why wait until afternoon?? Sunshine, WIP is right - those kinds of urges DO NOT happen to people who are not dependent on alcohol. Mr. Doggy is one of those folks who will drink a beer on occassion, and never even think about it for a very long time. In fact it rarely occurs to him to have an alcoholic beverage unless he is around other people who are. And then if he has one, it's really only one, or maybe none at all. I have NEVER drank like that, and there aren't enough drugs, supplements, hypnosis CD's, books, bibles, programs of any kind that will allow me to "get" that way.

          My life got MUCH easier when I finally figured out that no alcohol at all is what I need to do. Trying to control something that is impossible for me to control is too much work and too much time and too much grief.

          Best wishes to you as you contemplate your next steps!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Why do 30 days?

            Alright.. back to Betty! Didn't mean to hijack this thread!! LOL

            Betty, luv... you can do the 30 days, no doubt in my mind.
            because I'm committed to 30 days there is no choice to drink
            See there... that's exactly why I started the DINAO/AINAO thread It IS so much easier when drinking is just not an option. I so agree.

            Whatever you decide after the 30 days... good luck hun and kudos - you're doing well!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Why do 30 days?

              Yay for 30 days

              I agree, normal people do not obsess about wine at 2 AM. In the book it relates the focus on AL to someone fantasizing about a stick of butter. Who does that? No one!
              Doing alright this morning....


                Why do 30 days?

                Hi Betty, Way to go. the 30 days AF should be good for you.

                Being totally honest though, are you sure you'll be able to moderate? I guess that'll be a question you'd have to ask yourself. but going AF a couple of days followed by a binge each time sounds more like me (who definately can't moderate) than a moderator?!

                All I'm saying is, good on you for the 30 days, but maybe consider whether moderating thereafter would be such a good choice?
                AF since 15th March 2010

                The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                  Why do 30 days?

                  hi betty ,good thread its a start,thts what matters recognising ,note you ,only you ,cause this has to do with you,mt have a problem,30 days,i havent advertised it,and yes back a while ago i was 10 months without.and im not trying to steal the thread,hahahaha,theres an old saying where theres a will there is a way,ive recently tried thee 24 hour thing,rather then looking at a long term,i find 24 hours has worked differently then a long term,thing,we can analyze this till the end of time,you sound like your in the same boat as me,and maybe many others,you like to drink,as far as normal drinkers,tht could be a long debate,what normal person would put 40 percent ,of a substance [alcohol]in there body even once in a while,are norms any sane or insane then us,just a thot and have wonderful weekend gyco


                    Why do 30 days?

                    30 days is actually something that is set up to help determine if you have a problem. The idea behind 30 days is that if you are still counting on days 20, 21 22, 23 or counting to the actual 30 when you can have a drink that you have some sort of problem with alcohol. That is what my counselor told me when I went in after I admitted I was an alcoholic. ANyways that what I was told.


                      Why do 30 days?

                      Hey Betty,

                      I think it's great you're doing the 30 days and just want to offer you my support!

                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

