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ODAT Tuesday

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    ODAT Tuesday

    Good Morning ODATERS. Wishing you all a possative, AF, happy day!
    I am doing much better than last week. I am so enjoying waking up with a clear head. Since I have been on this forum, it happens more and more.
    I'm off to another long day at work. So glad I love what I do!
    Warm wishes to everyone~:h

    ODAT Tuesday

    Hey Boo!

    Gonna be another day AF for me!!!!!! At the end of the day I will have 3 weeks under my belt. Do I still want rum???? Yep, but I'm not gonna get any.

    Edited to add: I just reminded my husband that it was 3 weeks AF for me. He is proud of me. I said I think I want you to cook me a steak tonight. He is gonna. Celebration here w/o Rum.
    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


      ODAT Tuesday

      Good morning Blanch and April and those to come. Cool morning in Florida but sunny. April, that is fantastic, good for you. Yes, it is so nice to wake up without a hangover, fear, guilt, etc. Have a wonderful day all.


        ODAT Tuesday

        Hi Gang
        I am also having a much better week. Day 6 today; back in AA full force, got a sponsor. Spending the day with my doggie. She makes me soooo happy. Sorry, not the best pic of me.LOL Great job on your AF time Blanch and April. Steak sounds great.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          ODAT Tuesday

          Good job everyone on all of your AF time! I am doing well also, feeling good, sleeping well and racking up the days. We had a holiday long weekend here so I wasn't around to be on the forums - daughter had a hockey tourny and I was at the BF's. It was a nice weekend, hard to go back to work today. I hate that........

          Anyway, happy Tuesday to all of you! Mine will be AF

          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT Tuesday

            Good Morning ODATers!

            Snowing here (again)... sigh.... I'm ready to start gardening... enough of the white stuff, already! Congrats April, you're doing great! Blanchie... hold on to all those good feelings when you feel tempted and Sea... :shocked: you must have a lot of... umm.... back aches! :H
            I'm so glad you've found yourself a sponsor - you sound SO MUCH better!

            Good Morning Matt! Cool day my foot! LOL
            Good Morning, Uni... cross post.... You also sound very strong and confident today!

            I'm good... not that temptation isn't knocking at my door... but I seem to be managing better than before.

            Have a great day everyone!

            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              ODAT Tuesday


              I won a board game on e-bay last night. I want to socialize at home more. I hope this works out like I want it to. Now I just have to add food and people, LOL.

              Going w/ GF to a comedy club to see a drag queen show tonight. Should be a hoot!

              Do I smell commitment in the air? Everybody sounds really strong! I'm getting peppermint ice cream today as it is 8 months for me! Go Greenie!

              Have a great one!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT Tuesday

                Hi ODATers

                Congratulations Greenie 8 months is wonderful - I remember you from before Lenair and we were all struggling back then.

                Had a funny sort of day so far, kids have various virally things wrong with them and today I feel like I may be battling something and it's very grey here weatherwise which doesn't make you want to jump up and dance around either.

                I really enjoy sleeping now I've gotten back in to the habit! Not waking at 3.30am with incredibly dry mouth, bad head, no memory etc., don't want to get like that again.

                Love to all


                  ODAT Tuesday

                  What a wonderful, positive thread today! Okay, I'll be AF today, too!

                  Getting ready for a business trip to Nashville on Thursday. I'm bringing 2 laptops so I'll still be here.

                  Cleaned one shelf in my office yesterday and finished my bleeping corporate taxes! Ya hooey! I'm
                  meeting with my accountant today. I'll be glad to get this mess behind me. I want to be in 2009 mode,
                  not 2008.

                  On to another shelf and another AF day!

                  Take care,
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    ODAT Tuesday

                    8 months?????
                    Greenie... congrats.. you better make that a jumbo tub of ice cream!

                    Awesome, really... it's so good to hear how well you guys are all doing. Certainly gives hope - oh and that warm fuzzy feeling, too!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013

