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    I am 25 and have have been drinking in an unhealthy way for about 3 years. I still hold a decent job and have relationships that I am a part of but... I don't want this problem to continue and get worse. Those that are close to me know that it is a possibility for this to be a huge disaster. Where do I start and what kind of questions do I need to be asking myself?

    new to this

    Welcome! You are light years ahead of most of us, in that you are so young, and recognize that you probably need to be here. Read alot on the boards, post alot. Gather information and support. Read the book. That is a great beginning! Great to have you!
    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


      new to this

      Welcome! Is your drinking affecting your relationship? Do you want to quit for yourself or for your partner? It's important that it is something you yourself want. Great job on wanting to take this on before you waste a lot of years!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        new to this

        Hiya Tryin,
        I am 26 and have realised that it is never to early to give up the booze and get on with a life not filled with a poison illusion. Read a book called- How to control alcohol by Allen Carr I cannot stress how much this book has helped me!!! Private msg me if you feel you want to talk to someone your age, it may not appeal to you but I know it sure helps me to know that others my age are going through the same crap.
        Sober since Jan 17th 09
        Smoke free since 20th Nov 08 :H


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          I found this site about 3 weeks ago. It has been a wonderful source of information and wonderful people.
          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


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            Welcome Tryin, I am older than you and I, earlier this year, finally went to a rehab, (which I honestly personally did not get much out of) but there were young people there and I felt so hopeful for them, as I too was 23 when I first started sending away for programs to help me in what I thought was a drinking problem.

            Never did go, back then though, so now years after drinking, I am really trying hard to stop. I have a reason to, my husband is divorcing me because of the drinking. No pity party, just the facts. So I share this with you, why not now? Why wait?

            Good luck, read all around, I have really been helped here, starting Dec 08, and I have 40+ days AF (alcohol free) now. I am so glad about that and for all the help here. :welcome:

            :heart::heart:WELCOME TO YOU!


              new to this

              Welcome tryin...

              Kudos for recognizing the potential problem NOW. Although I don't believe in age limiting anything, I do know that you will save yourself (along with current and future family/relationships) a whole lot of heart ache if you can get rid of the beast NOW.

              Do read EVERYTHING you can get your hands on... education is a huge step in recovery, I find. I wish you the best of luck.

              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


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                Hi there...and welcome. Just wanted to invite you to join us on the Newbies Nest thread. We are a very supportive family over there and always have room for one more.

