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    New here today

    Hi all i was just looking up about some medication called baclofen on the computer and i came across this site,I was watching a program on the tv this morning and an article came on about a Doctor who was an alcoholic and he also had suffered from social anxiety for most of his life thats why he started drinking in the first place.The tablets helped him quit and he has been free from alcohol for five years now,they also helped with his anxiety which he is free from.I thought it sounded to good to be true?
    well thats why im here,I have also just found out about social anxiety i have had it all my life but had never heard of it until a few weeks ago,thats why i drink so much to fit in and feel safe around people but it has got out of hand and im killing myself with it.I hope i can find help on here and look forward to hearing from others who can help,thank you for the site. JillyBean :new:

    New here today

    Hi JillyBean,

    Welcome! Yes, there's a lot of information on this site and social anxiety is common among those of us who drink too much. Please read more posts and get familiar with the forum. Ask questions. I also strongly recommend reading the My Way Out book which is downloadable from this site.

    I love your name!

    Take care,
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      New here today

      Welcome JB,

      Ditto on the advice on reading the book MWO, it was the beginning for me. There is lots of support here, so stick around and post daily.

      All the best to you on your sober journey!!
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        New here today

        Hello and Welcome Jilly
        I caught a little bit of that Doctor on TV. Very interesting. I too used AL as a way of self-medicating anxiety. It is good to see that they are having some success in this area with non-addictive medications. I look forward to following your journey. Best wishes.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          New here today

          Dee Bee I wish I was hot!! It's freezing in UK today!

          Welcome JB. I'm new to the forum as well. Spend time familiarizing yourself with the forums, threads and posts. Look at the meds thread which discusses a range of medicines you can take to help you in your journey. There's masses of information and you can ask whatever you like. Someone will help you you can be sure

          Take Care

          AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


            New here today

            Hey Jillybean,

            Welcome to the site!! Lots of fantastic info here. You might find the Meds section helpful in answering some of your questions on Balcofen.
            Yep I get anxious also. Mine is more about phoning people??? When I meet people I am ok and quite chatty...probably overcompensating for feeling nervous. :-)

            Keep reading and posting. Glad you found the site.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              New here today

              Thank you all so very much i hope i can find all the help i need and help others with problems as well,thank you


                New here today

                :welcome: JillyBean. I haven't heard about this social anxiety but I'm going to google now. I'm pretty sure I know/feel it too



                  New here today



                    New here today

                    Hi, you are one of many sharing this problem. I can almost have panic attacks if I need to phone someone. I have no problem giving a presentation to hundreds of people, but don't ask my to pick up a phone.

                    All I can say is that alcohol is no answer to the problem. I am dealing with my irrational fears and learning to confront the tight chest. Learning that my low self esteem is behind my telephone phobia, the irrational fear of being a nuisance, has been very liberating.


                      New here today

                      Yes, there's a lot of information on this site and social anxiety is common among those of us who drink too much
                      Welcome Jillybean. You got a lot of good advice above. You might also want to read the toolbox thread. It's in the monthly abstinience section. The articles on learning to deal with cravings have actually helped me learn how to cope with some of these social situations which in turn has helped my self-esteem. Good luck and keep reading and posting.
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                        New here today

                        Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the boards. I don't have a lot of posts under my name, but I've been on the boards for quite awhile now. Great support and information here!

                        For the last umpteen years, I have been using AL to "calm" anxiety and panicky feelings .. One of the evil things about it is that, sure, it calms it for a little while, but it makes it worse, making you want to drink more and more, etc., and the viscious cycle continues - and gets out of hand eventually. I was drinking morning to night (not drunk, but every couple of hours to "maintain") until a couple of weeks ago when I had a blood test and my liver enzymes were pretty bad. Talk about a "scared straight" moment.

                        I'm finding that feeling sober, during the day especially, is the greatest feeling ... one that I haven't felt in years. And, guess what - my anxiey is GONE.

                        I hope all goes well for you too!
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          New here today

                          Hi Jillybean

                          I found this site exactly the same way as you and I'm really looking forward to finding my way around and getting the help I need to get off the booze once and for all, as I know I'm killing myself. I don't even know why I drink anymore as I don't have any confidence issues or other problems that need blotting out, its just become a ghastly habit which necessitates going to the fridge shortly after midday to pour my first glass of wine and then its downhill until I go to bed. You've had some lovely supportive messages so I'd like to add my best wishes and hope all goes well for you.



                            New here today

                            Thank you

                            I just want to say again thank you all so very much for the supportive messages,you all seem so lovely and helpful,I wish you all the best and hope to find the strength on here to get me through the hard times ahead. :thanks:


                              New here today

                              Welcome JB!

                              Sorry, I usually try to meet Wal-Mart greeter standards but I've been very preoccupied with life this week. So, rather late than never.. welcome!

                              You've already received some great advice on this thread... no need for me to add to it. Just know that this is a place for support, to ask for help (ESPECIALLY when you're about to pour a drink) and to bounce your quitting strategies off other heads.

                              Good luck and all the best!

                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

