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What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

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    What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

    OK, here I am again. Started out a month ago..only did 2 days AF at most. Taking all the supps, plus Kudzue Rescue, read the book-every word. Got distracted and am now drinking my wine, eating eating eating and gaining more weight and feeling depressed. I really do not think the Kudzue Rescue works...has anyone else had this experience? I was taking 3 at night. I still crave and am still preoccupied with thoughts of Wine. My stresses have not changed any---husband in the Middle East, 3 kids, a puppy, President of the PA and Brownie Scout asst. leader. When I have any time for myself, I am too tired to excercise...usually just watch TV, play on the computer, or read a book in bed (with Wine). Should I order the Topiramax? That seems to work for almost everyone! I was trying to go the Holistic route, but NOT working for me! I have ordered the Hypno CDs...
    Anyone else out there who needed more than Kudzu to get a good start?? Help!! I even went to a personal trainer who informed me what I already horribly out of shape I was...and I have not been back since! why does everyone else succeed at this but me???
    Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
    The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.

    What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

    Hi Keg,
    Well, it does seem to me that you've begun your recovery already and that is success. Bit by bit, day by day. Baby steps. Hey, you tried the supps, but now you can incorporate the CD's when they get to you. Recovery is about several things, not just one. It's trying and maybe you'll succeed a little, and fail at something else. The important thing is to write your small successes down on paper so you can refer to them at a later time. Maybe cutting back on some wine would be a good start. Maybe one glass less than the day before. There are a lot of great ideas and tools here so that your success will become more consistent after time. That's what it takes. Learning and time. You can do this!
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

      Hi Keg,

      I have to admit that the supplements didn't do anything for me, either. As a matter of fact, I felt bloated and just plain unwell while taking them. I seem to be doing OK under my own steam for now - so won't consider the Topa.

      It seems that you might need a little more help though... if I were you, I'd try the Topa and see if that brings you some relief.

      Best of luck - hang in there and don't give up, please.

      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

        As you know, it's not easy to get over a dependence on alcohol. But it is certainly do-able, when you are ready get determined to do whatever it takes to get alcohol out of your life. It's vitally important to remember that the supplements and medications recommended in MWO are very unlikely to completely remove all desire to drink. Much of this desire, and these cravings/impulses, arise out of habit, or long-term entrenched behaviors (and thinking patterns) that are not going to go away, for most of us, unless and until we make some significant changes in our daily routines, and in the way we allow ourselves to think about alcohol. There are a lot of helpful ideas in the "tool box" thread that address ways to begin to do this. They can help you put together a plan that will get you moving in the direction you want to go in.

        Best wishes to you...


          What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

          Your post makes it quite clear that you are overwhelmed with all you are doing and having a hard time taking care of yourself. Is it possible to ease up on the extra commitments and commit some time to you? You've got a lot on your plate; is it possible that you have some resentments or other feelings built up that you are trying to drink away??

          Just WIP says, we have to make some significant changes to our daily routines as well as changing our behavior.

          All the best as you keep trying.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

            Hey there!
            When I first started the supps and topa I felt VERY tired and bloated!!! I kept going though because I did see a change in my drinking habits. I continued...I just started on 150mg (topa)this week and will stop there and maybe even go back down to 100mg (we'll see of topa???) but I continue to work with my dr. I am doing the supps....but from what I understand from the book...most of those will end in two weeks for me....however I have chosen to do the GABA and this week I have also done the L-GLUT which I can tell has made a HUGE HUGE difference as well!!! Best of luck in whatever you decide...I really think it's a personal preference!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

              Baby steps is the way. You may not make it today, but tomorrow is a new day. In you is the desire to quit, unfortunately life beats down on us sometimes. I don't know where you live, but one of the best things I ever did was go for a walk. Take the kids and get outside if the weather is ok. Fresh air is great, you get a little exercise and time away from the house, where the walls can close in on you.

              I used Campral for 90 days and it really helped. I also followed South Beach because of me getting the sugar out of my body in every form at the same time really worked. I had more energy, I felt good (except for the gas from campral).

              Keep trying. Your children need you healthy and so does your husband. He has his war to fight and so do you - stay strong!
              Member since January 2008
              AF since August 25, 2008


                What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

                I found the Kudzu seemed to upset my system, although others seemed to profit from it. I tried the L-glutamine under the tongue as recommended with better luck. Cut open the capsule and just dump it in. Don't worry--it is tasteless--and the results are interesting.


                  What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

                  L-glutamine seems to work really well for me. I took about 1,000 mg (pill form) with lunch. Then, with the physical craving significantly diminished at my witching hour, my routine is what gets to me.

                  For me, personally, if I don't exercise, the effects of everything else I do (supps, CD's, sharing here) are all for naught. Exercise is crucial to any success I have. Even if its just to walk the dogs on tired days. I had one failure of a week when I didn't exercise, and it was by far the most misserable week since I've been working on this.

                  Keep working on it!
                  "If it is to be, it is up to me" -R Stayer
                  "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -Christopher Robin


                    What to do when NOTHING seems to work!


                    Kudzu did not work for me. I tried All One but looking at ingredients, I think it is overkill, depends on how good your diet is and how bad your drinking was, for me not necessary. Supplements are probably a lot for a GI system to take, leading to bloating and gas. I never tried L Glut because I don't believe something like that would work, just a personal opinion.

                    Should you take topa? This is just a personal opinion, if you can do it without drugs go for it. Why take something that will make you feel dopey if you don't have to? I always advise medication in severe cases (someone who is putting life in danger with drinking and driving) or if all else fails. It really does seem to work for a lot of people. And it helps people moderate. If you go this route, read up a lot on it and start with a low dose.

                    Consider other options like Campral and naltrexone.

                    And as the others wrote, work on your attitude. Have you ever tried a period of abstinence? If you can do it, it is so good for you. I am a believer in the hypnotic CD from MWO as well and meditation.



                      What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

                      hi keg,seems you have a war of your own going on,think you have to ease up, prioritize,your no good to your family if you wind up in the hospital,reasons unknown,i beleive the drugs your talking about are prescription,topo,kudzo and what ever else they use,its a band aid help;treatment is an option,but for you rt now it mite be out of the question,from my own experience over the years ,i chose to go back to my routes,meetings,here,online AA and most of all reading the AA book online,the 1st 164 pages starting at bills story,then theres stories from ordinary people,if you want to no where you could end up,i do wish you well Gyco ps just wanted to add what im saying here is a suggestion,does not make you alchoholic


                        What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

                        Keg, you sound clinically depressed to me, as opposed to just depressed mood. I know that alcohol itself can trigger depression, but have you been to see a medical professional? I am struck that your level of helplessness is profound and there is also a lack of enthusiasm for anything. These are all symptoms of depression. On top of all of that, you sound very isolated and lonely.
                        I am advising you to go and have yourself evaluated by a medical professional who has experience in addiction.


                          What to do when NOTHING seems to work!

                          I haven't taken any of the supplements, read the book or listened to the CD's. I just got sick and tired of ME> So far that's all it took and I'm 32 days AF. I think everybody has to get to the point that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

                          (I'm not saying that the supplements, reading the book or listening to the CD's don't help some, it's just something I haven't done)

                          If the supplements are not working for you maybe you could take a step back and figure out why they may not be working. I don't know...

                          I'm wishing you the best of luck in your journey.
                          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

