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just looking answers .

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    just looking answers .

    Hi there, I am only 24 this thursday so I am young but I can feel myself slipping off rails and I want help but I am scared bout it. I am most scared as I am mum. :-( I am married but we recently split, since this its got worse, the good think is we are hoping to get things back on track but I have quit booze even just while to see if I do have major problem.

    The thing is see somedays I dont drink it might b for 3/4 days mayb more but when I do, the same as I seen alot you say you have glass an before you know its the bottle or more. I never know when stop, I have told my husband before I will quit but I just find my self slipping back in and I am honestly scared as I love him so much and I dont want loose him for sake of ?5.00 bottle wine!! The point is I know I need help but I am not sure how to, and I am worried I will losse my little girl.

    Can anyone help me with these problems please? :thanks:

    just looking answers .

    Hey Pink, welcome. Thats a brave thing you have just done, admitting your problem and asking for help.
    Firstly have you read the book that forms the basis of the programme for this site? That would help you begin to get a plan together to help yourself. Theres lots of options, for example supplements, medications, hypnosis CDs, the support here or a combination of all these.
    Let us know your thoughts and how you are doing OK?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      just looking answers .

      Hiya, thank you hun. Not yet im still trying familiar myself with site, but I will do hun. I am ok feel bit werid I wish my hubby here to support me. Hold my hand kinda thing as id feel stronger with him. how you doin?


        just looking answers .

        Well, you have everyone here to support you through this now. And when you are stronger your hubby will be very proud of you as you will be of yourself.
        I am doing great today thank you.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          just looking answers .

          Hi Pink
          Today's my first day here too, and already I've found it to be a really helpful place, lots to read and great people who have given me some good advice and support. I hope you find it supportive too. It's tough being on your own but you've made a good and brave move posting here tonight. Good luck and take care of yourself


            just looking answers .

            Thanks everyone for all messages, I do really appreciate it, Im glad you are all doing well today. I not had drink all day today, one day lot more to go!! I am being strong though, I am just searching for where get info from on here. I am glad you find this website helpful too, so far so good xxx


              just looking answers .

              Hi pink, welcome. It's really great that you are reaching out and deciding to do something about your drinking. You are so young and with a husband and child, you have so much to live for and enjoy! I wish you well. Congrats on not drinking today!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                just looking answers .

                I feel so alone 2nght, I just had arguemnet with my ex hubby. I feel so low, i feel like im broke, he doesnt belive me when i say i mean i am goin help this time,as i have said it before!! I have never joined a site like this before though. How can i prove him I am trying get help before i loose my marriage too. I am so lost. Does anyone no where i can go to help as well as on here. Im in cardff xx


                  just looking answers .

                  Pink, I think Cymru lives near you...I am sure he will know of some alcohol help centres nearby. I expect he will be on later...If he doesnt see this thread, I will ask him to pm you.
                  It will take time to gain the trust back from your hubby, just as it took time to lose it. Just keep working on yourself. Actions speak louder than words.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    just looking answers .

                    Hey Pink,

                    Hello from me! I am not that far from you honey...I am in Bath (not far from you in Wales).
                    There are NHS drop in centres sprinkled all over the UK (So you don't have to visit your GP), I am not sure whether there are any in Cardiff though hon.

                    Cardiff - Home, Alcohol & drugs, Alcohol and drugs

                    I have put a link to Cardiff Drug and Alcohol Services. I approached a similiar service in London when I lived there and there are numerous education programmes and support groups (Stress Management, Alcohol Education, Phschologists etc) that do not charge ??'s to visit.

                    You are young honey. Please do something now for you, your kids and your marriage.
                    Let us know how you get on.


                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      just looking answers .

                      Yeh I no hun, I have concentrate on me now an then hopefull everything b ok. I appreciate you asking cymru for me i really do.


                        just looking answers .

                        thanks amelia, i will hun im serious this time i cant cope it anymore causes more rows than its worth hun. Il try link now apprecitated hun thank you xx


                          just looking answers .

                          Please get back to us Pink and let us know how you are getting on.

                          Don't be afraid of phoning the NHS groups. Lovely people and really helpful....and confidential if you want them to be.
                          There is a tonne of info on this site as you have probably worked out.
                          Thinking of you sweetie.....
                          Do something now, before your drinking gets worse!

                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            just looking answers .

                            Pink, I have sent Cy a pm so I am sure he will be contacting you soon.
                            Like Amelia says, ask for the help you need. You can do this...
                            Take care and let us know how you are doing OK?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              just looking answers .

                              im ok guys thanks seeing baby. im still upset, but not as bad was early on. hows everyone nght?

