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I blew it again!!

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    I blew it again!!

    Well ? I blew it last night! Almost five days AF and then bam all for nothing! I?m so angry and ashamed of myself.

    It was all going so well and I was on a real euphoric high in my AF state. I felt great ? so positive and alive and I know it was just five days, but I?ve already lost some weight. Anyway ? I was set to fail yesterday. I rushed out of the house to work, and half way there realised that I had forgotten my trusty bag with all of my supps in. I thought I would be OK, but as the day went on the craving got worse and worse. I had to shop for tea on the way home and a bottle of wine leapt of the shelf into my basket.

    I had this inner argument going on telling myself that one glass wouldn?t hurt ? well, you know the rest. I feel like absolute pooh!

    So back to day one today. I remembered my bag of pills today ? so hopefully the same won?t happen again. Wish me luck
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

    I blew it again!!

    The way I see it, you were AF for several days and now you know that the store is a huge trigger for you. I think of this process as a journey. Yeah, we'd like to never slip, but the reality is that if we do, it is best to start trying right away again. And you are doing that. So....even though you are disappointed in yourself, you've had a taste of AF life and you liked it, so much that you are going back to it now. I'm sending positive thoughts your way.


      I blew it again!!

      You did not "blow it" Snap. As long as we are breathing, we have a chance to keep fighting. Never give up. You can do this.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        I blew it again!!

        Don't get so down on yourself. It has happened to me more times than I can say. I think that you will not drink a matter of fact I know it.
        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


          I blew it again!!

          it's okay

          Don't get angry, get even! This week will be much better for you, so hang in there.


            I blew it again!!

            Snapdragon, I know exactly how you feel, I've done it so many times! I know my danger time is calling into the supermarket at teatime, or stopping for petrol on the way home from work (the petrol station has a Costcutter attached to it, v dangerous!) and the little voice going "just one glass, it'll be fine...."

            But you did 5 days AF which is GREAT!! And now you've done it once you know you can do it again. Let's ODAT together, we can do this



              I blew it again!!

              Snap, 5 days is great! And you know how good you felt! Get right back there! If you start today, you'll be on day five this Saturday. You can do it!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                I blew it again!!

                Just wanted to reiterate what the other guys have said really. Donk knock yourself so hard. That you did 5 days is brilliant. It means you know you can and that you know it felt good, that is positive. That you slipped once due to lack of supps means you can see the supps are working for you and that too is positive. And that you now know to avoid the store, to start with at least at that time of day is also positive. I bit more life planning, i,e dont forget ya supps and make sure you dont need to shop and you will be AF for many days before you know it. And if you have any problems, try and learn what you can from them and add this to your future action plan, rather than feeling bad which can lead one to thinking "sod it I have already got it wrong once, might as well carry on" and you so obviously dont want that.

                Im new, so if this is rubbish, apols in advance!!!!! Love Moo
                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                but in what direction we are moving."


                  I blew it again!!

                  The worst thing you can do is kick yourself (we know, we do it too).

                  We are here to help you back up, remind you why you are here in the first place and encourage another voice when the demons return. Alone we have trouble (we know this too), together we can become our dreams.

                  What are your dreams?
                  My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


                    I blew it again!!

                    Don't beat yourself up!
                    I'm sure we've all experienced similar days.
                    Focus on rebuilding your self esteem and confidence, it's a must. My worst days have always been when my self esteem tanked for some reason and anxiety took over. I have found that if I keep my anxiety under control, the rest is fairly easy. I swear by herbal anti anxiety supplements.

                    Hang in there, you can do it - you already have!
                    Thinking of you,
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      I blew it again!!

                      OH SNAP....:-),

                      I haven't gotten past five days yet either....yes we learn as we go. I learned that I have to do my shopping in the morning or on a Saturday morning.....if I go after work....the wine does jump right off the shelf. Back to day 3 now. Sorry...Sunshine on our AF week promise....I blew it.


                      Everything I need is within me!


                        I blew it again!!


                        You can do this! ODAT.
                        You're a winner.

