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Reality dawns....I hope

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    Reality dawns....I hope

    Hi all -
    thought I'd pop back and have a read through so many of your brill. words that strike a chord with me. Rang in sick today as couldn't get out of bed with such a fuzzy head - though not just a hangover today - could probably cope with that. Woke up earlier mulling over my (happy) childhood - again, which always makes me feel sad - and suddenly realised what a profound affect it has had on me all my adult life that such a happy childhood fell apart totally during my early teenage years, leading to all sorts of heartbreaking events that still affect the whole family. I suddenly realised how much time I spend raking over the insides of the house we used to live in, places we'd go, sights and smells ect. And most importanatly, how happy I was. It has suddenly hit me that perhaps I'm actually grieving in some way - does this sound familiar to anyone? I somehow got the kids to school and have laid in bed crying all day. I felt as though the drinking was far too much - though not out of control - for me anyway - too a 'normal' person it would probably be horrendous. I couldn't pinpoint why - but I feel someones drawn back the curtains and I feel there's some explanation for it all - at last. I'm desperately hoping this isn't the side affects of a bad hangover.
    I'm hoping this is the first step that will allow me to get some control over my life - as at the mo. things seem to have been slipping out ot control and opportunities just passing me by.
    I'm gonna stick with this site now and draw as much support from you lovely people as possible - you are all diamonds.
    Yours tearfully, Noodle :upset:

    Reality dawns....I hope

    :l Noodle.

    You're here to find your way out... you have taken the first couple of baby steps on your road to recovery.... good for you You know... you can do it. There is absolutely NO question about it.. YOU can do it. It may take some practice... it will definitely take work and dedication... but you can do it.

    Have you read the MWO book yet? Have you decided on a plan yet? Can we help?

    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Reality dawns....I hope

      hang in there noodle...there is hope.



        Reality dawns....I hope

        Welcome Noodle,
        Ditto:what peacenic said there is hope.
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          Reality dawns....I hope

          I am so glad that you found us...stay close and post often. i look forward to getting to know you.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Reality dawns....I hope

            Noodle, you sound so depressed. Never give up hope. If you've been drinking more than you should, you're bound to get depressed as alcohol is a depressant. You sound like I felt several months ago.

            Each day you can make it without AL you feel a bit better. I hope you stay with us, keep posting and reading. Of course there's hope!

            Take good care of yourself, okay?
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              Reality dawns....I hope

              Thanks all...

              Thanks to all of you for your lovely words of encouragement. Day two and I'm feeling better and full of optimism for the first time for ...ages I suppose! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all too.
              Love Noodle x


                Reality dawns....I hope

                Hi Noodle,

                I'm glad you are feeling better today. Welcome :welcome:. Remember that you can't do much about mistakes made in the past. We all make mistakes. But you are trying to improve your life and that's a step in the right direction. Keep coming to this site when you need encouragement, there are lots of good people here that give lots of good advice. I am new here also and was told to read the "Everything that I HATE, LOATH and DESPISE about drinking" thread under the Monthly Abstinence section. It really helped me and it might help you also to see that you are not the only one that has done things they regret because we ALL have, that's why we are here. I will go post on it so it will float to the top and you can find it easily. I hope it helps you too.

                Mrs. Swino
                AF since 2/9/2009!!
                Working toward 90 day goal!
                Then I don't know..
                and then I'll hate wine...Ya, that's the ticket...


                  Reality dawns....I hope

                  Dearest Noodle,

                  I'm happy you have decided to stick with us. Sounds to me that you are entering a real growth stage in your life. When things become clear and make a bit more sense, than in the past. I was just talking yesterday with a dearest of dear friend from here at MWO. We were discussing the subject of being dissatisfied with our lives at various times in the past. At a certain point, rather than staying stuck in that dissatisfaction, we need to, define what it is that we want our lives to be, and then set about to create exactly that! Create that life that you want, right down to the specific details. We are only stuck, if we allow ourselves to be. We are either a "victim" or we are a "victor". I choose to be the latter. Go out and conquer what ever it is that you choose! Stay with us. Read alot and post often! Hugs!
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    Reality dawns....I hope

                    Thanks MrsSwino for the tip to read What I hate about drinking ..... link - was fab!
                    Thanks to others for some brill encouragement too - love Noodle x


                      Reality dawns....I hope

                      Hey Noodle,

                      My childhood was a wonderful one. As a matter of fact, I didn't start drinking until I was almost 30. Strange! Yep. I was a good girl. I did what my parents said, I went to church etc and then I met him. My EX. He introduced me to rum. I found I loved it and the story goes on and on with months and even years of not drinking, but I can have one drink and it will send me into years of drinking. (I'm in my 50's). I just love the stuff and how I feel when I drink it. I just don't like my self the next day. I don't like what I can't do when I'm drinking. I don't like disapointing me or my husband.

                      Make a list of things you can and can't do while drinking. (Example drive to help a friend, talk normal on the phone etc) (Example of what you can do.....think clearly, remember what you did the night before etc)

                      I'm new to this forum and I can say I have been given tools for my recovery. I have made new friends. I have been given inspiration. Most of all I know I'm not alone. There are people just like me here. That's the best part.

                      I wish you much success in your journey. We can do this. Feel free to pm me anytime. You can vent, rant, cry and/or laugh with me as we go thru this together.:l
                      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                        Reality dawns....I hope

                        Thanks AM - I'll keep in touch xx


                          Reality dawns....I hope

                          Hi Noodle ........ was just browsing and looked at this thread and saw you are from NZ!! Welcome to another kiwi!!

                          This is a great site and you will get tons and tons of support and understanding here. It is worth having a look around the various threads, downloading the book and finding a place where you feel comfortable. There are lots of regular threads (eg; newbies nest, AF army, daily abs thread, mod squad), with regulars who visit every day, and each one has its own "culture" .... but every single one of them is very welcome to new people jumping in and joining!

                          I'm glad you are feeling a little more optimistic today!! If you ever need support or to vent in "real time" PM me as I'm at my computer most of the day (although try to stay away from it in the evening!!)

                          Go well!
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            Reality dawns....I hope

                            yeah Hi AM - thanks for mess. Yeah - feeling much better thanks. Will be visiting here regularly - seems full of lovely people. not quite sure what my plan of action is yet - I reckon trying to seriously cut down is the first step - don't know if completely quitting is poss. for me - but who knows eh? All I do know is that I'm ready for a complete change, and at the mo. just totally sick of being fuzzy most of the time. Sat here having a facial and sipping my HG2O bottle - feeling A LOT better - but still look like crap! Ah well - Rome wasn't built in a day - Noodle x


                              Reality dawns....I hope

                              That's right Noodle
                              You just keep on trying. Never give up!!!! We are here for you.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

