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Needing support

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    Needing support

    hi helpwanted,well i see you got it, lots of help here,lots of drunks to,,my dear you and only you ,have to want it,AL makes us feel like superman,until the next day,then we feel like hancock,hahahha,as you said you did 3 months,ive been trying the 24 hour program,for me it seems to work,i ,like you did 10 months tried to mod,it worked,but one day in the new year i just got up and said,no,its been a little over a month,its hard,beleive me when i say,i like to drink,is it worth the punishment ,i wish you well,gyco


      Needing support

      That's what I Love abt MWO

      :welcome: back, all the Positive support here is phenominal. Like everyone else said You Will DO IT because you have the right Attitude! Can't wait to hear about your progress.

      God Bless and keep you strong! :l


        Needing support

        Oh sweety, i had a huge shock when i drunk the other day so i'm with you.
        Let's start again!


          Needing support

          lil M you ok,you could of woke up and people are dead,im not condoning whatever you did,anything we do in life is a learning experience,sometime worse then others,have a good weekend Gyco

