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Still Learning,but have questions

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    Still Learning,but have questions

    Hi to all-and happy V-Day:h well, I started out trying to modify...I even had sugestion from a member to use a measuring cup to moniter how much I was drinking. I started out 1 year ago with vodka. Then went to wine....Lord knows it is SO sweet, I could hardly drink it anymore. The I went to beer.The beer didn't cut it for me. Last time I went AF it was while drinking the vodka (10 days sober). I have a positive attitude, taks supps, but I just cannot figure out for the life of me why it is so difficult.I told everyone previously that I am a recovering addict(coke),6 months clean.....It was hard....I felt AWFUL.... but somehow prevailed. I swore I never wanted to feel that again(the withdrawls) here I am with an AL issue.I know I can beat it.....but and I will try over and over.Any insight as to why this seems SO hard. You can quit coke, but not AL? sounds weird.Thank you to everyone in advance for your input. I take constructive critisism well.....I have to know it is for the best.I still read posts but my comp. freezes alot,so please bear with me. Good luck to all trying ,and congrats to all who are AF.:thanks:

    Still Learning,but have questions

    Fallin .... I have been AF for several months, thank God. But I found getting here to be a very long hard slog..........just no convenient "turn off" switch. I finally used antabuse and for me that seemed to make the difference. At the same time -- after years of trying to get off AL -- I finally was at the point of believing that I was prepared to never have another drink again ....ever. Nasty stuff this AL. I wish you lots of stamina, luck and God bless.


      Still Learning,but have questions


      I, too, used coke in the past. I think it was easier getting off that (compared to AL) for several reasons. One, coke is not socially acceptable. AL is, it's almost expected. Two, coke cost a hell of a lot more. I can easily justify some AL but not hundreds of dollars in coke. Three, I didn't crash as much with AL. A hangover is not as bad as coming off of coke. AL is more subtle and deceiving.

      Stick with it. Keep posting. Keep up with the supps and try to exercise. Exercising regularly is my biggest struggle and it's so important.

      Take care,
      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        Still Learning,but have questions

        Hi hun.
        I've never used a drug in my life so i have no idea about it.
        I think AL is sooo hard to give up because it is just soooo common. It's normal. Every tv show is based about a pub/bar. Everyone drinks after work, everyone drinks when down ect ect. Every shop has drink all over the place with half price deals, there are bill boards advertising drink.
        I think whether we are aware or not, it's constantly being drummed into our subconscious.
        I find that with me, you just have to cut it out. Not moderate cause you're still giving in to your cravings.
        It is really hard hun but you know what, we're all in the same boat, so relax, stay away from the drink and come to us! Let all the emotions that drink covers up roll out and deal with them. We're here for you!


          Still Learning,but have questions

          I agree with what has been posted about alcohol being socially accepted. You can get it anywhere. You can do it in public and without stigma from most.

          I've never done any drugs. About 25 years ago when I was first drinking, I would have done any drug if I could have afforded it, if my friends were doing it and I knew who to buy it from. The booze was cheaper and easier to get, so I got to liking my rum and never felt the need for any drugs. How crazy does that sound? Sounds like somebody justifying drinking rum...yep that was me!
          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


            Still Learning,but have questions

            Thank you all so much.I just wrote a BIG reply,but somehow got booted.....urgh! lol.....I will try and try until I get it right. I have been through some tough times, so I believe I can do this. You all are great! Luv-FallinA


              Still Learning,but have questions

              I am believing YOU CAN DO THIS...right along with you..
              You can do this...I KNOW YOU CAN !!!
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Still Learning,but have questions


                If you're doing a big post, copy it before you post it. That way if you get logged off, you still have it. It's happened to me many times! So frustrating!

                Yes, you can do this and you're great, too!
                Take care,
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Still Learning,but have questions

                  Having SO many people who care makes such a difference.Although we don't really know one another,it is amazing how much everyone cares.I sometimes wonder if because when I finally quit the coke and SWORE I NEVER wanted to feel the "crappy withdrawl" process again,I find myself back in that boat....feeling crappy.It is a different kind of crappy though.I hate feeling nervous.....sometimes jittery.dull headache,but I know it is part of the process.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........I know I can do this.I am ready to face the music again.I havn't been drinking much at all.....but they say one is too many a hundred is never enough! Thanks again to all.Luv-Fallin


                    Still Learning,but have questions

                    Dear Fallin,

                    I don't understand how addicts can modify. I have been AF for 9 days now and I feel great. I tried for years to "cut down" on my drinking but it just made me more miserable. I know my miserable addict self, if I have one glass of wine tonight, that would be it. I would talk myself into going way beyond anybodies definition of moderation. Can you imagine if when you tried to quit coke you had the expectation that you could take oh, say, just one small line a day. You wouldn't of ever quit, would you? If a person is trying to quit smoking they wouldn't dream of trying to just smoke 2 cigs a day from now on. It would just prolong the pain. By drinking a little you allow yourself all of the pain and none of the advantages. I think that's why dieters have such a hard time. Because you can't totally give up food.

                    I hope this doesn't sound preachy, it is just my opinion that modification may not be the way to go at first. Maybe after a period of AF....
                    Mrs. Swino
                    AF since 2/9/2009!!
                    Working toward 90 day goal!
                    Then I don't know..
                    and then I'll hate wine...Ya, that's the ticket...


                      Still Learning,but have questions

                      Thank you.....I just did it again----- posted a LONG reply and before I had time to save it I got a msg. saying I wasn't logged in....and I was???????Wonder why that keeps happening? I do have ALOT to say,but in the meantime......I truely appreciate your support and you are all SO supportive.I take it all in and use what it takes!!! I am not 100% there......BUT I KNOW I CAN DO THIS...and may not have choice after surgery tomorrow. Luv FallinA

