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ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

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    ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

    Good morning ODATimers. So I am glad that Sea's doggie is feeling better, how is she today? My dog McKenzie (and I) sends regards. I am still visiting in Florida and getting ready to go home soon. When I got up this morning I was thinking how blessed I am that I do not have a hangover. Hope you are all feeling great today and meet your AL goals.

    ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

    Hi Matthen. Nobody on 'cept me by the looks of things. Saturday night here. Haven't posted on here before. Only found it yesterday.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


      ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

      HI Paniced -- this is a good thread. I check in every day. It is fun and lots of nice friends, welcome to ODAT.


        ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

        Thanks Matt. Day 18 for me today.
        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
        AF May 23 09 to July 09
        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


          ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

          Hi Matt and Panicked and others to come
          Welcome Panicked and congratulations on 18 days! that's great.
          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


            ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

            Thanks, I had a really hard time tonight. I so desperately wanted a drink AND a smoke or 20. 9 days NF. The cravings were so strong and lasted for hours. Don't know where that came from...
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

              ODAT all! I have a cold today. Got through the last two work days mostly, but finally I can really reset and take it easy. Going to rest a lot and tell it to go away. I hope it's gone by Mon.


                ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

                Goodnight all. It's the witching hour and my dogs will wake me up in six hours.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)


                  Morning matt, 1 more, hope you feel better boss, and WELCOME panicked. I started out on this thread. I stay here with some old friends and to cheer on those stringing days together. It's a good supportive playful thread. I don't recall any snits ever.

                  Woke up this AM with a parched mouth and thought "ugh, I remember this" but it was just from breathing though my mouth due to some nose congestion. Matt it is nice to wake up with not even a hint of a hangover.

                  I have a birthday party to go to this evening. I'm sure they will have soda and lemons, limes, etc. I'm probably the only one that doesn't drink.

                  Have a good day!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

                    Good Day All ODATers
                    Doggie is back with my Ex:upset: Thank you for caring so much Matt. I hope you enjoy the remainder of your time in FL. I am going there the first week of April. My Dad lives in Sarasota. I wish I could leave Now, as we are getting another snowstorm. Enuff Already!! Well, I made it to double digits and I have to tell you, it was really hard this time. I had a Huge battle with my sick alkie brain last night. I called my sponsor, went and got something to eat and went to an AA meeting. I am sweating just thinking about how close I was to caving. But, because I won the battle, I am heading out to the mall with my Sis. She is going to help me pick out an outfit for my job interview. Hope you all have a Great Day!! Panicked, you are a Star. Hang tough.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

                      Good Morning ODATers!
                      Thanks for getting us started this early Saturday morning Matthern!! Nice to see 1more, panicked, boss, green, and sea as well!! Have fun at the birthday party Green and sorry to hear about your dog Sea...that's always hard.

                      I wasn't going to post today as normally I feel like I'm kinda sort of a 'positive' person....but I'm not so much today...I let "IT" beat me again last night...woke up feeling like total crap....did so good for so long sticking to my goals...even on my's like my brain says...oh come on, you deserve a night off or a night of what??? fun???? sitting at home drinking by yourself...wooohooo...let the good times roll now...and it wasn't like I was numbing myself...I've never been why??? Why the hell do I do it...almost continue to sabotage myself...or give myself permisstion to f*** up?
                      SEE??? Sorry....this is why I should just go back to bed and start over in an hour or so when the tylenol kicks in.
                      Good Morning to all those to come!!! Sorry to be a downer!! Great job to all those who continue to meet their goals!! Awesome job!!!
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

                        SD, it's the beast talking to you. It is sneaky and pesters on and on. That's why you always have to be on your guard. A night drinking alone...... seemed like a good idea at the time, didn't it? Remember this next time AL whispers in your ear - this will make you stronger!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

                          Lot's of water with lemon for you today sd, and rest. When I have a setback, I take a look at my sobriety plan and see what I can do to make it stronger. I hope that u feel better soon. We are here for you.:l
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

                            SD, sorry you slipped, I know, it feels lousy. Important to remember that a slip is not an excuse to return to old habits. More than most things, that used to defeat me. A feeling of, "oh well, I guess I've gone back to drinking -- so let it flow". Hope you can get right back up and beat the BEAST! Luck and love to you,


                              ODAT Saturday (One Day at A Time)

                              Green, Sea, Matthern-
                              Thank you so much!!!
                              Omigod!! I never thought it would be this hard!!! And I'm not even trying to go AF!!! Just trying to mod!!! Which for the most part I do so well!!!! It's just when thing ARE going well...I convince myself I 'deserve' a a reward or something????what is that??WHY is that? Omigosh that is so sick I think! I told my mom I hope lent helps...I want to give up AL Sunday-Thursday and only allow Friday or Saturday my 2 beer limit (NO WINE!!) I feel like such a child always having to make up these rules for myself! Thank you all for your support...I really do appreciate it A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :HUGS:
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


