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Starting out

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    Starting out

    Thanks Mrs S! That's great that you drove past the store and haven't been in since, I will think of you every time I'm tempted to swing into that car park


      Starting out


      I did it too, I drove by the store instead of pulling in! The wine store on the corner closes at 9:00 EST so for the next 2.5 hours I am going to do all the things, like pay bills and read, that I never do because I'm too drunk to do it.

      We can do it today!
      Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it!



        Starting out

        Hey Providence, well done!! Funny how not going into a store can make us feel so pleased!

        I have to go out to get a few groceries later, so that's going to be a challenge, I'm thinking of where I can go that will only sell bread, milk, basics like that. I've done one challenge today, though - I was going to have lunch with a friend at work on Friday, and she emailed to say could we go for drinks after work instead? So I emailed and said how about we do lunch Thursday? The further away from temptation I stay, the more chance I have of sticking to this new way of life


          Starting out

          Wow, this so sounds familiar to me. My most dreaded time is the time I'm driving home from work. I actually play a game as there are 4 liquor stores within a few miles from my house. It is like a ritual. Don't go to the same store 2 nights in a row otherwise they will know I have problems. But yes, if you can just get in the door and change up the routine it helps I think. That's what I'm going to try. I just hope I can salvage some of the damaged relationships I have at some point. I'm going to also have to use this site and the tools to help. Sounds like there are so many of us in the same situation.


            Starting out

            oh, but one good thing, waking up in the morning without the sore head, puffy eyes, sick stomach...was certainly welcomed this morning!


              Starting out

              Lonely is how so many of us feel, but I hope all these posts help you feel like you are not alone. Welcome.


                Starting out

                Thanks Time2change! And hello Coda. Yep, I've done that before, gone to different shops on the way home ... but not for the last two days! We can do it, this site is great. And getting up in the morning without the sore head, the regrets etc is definitely an improvement.


                  Starting out

                  You guys are all doing GREAT!!! Made my day.roud:
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    Starting out

                    Lonely One and Coda........we can do this........!!!!!!!!!!!
                    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                      Starting out

                      Thanks everyone. Lonely one, you are doing great. I had early calls for overseas groups I work with and drove into work in the last hour. Ugh, boy, I'm getting awful urges. I hope I can make it through the night. 2 or 3 days has been my limit for AF for like the last 10 years. This is going to be a tough week.


                        Starting out

                        Well, I slipped up badly last night. A colleague and I found out we'd got a research grant, and a celebration drink turned into lots more drinks, and now I feel dreadful, and a bit stupid, because I was so pleased to do three days AF, and was feeling so good, healthy, positive - and then just let it all go. Why?? I hadn't been able to get online yesterday morning to sign up for ODAT, and I'm sure that helped with the first three days, so I've signed up again today. I'm hoping this time I can get beyond 5. The weekend is usually a bad time for me, I get very lonely and depressed, but I've made sure I'm busy all weekend, out doing stuff.

                        Every time I want a drink, I need to remember just how awful I feel right now at this moment. Ugh. Really don't want to feel this bad again.

                        OK, deep breath, pick myself up. Start again, day 1 here I come.


                          Starting out

                          Hi Lonely One - it took a while for me to get into my stride - have a look at my drinktracker. I had to avoid situations where I knew there was going to be AL offered, but can now go along and have a soft drink instead. It still isn't easy, but worth it! Congratulations on your grant. Pick yourself up and move on forward. Bx
                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


