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Trying again, hope this is it

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    Trying again, hope this is it

    Hi, just found this site and desperate to find a relief from my addiction to alcohol. Hope someone can help. i've tried so many times but always fail.:new:

    Trying again, hope this is it

    Welcome! Well done for posting. Read as much as you can and get yourself a plan. B.x
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      Trying again, hope this is it

      I will and thanks. Do you mean you've set yourself 30 days of sobriety?


        Trying again, hope this is it

        Welcome Odanata,
        Have you read the book My Way Out yet? You can download it from here or order it on-line. I hightly recommend it as the beginning to your journey to sobriety.
        Wishing you all the best
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Trying again, hope this is it

          I think everyone is different. Have you read the MWO book? I started out with some AF days, and then decided to have 30 AF days, but that's my choice. Whatever you decide you'll get great support, have a look at the Newbies Nest thread, lots of newcomers in there. B.x
          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            Trying again, hope this is it

            Sorry Dee, cross post!
            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              Trying again, hope this is it

              Hi Odie

              :welcome: You are here for a reason, same for everyone. Read, read then read some more. There are so many wonderful threads from so many wonderful and supportive people.

              Eccliseastes 3:1-15 'A Time for Everything", I love these verses (but that's jsut me).


                Trying again, hope this is it

                wally 22
                i too am going to take your advice. newbies and ODAT. I've already read the help thread, will go there if i feel a craving. i'm on day 3 again, and no cravings yet.


                  Trying again, hope this is it

                  I found this website 3 weeks ago and it has helped me so much. Read and post was the advice I got when I was new. (Well 3 weeks still makes me new, I guess).

                  What worked for me is that I instantly bonded with another newbie. We send personal messages all the time checking up on each other. You can pm me all you want. Lilmia is my pm buddy. She is only a week or so more AF than me. So we are going thur the same struggles.

                  I wish you the very best!:welcome:
                  RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                  "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

