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Something Huge Happened Last Night

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    Something Huge Happened Last Night

    I drank a lot yesterday. I bought vodka and hid it. My husband asked where it was and I lied. I freeking lied to my husband and he got very upset. Of course he knew I was drinking and wanted to know what. So I went and got it for him. He asked me why I lied and I told him " thats what alcoholics do"'.
    I think that really freeked him out. I have been asking him for a while to get rid of all the alcohol in the house and he hasn't. He did last night. He dumped every drop down the drain. He is working today and I am dreading when he comes home. I dont want to face him.
    I feel really ashamed and embarressed. I am a grown woman, who functions quite well in life. I have a great job and I am successful at what I do, yet I act like a child and lie and get stupid drunk.
    Today I feel a whole bunch of things; sad, relieved, ashamed, embarressed, lonely, guilty, dissapointed...But mostly I feel like I can finally move on and get better.

    Something Huge Happened Last Night

    I have done the same thing numerous times Blanch. I hate the hiding, the lying, the childish behavior. You have a Great attitude Blanch. This could be your turning point.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Something Huge Happened Last Night

      Hi hun.
      Oh i know how you feel. It's horrible. The dread of him returning. Just remember, it'll pass, give it a few days and it will. You did a good thing telling him. These things need to happen if we are to get our loves one to bloody well wake up and smell the not so fresh roses. It's the start of the end. The only thing now is there is no turning back, there is no taking back the words you said and he will most likely watch you like a hork and take a lot more control.
      This has happened to me and as much as i HATE it, i also know if it hadn't happened, god knows where i'd be (most likely dead) and i would have no marriage.
      This is the start of the end. I can almost bet money on it that he's not mad at you, he's shocked and most likely upset that he never realised.
      Marriage is for better for worse right....
      I'm here if you need me! I've been through this.


        Something Huge Happened Last Night

        Boo, it's really a good thing if you step back and find a positive aspect. Which of course is hard to do when you feel so icky. What I see is that your husband didn't "get" what you were telling him when he didn't get the booze out of the house when asked. Maybe he didn't want to. Perhaps you did it on a subconscious level to get his him to realize what was happening and get him to participate. Now the cards are on the table and the two of you have to opportunity to work out a game plan. Try to look forward to this and not dread it. And keep in mind that it may be hard (or at least inconvenient) for a drinker to not have booze in the house. Looks like this is a great turning point for your recovery! Good luck!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Something Huge Happened Last Night

          Things happen for a reason

          A New Beginning! They say everything happens for a reason. Sounds like he really loves you.

          Sometimes when things get nuts at my house I write little notes, I call them Pocket Notes and I give them to my hubby. Somehow that little tangible piece of paper really helps him understand. Works for me anyway . . . You said it well at the end of your thread.

          Best of the best to you BBoo!

          God Bless! :l


            Something Huge Happened Last Night

            hi blanch,offel feeling did it to my wife for years,if you keep drinking it will get worse,somtimes councilling helps,both of use,3rd party,and one tht knows about alchoholism,MWO,is a good start,AA online if your intiimidated by meetings,and AA,even reading the AA book onlie,free,164 page,it shows a way,and where theres a will theres a dear he s scared not unhappy gyco


              Something Huge Happened Last Night

              ok im off my dear have a wonderful day


                Something Huge Happened Last Night

                Boo, thoughts are things. Change your thoughts and you change your world. I took a SILVA MIND CONTROL class back in the 1970s and i still use the tools from that class in my life today.
                Do you know about Louise Hays work (You can Heal your life) ?? goggle her name and there will be lots of links. Also many others in the self help field like Wayne Dyer are published thru Hay House .
                Try some positive self talk videos on (you tube).
                Type in Abraham Hicks and listen to see if it can start to help you reprogram your thinking process.
                PM me if I can help.
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Something Huge Happened Last Night

                  Blanchie, perhaps this is your blessing in disguise? Sometimes our families need a wake up call as much as we do...
                  As you move forward that embarrassment will fade, your husband sounds like a good man, I hope you can work this out together.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Something Huge Happened Last Night

                    I think he is scared. I also think that he did not want to see the problem. He does love me very much and he never judges. I am really lucky to have him. I only hope I can do this and make him and me proud and I hope our lives will become much better from this.
                    I am really feeling scared right now. Kind of panicked about not having anything in the house....after all, it is Saturday...My big drinking day.
                    I am going to get on the treadmill for a bit and hope that helps.


                      Something Huge Happened Last Night

                      Evie lou, I think I have that book ' you can heal your life' I will look for it. I will also check out the other things you mentioned.
                      I think it was a blessing in disquise. It just doesn't feel like it right now. I know it will get better though.
                      All of your posts have really helped me. thank you.
                      Any other suggestions? I need all the help I can get today.


                        Something Huge Happened Last Night

                        Exercise is very good Boo. Releases stress and keeps you busy.
                        Let me know if you wanta meet in chat...Remember THINK ABOUT THE BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME AND THAT STARTS IT TO BECOME REALITY.
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Something Huge Happened Last Night

                          He probably is Blanchie, also dont forget you are withdrawing too, that will add to that panicky feeling. Being active will really help, as will allowing yourself time to get through this..Your lives will get better.
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Something Huge Happened Last Night

                            OLD SAYING...Darkest before the DAWN...It is getting better as we speak...I KNOW IT IS...
                            NOW go to you tube and listen...OK ???
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              Something Huge Happened Last Night

                              Blanch I've done the same thing and your husband sounds great....mine just told me that I don't have a drinking problem and bought another bottle of rum...I wanted him to pour it down the sink! i guess that would mean he wouldn't have it to drink either. I wish you the best of luck!

