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I can't do this.

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    I can't do this.

    hey D2E how are you doing mate?? Let us know how you went...good or bad. Remember as long as you trying there's still hope, so don't stop trying :l


      I can't do this.

      Hi D2E
      I hope that you are feeling better today. I go through all of the symptoms that you describe after every binge. It totally sucks and you don't every have to go through this again. I needed medical detox. Do not hesitate to reach out to your doctor for help if it gets to be too much. Please keep us updated. You have been given lots of great advice. Hang in there.:l
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        I can't do this.

        How did you make out Down2Earth? I hope you are ok. How do you feel this morning? I did not go cold turkey but cut my consumption last night by 3/4! Oddly enough, I slept like a demon, probably thanks to melatonin, and sweated through 4 sets of pj's. Gross! But I take that as a good sign of detoxifying.

        Whatever happened with you, please keep posting.



          I can't do this.

          Morning remedy for the "HATEFULS" ...

          Vanilla Yogurt in a bowl..
          add.. some fresh chopped fruit..
          preferably Prunes.. or raisins, bananas, peaches, apples ...
          Top with Granola ..

          Water and Lemon..

          Repeat .. :H

          This should clean out toxins and get you back to Earth and on your way!!!



            I can't do this.

            I did drink last night but a lot less than normal. I did take melatonin, and slept well until about 2... when I realized my heat was on, so I was very sweaty. I started to get a panicked feeling, so I got up and took the dog for a long walk. I went home and laid on the couch and tried to just breathe and believe in myself.

            All in all, not a success, but an improvement.


              I can't do this.

              Congratulations, any victory is a victory! Maybe you can cut down a little more tonight. I'm glad for you. And your dog, who had a nice walk!

              Seriously, I did basically the same thing last night, slept pretty well, had lots of sweating despite the heat being off and my apartment being COLD. Oddly I feel much better today even though my progress has been small. It is inspiring me, though.

              Don't beat yourself for not being perfect.



                I can't do this.

                Thanks Crazy, and congrats to you too.


                  I can't do this.

                  thanks for the update D2E & Crazy...well done.
                  Try to hold onto how that felt so you never have to go back there.
                  How about AF today??



                    I can't do this.

                    KEEP STRONG
                    WE ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU
                    Stay close to the MWO sight, and use us as your crutch, not AL
                    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                    • Yesterday is History
                      Today is a Mystery
                      Tomorrow is a GIFT

