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ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

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    ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

    Hi all ODAT'rs

    Have been away for the week of mid-term. Spent a few days in Madrid which was cold but sunny. Nice to get a break even if it was in the company of teenagers.

    Back in AF mode again and intend to stay AF for lent which starts on Wednesday. Well, am starting today but plan to do the 6 weeks of lent.

    Hope everyone has a great week and attains their goals.


    ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

    Hello Rustop.

    I went to Barcelona last year and loved it, - not sure about the teens though! Mondays are a 'funny' day for me. Tend to spend the day stuck to the couch and procrastinating. Its my witching hour and I'm sooo craving. But will do my urge surfing and not give in! I have a course starting next week and want to clear out the spare room to have a study. Which will require me to move from the couch. I also have to find a school here (Singapore) that will be willing to take me for teaching practice. I'm nervous about asking, but have to do it! Feel better for having had a bit of a whinge. Happy Monday!
    B x
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

      Hey ya'll. I'm in the US and never been to Madrid or Barcelona. I bet those places are beautiful.
      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


        ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

        Hi Rust, Sweat and April and those to come -- Here we are again, it's Monday. I was in Barcelona this past summer, nice city. Hope that everyone achieves their AF goals -- they sound like good ones. Have a wonderful day.


          ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday


          Rustop, great commitment for 6 weks of lent. Change "I plan" to "I will"! I know you can do it!

          Sweaty that's great to be busy with a course. What's a whinge?

          Hi April!

          Matt, are you ever home in VA? LOL Jobs are scarce - I could be your housesitter!

          I did my tax workbook yesterday; glad to have that behind me.

          Have a good day everybody!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

            Hi Greenie - I asked my husband how he would describe a 'whinge', and he said its a pathetic moan/vent - does that help Lol?
            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

              Hi guys,

              Just checking in before I head out to work. I really do hate Monday mornings. I enjoy my job but something about getting up, gettting school lunches ready, having to move around quickly is not something I enjoy. Once I'm out the door and on the way to work it's fine. Just that Monday morning blah......

              Oh well, at least I'm not hungover doing it!

              Have a great day guys.
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

                Good Day ODATers
                Monday, Monday. Got lots to do today, starting with getting all of the heavy wet snow off of my car so that I can move it for the plows. I think I have a shopping Woke up with horrible pain in my shoulder blade. Same old, same old for me today. Job search, AA meeting, etc....Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

                  Good Morning ODATers!!
                  Same ol Monday for me too! ALthough...I left the house without all my jewelry on....I feel so naked I'm sure the kids will say something...they always point out the stuff I wear...half the reason I started wearing it...I'm more of a jeans and sweats kind of gal!! bell rang...and no hang over so didn't have to cover my better get movin...good morning to all to come!!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

                    Sea, What are your job search strategies? I'm in the game.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

                      Hi Greenie
                      I have my resume on Monster board and Career builders and also the Job match website of our unemployment office. I have also been calling Healthcare recruiters. My cousin sent me some very good cover letters that she wrote. I can try and send them to you if you like. You could pm me your e-mail.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

                        Well, guys, I think I've run out of excuses to drink!! I've really been overdoing it for the past week or so and am getting sick of it, so today, I'm aiming to make it AF.

                        Haven't done more than ONE day in quite some time...

                        I need to shape up & get my head clear.
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

                          Good morning all. Monster is a scam. I posted a job (a real one) on craigslist. Within hours I was getting Monster SPAM saying that if I just paid $50 they would reveal the employer interested in me. I recently read an article revealing that 90% of Monster jobs are faked by monster employees. As an employer I can say that the $25 craiglist fee is low, and effective. I need to have my head examined to be hiring in this economic cycle, but we need the work, and I need to shake up my current staff a bit as they are getting a bit gruff with the customers. I think it's time for them to check out monster! Aren't I mean.

                          I want spring. I want economic stability, I want to keep my house, I want to not be depressed all the time. Of all my wants, Spring seems the closest and most realistic. I'll stick to that. 40 days or so now. Had a cold the last few days. My first cold while sober, woowoo.


                            ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

                            hello all
                            I love spain, I went to costa blanca and orihuela, valencia was also great but didn't make it to barcelona. hopefully next time. Savon, sending positive energy your way so you can find the strength to stay AF today. I know what you mean about just being sick of it, that's a good opportunity to set a plan so you can reach your goal. Good luck

                            Hope everyone reaches their goal today -- ODAT!
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                              ODAT (One Day at a Time) Monday

                              Wow You are Rockin it.
                              Thanks for the word on Monster. My cousin recommended Craigslist. Perhaps I shall give it a try. I interview for my "dream" job next Monday. Hope you recover from your cold soon.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

