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Do I need this?

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    Do I need this?

    You can do this!!!! My downfall was not following through. You really have to find a way to make it routine. Just like we have made having wine as a part of our routine....we have to replace it with something else. The supps really help.

    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      Do I need this?

      Astar, first of all, get rid of all the alcohol in the house. If there isn't any wine to open, you can't drink. RESIST the temptation to go out and buy some. Start with one day at a time, not having a drink. Take your mind off it by reading a good book, watching a good movie, walking the dog, anything that you enjoy doing.

      Just tell yourself that you only need to stop for one day/night. Then see how you feel the next day. Perhaps you could go another day/night without wine. And so on.

      Astar, I was drinking wine by the litre or more every day. It isn't easy to stop, I grant you. But, I made a commitment to myself that I was going to try to do it for a week. That seemed like a very long time, but I got through it, just day by day, knowing that if I really wanted to, I could have a drink and nobody would know if I didn't tell them. But I was committed to my conscience.

      I was at my 10th day alcohol free (AF) and didn't even realise it. I'm now 20 days AF and although I have the occasional craving, it does pass. It is very important tho not to have any alcohol in the house in my view, if you want to be successful.

      And here is a bonus for you if you want to lose weight. You will lose weight, by not filling up on empty calories. Substitute wine for a tasty AF drink, preferably low cal. See a thread I started on Yummy AF drink alternatives.

      All the best, Pan.
      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
      AF May 23 09 to July 09
      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


        Do I need this?

        Like Panicked says, try having a few of the AL free drinks, it may just work for you.

        I have substituted my AL drinks for lemon, lime & bitters. The bitters is still Alcoholic, but nothing like we normally consume.

        I find I am still able to have a drink with hubby, and I still feel like I am "drinking". A couple of those seems to take the cravings away.

        Hey.....Life is good:yougo::crazymonkey::cheering:


          Do I need this?

          This is my first post here and I just wanted to say I feel the same as you. Perhaps we can try sticking to not drinking together. Good luck, whatever you decide to do


            Do I need this?

            hi 60,and welcome,just asking the questions your asking about,to me seems like you have a problem with AL,as mamy of here say,so called normal people dont ask the questions,if in doubt ,stop,dont drink,another book you can read is the AA book,you can find it on line,under AA book,note this does not make you alchoholic,it will give you a better idea where you could end up,i wishyou well as you move a long here and grow with the community,you will understand if theres a problem, gyco

