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    knowledgeable with alcoholic nueropathy/nerve damage and liver disease. I really need someone to help me keep my resolve. Due to my hours the person would need to be available sometime between 2-10 am EST.
    Preferred method of communication is definitely IM.
    I do not just need to chat with someone.
    Rather I need somebody willing to get to know each other and be Sponsor-like to me. And, hopefully become e-friends, too.

    Please help Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're our last hope.

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    Groggy I wish you luck in your search.

    The answer lies in changing habits, and gaining control of yourself.

    I too would love someone, whenever I feel low, to give me a nice massage, maybe hot stones, while quiely recounting the news in such a way that I feel hope for the economy. At the end of which they pin some diapers on and give me a large Alcohol free fruity drink like a banana daquiri, spiked with 5 oz of everclear.

    At least that's in my imagination. Mint tea works well for me. It pushes down a lot of cravings. I live in a cold climate, so I dream of warm beaches, but I suppose people in burning Austraila would dream of the snowy ski slopes just an hour drive from my home. The stock market has destroyed everything I saved for, and my home is upside down now, and that makes me want to cry. But there are so many people who got hit so far harder. Many company towns, where the town itself will decrease, houses worth nothing if the plant closes.

    That last hope remains ourselves individually, as we remake our self-world in the shape of what it is now. Not what we hoped for 12 months ago, or 5 years ago. We certainly aren't saints if we are posting on this forum. But we have hope, and the biggest part of hope comes from inside, and is nothing that anyone can give to you.


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      Thanks for responding Boss.
      You have my sympathy about what the economy has done to you!

      I sort of sense that you think I am just looking for an "enabler." Someone to make me feel it's alright to self-destruct. This is not the case. In todays modern age, there is a lot of interaction via IM ( Instant messaging ). If you can talk to friends, try to start a relationship with someone miles away, etc., why can one not have a alcohol support friend?

      I love IM'ing as I do not get out much. Everyone, please help this thread stay afloat until the right person (s ) come along.

      Thanks for the advice too, Boss. But I currently need more. I'm not that strong yet. I need to be reminded regularly of what I am or am not doing to myself as I have slipped into the Abyss, again.


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        Sorry, Groggy, but I have to agree with bossman. If you believe you cannot get over your drinking problem without finding this certain, special person in a very particular kind of special electronic relationship... then you are creating a scenario that will keep you enmeshed in your problem. You will find that, even if someone attempts to meet your needs in the way you have set out in your post... well, that person will not be perfect. It won't work out... for one reason or another. And then you will, of course, still be where you were before: right in the middle of a huge alcohol problem. Bossman is right... the only one who can make the right decisions, about your behavior and your thinking patterns... is you. MWO can help; the people here will give you an enormous amount of help and support. I hope you will jump in here, and begin to make some very significant changes in the way you think about, and approach, this problem...

        Best wishes to you.


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          Hey groggy, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?? We can all be your friends to help you through...50 friends is better than 1.

          Angel xo:welcome:


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            Hiya Groggy, Its good to see you here.
            How are you doing now? C'mon, tell us how you're doing buddy....
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


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              I recommend that you join a thread, like Newbies Nest. Numerous people will give you ideas and encouragement. You would need to come to this web site, but you could work that out. Someone here is always awake and online. Many people go to chat, become friends there. Others just stick to posting and reading messages. You will get many suggestions, from which you can make your own plan. You will meet many others, and part of their story will resonate with you. A few people here have read my posts and asked me to be their buddy, but it made me uncomfortable because I knew I did not have the answers for them, only for myself. They did join a group, and found their own success.

              I wish you well.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


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                I am very happy for the replies. Thanks everyone.
                Um, Sunshine...A little about myself: I started hitting the brew pretty hard about 8 years ago. And I mean daily. Well, at night for the most part. I endured a failed relationship that was really the only serious one in my life. I felt like I lost the only love I would ever know with a woman. Unfortunately, she is gravely mentally-ill and I reached my breaking point. I couldn't endure the accusations and peculiar behavior any longer. I am not blaming this person as I was totally sober the two years we were together. Maybe more later about me.

                Startingover: thanks for asking. I'm semi-okay but I know I'm slipping. More later, I was just IM'ed.


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                  Groggy....just keep reading and posting. That's what I was told when I first came here. You can do it.....
                  RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                  "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


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                    Thanks for your words Aprilmoon. I will. Also, I am very much looking forward to an April Moon.



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                      groggy;553945 wrote: Thanks for your words Aprilmoon. I will. Also, I am very much looking forward to an April Moon.

                      Me too. I was sober from Jan to April 2008.....So I am waiting on that April moon to show up and see me continuing to be AF....

                      See you got lots of folks here who you can chat with. I will keep up with your success as you strife to be AF....PM me anytime you need to chat.
                      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


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                        Glad your here with us and I look forward to getting to know you.
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


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                          Thanks to everyone who responded. I have made personal contact with one person I really resonate with... Guess it's a matter of having similar experiences and struggles, etc.

                          Thanks aprilmoon for the welcome and willingness to chat. I've really got to start working this stuff... So, you may get that PM soon. I will be busy this morning getting caught up on some "day time" things as I am a night owl.



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                            Hey there grogster! A great big welcome to you - looking forward to knowing you more. Blessings
                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

