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The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

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    The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

    Hi all. Hope everyone has a good day.

    A message from yesterday from Oney: "Just popping in to wish you luck with the new Aus-Zea thread!!! Great idea!" I like the play on Aussie.

    But, don't forget Singapore (Betty) and anyone else in this timezone. There are other countries down here apart from Aus and NZ you know.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

    The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

    Morning all - don't yet know what the day will bring.

    Answering a couple of questions from yesterday - the nearest fires to me were at Bendigo - a safe distance away. My dam is completely dry and the ground water is now very low down in the aquifer so even the bore is no longer working. Guess this stuff only makes sense to the rural bods and I actually don't know who's rural and who's city based.

    Anyway - the first day of autumn is not far away and I welcome it. Have a good day.


      The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

      I am going to invest in an Atlas so I am more familiar with everyones location. I am afraid geography never was my strong point....
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

        Hi Tawny. Day has dawned cloudy here, but blue sky so hopefully the sun will make an appearance soon.

        Are you on a farm Tawny? Bad if the bore won't pull the water.
        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
        AF May 23 09 to July 09
        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


          The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

          Yeah, the sun just appeared. It must have heard me.
          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
          AF May 23 09 to July 09
          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


            The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

            Morning all!

            Have major PMS. I was hysterical this morning trying to get the kids out of the door. The oldest was straightening his hair!! Then I washed my phone with a load of towels. I've told their Dad I'm going to an early Yoga class tomorrow so he's on duty Lol.

            Starts - you'll have to look REALLY hard to spot Singapore on a map. We're at the bottom of Malaysia, and so tiny there is often a red dot to show where we are. If there's no traffic you can drive east to west coast in around 50 mins!

            Morning panicked.

            Tawny, I so wish wecould send you some of our torrential rain showers!

            I'm off to wallk the dogs - J Russell, Italian Greyhound and a very mean Chihuahua - and then to Yoga.

            Have a good Wednesday

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

              Hey Betty - great to see those days monting up in your signature!!

              End of the working day here ... was going to cycle home wiht a friend, but she hasn't got back from a meeting, and if I leave it later wont get to my swim squad on time. Not a lot to say, but awfully glad this thread is here!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

                Auntie - yup, I'm really glad too. There's just some stuff going on in our part of the world that probably isn't important or of interest to anyone else. Like today, another 50 Kiwi firefighters came over to give our bods a hand. Thank you New Zealand!!!!

                Just spent some time with one of our local CFA guys who's been away at the fires and home for a short while - he's been doing 3 x 12 hour shifts starting at 2am. I asked how he can possibly sleep at 2pm, the hottest part of the day, and he tells me they're so bug*ered, they could sleep anywhere, anytime.

                Betty - I love Italian greyhounds. Such elegant dogs.


                  The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

                  Hi all, SB I've got PMS too right now - some months it really makes me insane. And if I used to drink when I had PMS I would totally write myself off.
                  This morning the 2 yr old wouldn't get in the car, and then I had to drop the 4yr old off but had forgotten his premission slip for the excursion today, so back home to get it & back to kindy, there was no way I was going to make my class at the gym (which is my hour of sanity) UGH so I took the 2yr old for a little play in the park...was a gorgeous morning. And then felt better.
                  Anyway, 90210 is on telly tonight (I know, I'm tragic - but I was there the first time around and it's a fun/easy watch)
                  I love this thread too.


                  PS Tawny - I'm a city girl but I know a bit about life on the farm. I swear rural Aus must be one of the only places on earth we're we look forward to Winter!!! i know I did in Sinney.


                    The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

                    Oh and Mame, cycling home from work?? Swim squad??? You Go Girl (loving that show too!!)



                      The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

                      I have missed so much information on the fires as I was on holiday in Japan. (which incidentally is same time zone as WA) Am trying to catch up, as although front page news did not give in depth detail. Haven't seen the news since I got back. So hope to catch up tomorrow, as have to go to Sydney in 30 minutes..
                      Good idea starting this Next Day Thread.


                        The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

                        Yikes! I just realised this is in Just Starting Out. I've been here forever. Am I still allowed to play?


                          The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

                          Hmmm, 4,000 plus posts. Probably Lucky will have something to say!!


                            The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

                            Rags ... don't you mean LuSHy????

                            And, furthermore - why are you such a post miser? You've been here for some little time too ...


                              The Next Day Thread Wednesday 25 Feb 09

                              Oops, I did mean Lucky the ducky, but heavens, Lushy is far more formidable than the fluffy duck.

                              Yeah, I must get back to posting.
                              Any word from Kate? She can't be sulking 'cause I knocked here off the games board! And whatever happened to Wattle? Hope they're OK.

