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A little inspiration ...

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    A little inspiration ...

    I'm posting because I wanted to provide a little inspiration for the newbies (and even the oldbies) that are still struggling to free themselves of AL. My story is just like everyone else's story. Pick one and it's me. I struggled and struggled to quit drinking, but there was always that one excuse and I would start again. It's a vicious cycle, and one that needs to be broken in order to get free from AL.

    I would give half-hearted attempts. I would take Campral (never the correct dose or every day) and then say "it doesn't work". Finally, I just decided that was it. I can't say that there was any defining moment, I just said "I'm not doing this anymore. I want my life back." My bipolar meds were never, ever going to work unless I stopped drinking. I started to take the Campral as prescribed. I figured that the stores wouldn't be running out of beer anytime soon, and if it didn't work and I didn't start to feel better, then I could always go back to drinking. If you look at my drinktracker for January, you'll see that I slipped a couple of times, but then I just stopped. Unfortunately, for me I fall into the 1-2% of people that suffers from severe diarrhea from it, and I had to stop taking it. I was really scared. I thought "Ok ... here we go. I'm gonna start drinking again." But I haven't. The only thing I can think of was that in the 1 1/2 months of my taking it, it broke the cycle for me. I also changed alot of my behaviors as well as aspects of my life so that I would not be in the situation of where I would drink.

    I am doing so much more today. The things that I used to love to do before, I'm enjoying once again. I'm a different person. Now I can think clearly and make sound decisions. I no longer procrastinate nor do I lay around all day. Is everything perfect? Hell, no. But now I can deal with problems rationally. I also feel that if those in my life don't like me the way that I am today, then they can get out of my life. I like who I am, and I'm not changing.

    Another thing that used to eat at me was the weight that I gained because of drinking. It doesn't bother me anymore. It's slowly coming off, but even if it didn't, I don't let it bother me. I love myself for who I am and I no longer avoid the mirror. I feel like such a strong person now.

    My suggestions to everyone struggling is to evaluate yourself. Ask yourself "Do I really want to stop drinking? Am I ready to make the commitment to stop drinking?" It's not going to be easy. But anything worth fighting for is worth having.

    Try the MWO program first, if you can take the supps and vites. It's a natural approach and one that I would have gladly tried first if I could. Unfortunately, with my other meds I couldn't take them. But don't expect a miracle. Really give it a chance. Remember: The stores are not going to run out of AL anytime soon. Keep telling yourself that.

    If the MWO program doesn't work, or if you are suffering through withdrawals that cannot be controlled, GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR. This is important!!!!! Your doctor can put you on meds to control the withdrawals so that you can get through them, and start you on an anti-craving drug (like Campral) or antabuse, or any of the others that are out there. But you may need help with the withdrawals first.

    I know this is long, and if you've made it down this far, it shows that you are interested in getting well. Believe me, it is so worth the fight!

    In the words of Yoda: Don't try, just do! Hugs to all of you. You really can do it! :hug:

    AF since 1/2009

    A little inspiration ...

    consider me inspired!
    Thanks for the words of wisdom......
    I'm finding so much support and it really is helping with my journey.
    Thank you and all the best with your journey....:hallo:
    a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


      A little inspiration ...

      This is a wonderful post, SK! Really resonates with my own experience. When it's finally time to give up the misery of alcohol... then we become willing to do whatever it takes. And being here with others who are doing the same helps so much, when our "willingness" and determination sometimes need a boost...


        A little inspiration ...

        I love this post...I could see that it came straight from the heart and it is talking about your personal experience. That's what i always strive to do....come from my own life experience.
        This post has so much value to me. i am a very practical, down to earth person and i have little time to go to websites or read passages from the Bible. Just not my style. i like to hear how others are doing it, living and succeeding on an everyday bases.
        Some thrive on that but i love to read (in a nutshell) a persons own experiences...THANKS SOOO MUCH !!!!
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          A little inspiration ...

          thankyou so much, it is inspiring, and not just from the invaluable advise also that you care about others so much, you're a very special person:thanks:


            A little inspiration ...

            Great Post! Thanks SK.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              A little inspiration ...

              That was inspirational and so very real. Thank you.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                A little inspiration ...

                SK you have really given a lot to MWO, thanks for your very real and honest participation. I'll be sure to point people to this post when they start to feel disheartened. Very well said.
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  A little inspiration ...

                  Thank you so much for the kind words. I wanted to bump this thread for the newbies that have just come aboard.

                  AF since 1/2009


                    A little inspiration ...

                    Thanks newbies need to hear words of encouragement here.

                    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                      A little inspiration ...

                      thanks sk
                      i'm an oldbe (almost 1 year) but still having my bad days. You're right, this will only happen when we decide we want to stop and make a commitment. You've inpired me. :thanks:
                      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                        A little inspiration ...

                        Skinned As an "oldbie" who has fallen back into struggling recently your post was very heartfelt and inspiring! Thank you very much!
                        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                          A little inspiration ...

                          cmhguy3;550664 wrote: Skinned As an "oldbie" who has fallen back into struggling recently your post was very heartfelt and inspiring! Thank you very much!
                          LOL... I was gonna say something similar.... nevermind the newbies.. us old(er) farts need inspiration, too!!! :H

                          Thank you very much Skinned... mission accomplished. Very much inspired, indeed.

                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013

