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Why am I not as strong as all of you

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    Why am I not as strong as all of you


    Everyone here at MWO are here because they have a problem with AL, whether they are trying to Mod or have decided to go AF long term. So don't ever think you aren't "worthy" to post here!

    I have been a drinker for over 20 yrs. I have tried to stop at different times, for my family or other reasons. This time though-It's all about me. I'm doing this for me. My family is glad but doubtful. and that's ok.
    I don't keep any AL in the house. The first month I only left the house by myself when I had to. I used the toolbox and other peoples post to learn about triggers and how to cope with cravings. I try to execise daily. I've also used execise to help me get through cravings.
    I have started to go to AA meetings. For me it's a safe way to reemerge back into the real world.

    Blanchie, set yourself a goal, whether it's AF or Moding. Then start figuring out the things you need to do to reach that goal. ODAT and with babysteps. and come here for support.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      Why am I not as strong as all of you

      BB, you've gotten some great posts on this thread. It really isn't so much about "strong" or "weak," I think, but about deciding it is time to make changes, and that it is worth it to really work on making changes. As some have pointed out... getting alcohol out of the house is a major change for some people, and in some marriages or families, that is a challenge. But it can be done and for some, it is absolutely necessary for our survival. Changing our schedules around... don't go places where you can buy booze, during or close to the times you normally begin drinking.... do different activities during your normal drinking hours, always have a glass of good non-alcoholic drinks in your hand... exercise, movies, bowling, church, there are endless examples of things we are not used to thinking about because our lives are so narrowed-down to drinking. We have to expand our thinking and expand our activities and... make changes... Please read the "tool box" thread again... make a plan. The plan can be your strength, along with the support you can get here. Log on here and post messages BEFORE you start drinking, OK?


        Why am I not as strong as all of you

        From what I see in all of these fine folks post is a common thing- this is DAMN HARD. And there is no way to make it not harder except for to accept that it is damn hard and somehow I have to find a way to not drink in spite of that. I am not always successful either. I have read your posts from when you didn't drink and see how pleased you are, they have helped me. Try and remember what that feeling is- it helps. Keep trying and keep posting. You are DEFINITELY doing better because you are still here.


          Why am I not as strong as all of you

          Blanch -- Lots of good advice here. My strong advice is to keep coming to MWO and post, post, post. We care about you and want to know how you are doing. Unfortunately, not sure any of us are "stronger" than you. For some of us, the monster AL has just run its course. We still have to fight -- and some of us slip. The key is not to give up. Do not lose hope because if you keep fighting, success is possible and probable. Once I stopped drinking for five years only to believe I was "cured", so I had a beer and that started it all over again. This time, I struggled for 8 years to get out of the grip of AL and now I am so happy to say I am 8 months sober. It comes Blanch -- God Bless you and please, keep us in your daily thoughts and we want to hear from you -- no matter what. :l


            Why am I not as strong as all of you

            Blanch you're not alone
            I did the samething last night. I feel awful not only physically but emotionally. I have to do this for myself and my relationship. Let's hang in there.
            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


              Why am I not as strong as all of you

              I'm hearin ya

              Hey BBoo,

              We're all in your corner. Like what Sheepie said 'It's Damn Hard'. Heck, what in life that's worth having isn't hard to attain.

              Try not to feel so down on yourself. Your head is in the right place wanting to be AF and when you come here to this forum, You are in the Right Place in your head.

              You know you want to quit, therefore it will happen. 'Law of Attraction' see the vision you want and it will be yours (but be patient Rome wasn't built in a day).

              So much Great Advise from everyone. Keep reading and threading and NEVER Give Up Fighting the Good Fight.


                Why am I not as strong as all of you

                Thank you all for the encouragement. It means so much and really helped a lot. I made it thru my trigger time and I feel really good. I just got off the treadmill and fresh and clean...and sober.
                Thank you so much:thanks:


                  Why am I not as strong as all of you

                  Way to Go Blanchie
                  It will get better each day. Keep up the good work!!:goodjob:
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    Why am I not as strong as all of you

                    I SO understand you, blanchie. I am right now going through a breakup ... and I am trying SO hard not to call him! It's OVER. And... all I want to do is drink.

                    I'm actually sober right now. But. This pain I'm feeling is more than I can do.

                    Just hate it. Not sure how I'll make it thru tomorrow, except one thing is for sure: the longer I do without HIM and without Booze.. the easier it gets.

                    I KNOW that. Yet.. I can barely get through ONE day.

                    Have to. Have to BITE my tongue and NOT call him... NOT drink.

                    ...I know that after just ONE week of not calling and NOT drinking, I'll feel so much better. Can I do it? YES. It's just a matter of When.
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      Why am I not as strong as all of you

                      Maybe you haven't seen my posts about how much I f-up at this....don't fret, your not alone...and this does really suck...sorry I'm not much help but just know you are not alone!


                        Why am I not as strong as all of you

                        Dove, knowing that I am not alone is so much help. More than you know. Thank you so much. We can do this together. Hang in there.
                        Savon, I am so sorry about your break-up. You are telling yourself all the right things. Stay strong, I know you can do it.


                          Why am I not as strong as all of you

                          Don't be sad!!! You are human and who knows what people go through. You have posted and that is good. I too wanted to know how people got sober and it will come in time. Keep strong and you will get there


                            Why am I not as strong as all of you

                            How are you doing Blanchie?


                              Why am I not as strong as all of you

                              Blanchie, I hope that you realise from all these posts that its not about "weak or strong". It's simply about addiction and decision. Most of us have tried many times an fallen many times.

                              I know that I can only manage with ante-buse. It stops the intenal conflict and voices. The first time I took my ante-buse, I was terrified. I really did not know if I would last the whole day. I have even tried drinking on ante-buse... not a good idea.

                              Thing is, I am now starting to realise that being sober is not that bad and being drunk is not that much fun. I am starting to really enjoy sobriety and that makes all the difference.

