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ODAT Wednesday
ODAT Wednesday
Good Morning ODATimers -- This is a good day to set out our goals and work to achieve them. Did you all see that Greenie has 8 months AF. Way to go !!! My brother is coming to spend the night in the beach house I am staying at so I got to clean up grocery shop, etc. I will be glad to see him. All, have a wonderful day.MattTags: None
ODAT Wednesday
Good Day Matt and all to follow
Hope you have a great day with your brother. I don't have much planned for today. We are exoecting 6 inches of snow and I have my dog with me and she has been vomiting. I don't know if I will be able to get to a meeting this eve or not. Either way, don't plan on drinking. Greenie is a Star!!! Have a great day all."Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)
ODAT Wednesday
Thanks Matt
I am not sure what is wrong with her. She does not get into stuff. She is almost ten years old. I wonder if my Ex was feeding her "crap" food. I only give her Iams."Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)
ODAT Wednesday
Morning ODATers!
Awww... Sea.. you know, I was just talking to a friend who mentioned something like a doggie-flu going around. Apparently, quite a few dogs have been ill. Mine isn't quite himself either and I've been keeping an eye on him the last couple of days.
Matt, you always sound so wonderfully positive. Thank you for that. And yes! Greenie really is an inspiration - let's follow in her foot steps.
Alright... will need to get myself dressed now... torture date with the dentistuch:
Have a fabulous day - you two and all to come!
.Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
ODAT Wednesday
Matthen I love it that you are here with your encouragement!
Sea, you can give doggie pepto bismal if you have any.
Hi sunshine, syou sem to be doing good these days with a new sense of commitment!
Hello to all to come. Today can be another AF day. Everybody has a string I think.
Last night's drag show was wierd. These drag queens dressed up and all they did (one by one) was lip sync some "mostly old" songs and walk through the croud collecting bills. People were waving money at them to come and take it. The only reason it was funny is that GF and I laughing to each other over the amazement we felt. Note this: I had a soda and lime and she had a coffee and Baileys and said "I find I don't drink so much anymore - I just don't seem to feel like it." When I told her a while back that I quit drinking she said she felt she needed to cut back. Sometimes we are a good influence without even trying!
Have a great day and a peaceful night!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
ODAT Wednesday
Thanks guys. My poor baby. She is a black, mixed terrier. I adopted her when she was 9 weeks old. She is a rescue too. All my pets have been rescues. Right now she is laying on my bed"Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)
ODAT Wednesday
Hey matt, have fun with your brother!
Sea, I feel for you and doggie. I have two dogs and love them so much. I hope yours gets better soon.
Sunny, the dentist, yikes! Good luck with that!
Beautiful sunny day here. Just love this sun lately. It's cold but as long as the sun is out. I'm getting ready for our business trip to Nashville. HB got drunk last night, sigh, but more about that on the newly revived "Spouses Who Drink" thread. Very sad. I didn't, though, so I'm feeling good today.
I have a lot to do to get ready, I'll be popping in and out today and here's to a great day for all the ODATers and all the MWOers!
Take care,
Be"Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad
ODAT Wednesday
Good morning all. I have three dogs, and my puppy eats everything! We had just got her last year, and I gave here a small pork rib. She upended and swallowed it whole. I had to get on the internet to figure out that dog tummies have the strongest acid in the world, and it truly can dissolve a bone in a day. My puppy has moved on to plastic bags, pillows and furniture, starting with the expensive stuff and moving down the line.
I wish the best Sea. If you need, I'll ship a furniture wrecking pup to your house stet.
Today I got a cold, and feel bad. I'll recover. This economy is shaking my foundation. When I signed up to be born, I'm sure I didn't check the box for "trying times".
ODAT Wednesday
Hahahah,, your doggy sounds like a lot of FUN (maybe a little Expensive, but!)....
And I definitely get your not signing up for "trying times". HOLY COW. I believe in God, but I was thinking this morning... OK, OK, I Know I'm supposed to be learning stuff, but PLEASE remember I should be in the Remedial class! Fer god's sake.
I am Definitely in a WAAAY more advanced class than I should be... Like, I'm in PhD Physics class when I should be in ... Jr. High basic math!!!
I know, I know, God doesn't make mistakes, but! This has been a huge stretch. And I feel like the class clown! lol
Not doing that well AF these days (week-s?)... Just too much going on that I can't (don't want to?) deal with. If AL lessens stuff, even for a while... sorry, but I'm doing it.
I know I'll get over "stuff" and will soon be INSPIRING (lol) to all!!Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin
ODAT Wednesday
Thanks but No thanks Boss. I have a furniture-wrecking cat here. My daughter's cat. Well, I am very excited, but very nervous. I just got an e-mail requesting an interview with me from a job that I want soooo badly. Doggie seems a little better, but not 100%"Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)