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New here :)

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    New here :)

    hey all, I'm new here Unfortunately I'm not new to getting sober, this is my third serious attempt in two years. What I'm really looking for is anybody who would like a buddy to help them through this, and would in turn like to help somebody else - or just about anybody who'd like to make friends actually. I'm probably one of the younger ones here, and am quitting not just for myself, but for my long term partner. I love music, reading, and anything creative, and would love to meet other people like myself Can't wait to hear from you guys, much love

    The way I change the past is by not repeating it
    -James Hetfield, Metallica

    New here

    Welcome, ThatGirl,

    I wish you much success on your journey to getting sober!

    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      New here

      You have found a website with lots of people doing the same thing you are dong. I am doing it one day at a time. I am on day 16 days AF. You can do it. Just keep posting and reading here!
      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


        New here



          New here

          NinjaLush 47 days Sober today! Sorry I've not been around for a long time. Miss y'all

          Yeah, I'm new-ish, joined last year some time, maybe january - can't remember. Anyway my new year's resolution for 2009 was to get completely off of drink for 3 months using Antabuse and so far it's been good. Finding those inconvenient truths such as socializing with other drinkers and not drinking myself is exhausting. Add pot into the mix and you're done for. I mean, I don't smoke pot but if the other revelers are combining that with their cocktails... Anyway, you know what I mean.....I quit smoking 3 - actually more like 4 years ago and am tempted to pick it up just to have some other vice NOT DRINK which others have when being social. Anyhow, happy valentines day everyone. I've grown quite fond of you in my short fleeting moments that I've spent iin these chat rooms. I am also trying to look into SMART Recovery. I tried to hang out in their chat rooms for a bit but they didn't feel warm and cozy like here so I left and came here.

          Bestist Hearts and Flowers to All of you. Any insights, sharing, etc. welcome.

          Thanks for listening to my friday night ramblings... Ninjalush xxxxxx
          "Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning how to dance in the rain." - Vivian Green


            New here

            That Girl

            Hi That Girl (Marlo Thomas). Remember that show? I'm showing my age. Anyway :welcome::welcome: You will find many good friends here to listen and help you on your journey. Stay close and keep reading and responding to the threads here. It helped me stay AF for 30 days today. If I can do it after 35 yrs. you can. Showing up here means you want help. That's a good start. Remember stay close and the best of luck. :hug:
            Starting over again


              New here

              Welcome TG

              :welcome: TG Yep, you came to the right place, so glad you found MWO forum. The support is amazing and you may be surprised at just how many of us in here have very similar problems to yours.

              Panicked started a recent thread on substitute beverages. Very interesting and yummy. There may be other threads on the subject as well - I'm not sure so far cuz I'm only 17 days old in here myself. Oh Happy Day!


                New here

                welcome, I am very new here too, this is a place filled with wonderful people, I would love to join you on your journey if I can find the strength, I am not completely AF yet


                  New here

                  Hi Newbys, welcome to MWO, my personal lifeline to sobriety, and hopefully yours too. Keep close to MWO for a while, we will help you with your journey - where no one judges, we only offer support, friendship and are here when you need us
                  Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                  And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                  • Yesterday is History
                    Today is a Mystery
                    Tomorrow is a GIFT


                    New here

                    Hi TG,
                    I am pretty new to all of this too, I would be happy to hold your hand, and be your friends through this. T

                    This is my first day and it's nearly 4.30pm where I live in Australia, and it's definitely drinkies time. Hubby has been drinking now for a couple of hours. I am taking it very slowly ( only recommended daily doses ) so two standard drinks for me today. I will see how I go, if I need the medications I will look at that if I get that far and relapse. I can already feel the tension in me. I am already agitated that I cannot have as much as I want.

                    Something I need to get over. Wish me luck - I will post tomorrow and let you all know that I succeeded.

                    BTW how do I put an avatar on my account, I have searched but just cant find the location.
                    Hey.....Life is good:yougo::crazymonkey::cheering:


                      New here

                      Hey hun!
                      I'll be your buddy!!! We can get through this together. I'm also a younger one on here. I'm only 25.
                      Welcome! I'm here for you, PM me anytime!


                        New here

                        Thanks, it's so nice to find so many kind, supportive people in the same position as I am! Anybody on here can also PM me anytime if they need support, or just a kindred spirit to talk to about going AF, and all the trash that comes with it

                        Anywho, it is 3.30 here in good ol' sunny England, there is music and rugby so usually this would be beer time (just so as not to confuse anybody, I'm just a girl with a mans taste in drinks n sport :P) gonna see how long I can go without giving in, wish me luck guys!

                        The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                        -James Hetfield, Metallica


                          New here


                          I am new too- also from the UK; and trying to go AF again !!!! I can manage up to about 4/5 days and then I think I am doing so well that I will risk having a glass of wine but I may as well buy 2 or 3 and then I drink far too much- I am completely ashamed to admit that i am up to over two bottles of wine a night sometimes- and most of the weekend passes in a haze. My work is suffering- my husband has left me and won't answer any messages or calls and my sons at university are worried sick about me. I am gettign very fat and completely unfit- today i haven't been out of the door even though I have a dog who desperately wants to go for a walk.

                          But I have not had anything to drink today and haven't got any cravings I never have had any side effects that i can think of when I don't drink for a few days. And I am very tired so i am going to go to bed soon- as the other thing is that I want to get a new job and I have an interview tomorrow !




                            New here

                            Hi OT,

                            Stay with this forum, I am new here too, and have found such amazing and overwhelming support. No-one will judge you or look down on you, just give you lots of advice and support, which is what we need in our time of need. Stay with us. And good luck with your interview.
                            Hey.....Life is good:yougo::crazymonkey::cheering:


                              New here


                              I applaud you for this third attempt to get sober, I am so proud that you did not give up. It took a lot of courage to come here, and admit your past mistakes and try again, so many people would have given up. Whether it takes 3 times, or 33 times, as long as you never give up you will stay ahead of the game. I am so proud of the people who stepped up to be your buddy, and who gave you encouragement. I, too, am new here -- From what I can tell this board seems really supportive.


                              Good luck on your interview today, I will keep you in my prayers. I applaud you for coming here to work on YOU. Who knows, perhaps after you make the changes YOU want for you, your husband may see a whole new you, and reconnect with the woman he fell in love with.


                              ThatGirl;547318 wrote: hey all, I'm new here Unfortunately I'm not new to getting sober, this is my third serious attempt in two years. What I'm really looking for is anybody who would like a buddy to help them through this, and would in turn like to help somebody else - or just about anybody who'd like to make friends actually. I'm probably one of the younger ones here, and am quitting not just for myself, but for my long term partner. I love music, reading, and anything creative, and would love to meet other people like myself Can't wait to hear from you guys, much love


